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Everything posted by grillguy85

  1. No. Don't give it a few years. Get rid of bad storytelling and the people that are tired of it. Why should I suffer because jimbob next door can't grasp the show and is tired of feeling dumb? Just watch American Idol.
  2. There was only a handful of episodes in season 4. And season 3. It seems no one can do a complete 26 ep. season anymore, let alone do it at once, now everyone needs mid-season breaks.
  3. I would like to see an Enterprise movie. But since that won't happen, I would like to see the Romluan war, like they should have done in Enterprise before it got shut down, to make room for "Who wants to marry the fat guy?" and other various crap like that.
  4. I'm wondering if you could define 'redneck' for me? I'm under the impression that the term refers to a negative stereotype that many would say has no place here, or anywhere for that matter. So stereotyping is bad? I don't think so, not in all cases. Some people are nothing but walking stereotypes. I don't think you should typecast someone before you know them, but I live in Georgia. Trust me, rednecks exist, and they are all mindless, and this boy seems to fit that description. If they still stereotype in the 24th century, what hope is there for ours?
  5. Wow. I can't believe this is important to anybody. I've always thought that a big step towards something like, ya know, world unification, was the UN. I'm an american and I'll tell ya, our government blows. I'm counting the days until I move to Canada. A grunt is supposed to act like it, and wear what he is told, go where he is told, etc. The purpose of a uniform is to identify the soldier. Which is kinda important. Does he think he can't serve his country by keeping the peace in others? I guess he can't look at the big picture. No ones looking at the big picture. We give imaginary lines so much power over us. But we can't begin to bother with interstellar disputes until we deal with our own little planet. And apparently we can't begin to focus on that until we all can agree what uniform looks the coolest. I bet Klingons never had this problem. If they did, it would just be a fight to the death anyway, which would probably be better off. Sorry ghostshadow, but, you need to re-examine the US. It's not everything you think it is. That is all.
  6. It's all good, but if you're not into watching more trek at the moment, I highly recommend Farscape. However, I don't understand what you don't like about Enterprise. Enterprise and Farscape was just about all I watched last year, or early this year, I don't know it's all a blur, but, yeah. If not Enterprise, Farscape.
  7. Someone needs to pull a Palpatine.
  8. So, If I do nothing but play computer games AND watch Star Trek, does that make me twice as cool?
  9. Is this seriously in question? An island is a land mass surrounded on all sides by water. Well, Australia is surrounded by water, so it must be an island. A continent is a principle land mass on Earth. Australia apparently satisfies the size requirments of being a continent, since, ya know, it's not just a settlement of people, it's a whole nation of them. So, Australia is both.
  10. This Just In! Optimist drowned in half-full bath tub!! I prefer to be realistic, as in, the glass is half done.
  11. I smoke, but I'm currently taking wellbutrin prescription quit smoking pill. 2 a day for three months. Doctor said keep smoking for the first 2 weeks, and then no more. It's been 4 days now, and already the cigarettes are losing their appeal.
  12. I say she's worthy because she's a refreshing face to see, better than carter anyway. She's kind of like Garak, in that she's mysterious. She works with the "good guys" now, but are they really friends, or just temporary allies? I'd like to see her character develop through the season, not just 5 episodes. It's great to see aeryn and crichton on tv again, as well.
  13. Janeway is a horrible captain. First off, she took them through BORG SPACE. Any real captain would set a course for the gamma quadrant and go through the wormhole. It would have taken just as long, but, NO BORG. Secondly, it's no big task her getting Voyager back home. The Enterprise D got hurled to a place where space, time and thought become one, and Picard got them back in less than a day. That is why people pick on Janeway.
  14. If they worked on the actual game instead of making newer and prettier trailers, then they might actually get something done.
  15. 76. Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies
  16. But, do droids understand the ways of the force? She died by the force, unexplainable to the droids. I just simply refuse to buy she died of a broken heart. Just because you lose the will to live consciously, that doesn't mean your subconscious and all of your body functions wish to die, it goes against the natural order of things. It's so cheesy and lame.
  17. She didn't die of a broken heart, that's just lame. She died because she was choked by anakin, and then she was on that hot as volcano planet, and she was driven insane because of anakin. droids wouldnt understand insanity, hence they can't diagnose it. any of those explanations are better than dying of a broken heart. I never said it would have to do better than the original trilogy combined. I said any of the movies. Ex. Episode 3 did better than Episode 4 Ex. 2 Episode 3 did better than episode 5 Ex. 3 Episode 3 did better than Episode 6 or the other 2, but nowhere did I say combined.
  18. Lucas said if Revenge of the Sith made more money than any of the other Star Wars movies, then he would go on to make 7, 8, and 9. And I agree, it should be The Heir to the Empire Trilogy, but so far he's stuck with his vision and not gone by what the books have given us. Personally, Zahn would have written all of the Star Wars stories a lot better than they are now, but whadaryagonnado? Two words: Sun Crusher.
  19. Episode 7, 8, and 9 had better be like that. I found supershadow.com claiming to have plot summaries from Lucas, but they were so much crap. All I want to see is Mara Jade. She needs to be in the next Star Wars movies, or the TV show. Or both. I just wish Lucas could get his continuity down. I suppose when you don't have fans that threaten to kill you when you make Greedo shoot first, it doesn't really matter.
  20. If the warp nacelles on Voyager were designed to stabalize the warp field, then this " cage" you refer to is known as...... The Tholian Web
  21. 1. TNG 2. Enterprise 3. Voyager 4. DS9 5. TOS
  22. It goes like this: Nemesis First Contact Insurrection Generations
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