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  1. dsw182

    The new word

    The supposed new link word for the new series is being referenced to on the BBC site http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/index.shtml It did have a cryptic message about "a new word" but at midnight changed the Torchwood logo. Probably nothing but the beeb messing with us again.....
  2. The cliffhanger just isn't in the "DUN DUN DUHHH" style. You have the disciples on Kobol (who don't really know who will survive) You have the fleet preparing to go back to Kobol (and they don't know what to expect or if the Kobol Fleet have been destroyed) And also, you could assume that both The Chief and Adama will get to meet Boomer2.
  3. Interesting that people think the "retro" look of Caprica takes them out of the story and that it seems obscure to have such a design theme. Yet, if you looked someones house today you could be sure to find something which harkens back to retro designs or fashions. If you look in the shops at the moment I bet you can find at least one item which is appealing to consumers nostalgia and taste for things past. So a "50s" radio and fridge are hardly a leap in dramatic licence.
  4. I discounted the two castings on page 2. I don't think it was Davies' false leak, more wishful thinking on the part of the IMDB fanboys.
  5. I didn't find him that convincing in his Quatermass role and didn't seem that believable. However, several of the other actors in the adaptation didn't seem to be that engrossed in their parts either so it's probably not a good example. BBC4 are repeating it every so often.
  6. You shouldn't watch the trailers....bit late now but you need to be surprised when you see Doctor Who tonight. I'm not bothered by the trailers, they tend not to spoil it for me. Until you've watched the episodes, you don't know anything. T-minus: 2.5 hours
  7. Can't believe it. There's no "7 hours to go" teaser trailer......
  8. I'd imagine a step up in the look, akin to that of the Borg when they were reconfigured for First Contact & Voyager.
  9. Daleks & worship - Think about where all the 'dead' humans from the Gamestation were actually being transported to.
  10. I've read the so-called "spoilers". Each one is different. It appears that each of the press screenings were different versions with varying scenes. Even those who have seen the episode, haven't actually seen the true episode shown on Saturday. All that's available is misinformation.
  11. It would obviously look a tad silly to have the traditional Cybermen. They updated the look of the Daleks very slightly, I would have thought the Cybermen will require more of a makeover.
  12. Yeah TVTome has closed. All of the information from the site was transferred over. It simply isn't as good a site as TVTome. The show editors (like me) haven't been given a guarantee that we will be given our show pages back, due to some loyalty point system which TV.com uses. Sucks.
  13. It's the classic fantasy tale set of characters: Older/wiser Wizard type = Doctor Who Princess = Rose Rugged hero/pirate = Jack Evil Villain = Daleks
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