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  1. I totally second that ! :) On several episodes, I found myself awaiting her appearance more than any other character. I agree with the opinions she's been too much lately, objectively. but even then I didn't find her that annoying at all. And I really enjoyed her at the end of 2x17. That must be the romantic in me overpassing the cynic layers :) I think she'll get better from now on, and we've seen her worse (for now, at least..) I'd vote for "the highlight of the show" personnally, but it seems I can't vote. Poll posters can't take their own poll ?
  2. oopsie, sorry, my bad ! I've got an excuse though, english is not my first language. So please 'bear' with my terrible mistakes, I'm trying my best. ;) and actually thanks for correcting me, that's the best way for me to improve my english.
  3. (underground ?) Actually, the thing I find weird is how much some civilians tend to oppose authority, as if they didn't feel the emergency of their situation and the efforts they have to accept to survive. But adama's and roslyn's reactions to the evenments seem ok to me. adama let roslyn be president because a. he respects her judgement b. has too much to handle already c. considers he still has the ultimate authority, roslyn's authority on him is only theoretical. (combined with previous points : she is useful to him). d. he's not willing to go in the direction of a military dictature (their status as a fleeing fleet quickly is long-term, with no hope of change in any near future) All the issues you mention do get resolved under the (adama-tolerated) republic. are you saying adama is bound to declare martial law at the very first of these issues without trying the republican solution first ? And do you think martial law would work so much better in those situations ? if the population was docile maybe, but those issues appear precisely because they are inclined to rebel and seem very attached to their citizen rights, disregarding the consequences. with that kind of citizen, I'm not sure enforcing martial law with one battlestar vs a civilian fleet (which are the ones with the ressources) would work so well. or, you go all the way to enforce the military authority and risk wasting considerable ressources from conflicts with/repression of/ the civilians.
  4. it's probable, yes. But that doesn't make alternative issues impossible. I think the authors managed to create a context in the beginning (with Roslyn exercing authority on her side of space before reuniting with the military, who then completely disrespect her authority, until adama realizes she is right and that leads him to accept roslyn's worth and let her keep her authority for now) which allows for a realistic scenario where the fleet starts her exile *without* martial law. From then on, as long as the civilian side of things go according to Adama's taste, he has no reason to declare martial law : that would only make the military handle more work, and they're already overwhelmed. (1 battlestar, a few marines, and so many civil ships..) He resorts to martial law the first minute he's not happy with the civil government. I find it pretty realistic so far, don't you ? The authors probably wanted the fleet to have civil government so as to make situations interesting to us, citizens of earth. I find they came up with a good scenario to reach that goal.
  5. digging thru previous threads, I read one about starbuck and was surprised by how many posts conveyed negative opinions on that character. So, I'd be interested in getting some stats.
  6. hmm yeah it might have been deleted scenes in past episodes, that werent needed then but became mandatory for the background of this one. still feels like a quick, small addition to the past to overcome a lack of planning when cutting the previous episodes . I'd agree those 2 sentences are merely details, but they were enough to make me feel like I had skipped an episode somewhere, bad way to start a new episode.
  7. at the start of 2x17, in the "previously on BSG" section, there's 2 phrases (one by number 6, the other by commander Adama) that I don't recall ever hearing in past episodes. The one by Commander Adama, telling who he chose as new commander for Pegasus (Garner or whatever his name is), I'm sure wasn't there in the scene showed, I checked the episode that is scene is from (black market). the other, number-six telling Gaius he *has* to run for president, I don't remember either. Did they just make that up ? I always assumed that part was summing-up past episodes, possibly using different words than the exact ones used by the characters at the time, but still just sum-up what happened, and not *add* new elements to the past. Isn't that the usual assumption ?
  8. yeah I liked it too. - the point of Pegasus jumping to rescue the raptor could need some justification, I agree. though, when I try to imagine a rescue party of raptors and vipers having to bring back potentially incapacitated raptors back to the capital ship thru FTL travel, I'm guessing it's not possible and it can make sense they need the pegasus so as to retrieve the ships. (still they'd normally do a recon first, and rescue the crew into the raptors, and then bring the pegasus to retrieve the ships..). Oh well... - Lee & Duala : their relation supposedly didnt include sex before Billy was out of the picture. 1 month is a decent enough time to mourn (keep in mind their relation wasnt meant to be eternal in the first place. they werent married, not even fiances), further more in the context of being the last thousands of human beings running away from extinction. We had a hinch that Duala was attracted to Lee for quite some time now, and wasn't tied to Billy more than she was attracted to Lee. E.g., she did say at some point she didn't consider *marrying* billy. So it does make sense. Lee's attraction for Duala wasn't so intense at first, now either it got into a real romance, or he's just having a good time with duala. Guess we'll find out. There already were other signs that human relations on that fleet can easily lead to sex without too much fuss nor second thoughts. I like that, and IMO that's rather realistic. I much prefer see BSG characters get into intimate relations that easily than turn BSG into a romantic novel filled with people holding up their desires for months, yearning for the one they love etc etc. That just would not make sense when you're writing about that fleet of survivors.
  9. I'm french too, and personnally I prefer using english subtitles, if any. (though, they're often only available as a hearing-impaired sub and then you get distracted by useless lines - "[instrumental music playing, with the sound of rain falling in the background]" grrrrrrr) english subs are enough to pick the few words here and there that you didn't have time to get right. and it's surely the best way to improve one's vocabulary. I haven't tried to get subs for BSG yet, so far I understand all the characters right most of the time. but if anyone has some, I'm interested I'd be interested to have a look (and hear:) at the french voices. I'm already pretty sure Bill Adama's french voice won't be quite as good as the original.. Also, some of the "parallel dialogues" Gaius have when talking with N6 meanwhile talking to other people are subtle (they even brought me to enjoying the N6-Gaius moments), and chances are they don't get through translation very well. great, I'll look for them. merci àtoi ! :)
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