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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Relentless

  1. Perhaps my avitar explains something for some of you.
  2. DS9 - Seen everything over and over.... Voyager - Seen everything over and over.... ENT - 1-2 times. TOS - Unsure TAS-TOS [Animated Original Series?] - a few times.
  3. Trip and T'pol are my first choice, of course in DS9 "Valient" I think that girl who was healing jake sisko's wounds up and during their interaction about Luna [Earth's moon] and all the past-times given a bit more time and creative thinking I think those two could have made a nice pair
  4. Childish stuff here but w/e, it ammuses me nonetheless when the google adds get wasted hehehe.
  5. Or you could simply use your computer , yes the one you're posting from to "File Transfer" VIA Aol Instant Messanger "AIM" [it has a good file transfer thing going on there eh] MSN messenger file transfers for ijnstance seem to be slow as hell.
  6. I've practiced Martial Arts and I can very well tell you from experience that in practice, Martial Arts can help you discipline yourself provided you have a sufficient teacher. The arts are definately nothing to be used for offensive purposes but in self-defense in my oppinion anyways. Of course then again in offensive for the defensive. Lmao loll I'm confusing myself here. Well the point is, I was calmer and less hostile when I was going to a dojo and working out. It's great exercise and you can learn stuff from people who've been through more than youself :)
  7. It also looks as if people gleefully enjoy making a joke out of other people's beliefs and cultures through punk-posts with ignorance all wrapped into one tortila without strings attached... how oh so entertaining!
  8. Lmao Crewman Carlvsi hahahaha! yes I'd like a cup of coffee doulbe-double on THE double!
  9. No infact, I was once a bit taken back when I told a girl at my work that I was choc-full of star trek books and movies.... the suddenly unexpected "YOU'RE A TREKKIE??!???!?!?!" and "OMFG I LOVE YOU" freaked me out a bit... I never expected to be emraced with such forcefullness....
  10. I just surfed google and joined because it's a nice place.
  11. Good thing I'm not the average american consumer... it would be creepy for you to know about me :) I AM CANADIAN mhauhahaha
  12. Name: Joshua Location: Canada Hobbies: Reading, Watching Star Trek, Fencing,Bycycling. Age: 17 years 7 months as of post.April 20th 1988. Games: STA2,STUN apezone.com,
  13. nice of you to post this stuff
  14. I have a a sort of ground rule with myself Never Believe In Conspiricy Follow Fact and Science that has constructive evidence to proove either conflict to be the true answer. B) Though i may stray from the path...
  15. October 1st is my sister's birthday and i slept all day so i couldn't call her.... oh well lol.
  16. May your basements be with you Americans :) Or may it have been with you.... I'm in Canada so...
  17. A generous seven :P How did you come to that conclusion? It's a pirate insignia on a flag basicly more a special effect than anything, it's a sign of my rebellious side :) Now when I said 7.5 i was rating the avitar above me, however iI gave it a 7.5 due to the fact that there were background elements distracting one from the true focal point of the avitar which would be the intimidative stare of the more in-view romulan. ---- To rate your avitar I'd say due to the over-done flashing orange stuff blocking the view of that person and not enough of the 'person' blocked from our views.... and to not forget the mystical flashing things in it.... it deserves a 6.3 due to visibility issues, either that or it's my eyes :P Though you've probably seen that cartoon before and probably seen that character's face I havn't :) So yeah thats how I rate it :)
  18. This seems impartial to the true capabilities of the Borg. You see the borg a collective consciusness however under the control of one dignitary in this case the borg queen. Therefore they are a collective consciesness that follows orders and directions, as well as 'directives' and 'priorities' from one mind. Their sense of 'unity' or 'cohesion' is only a slight mirror of what they could hope to be. With having the thoughts of countless lives under a certain state of thinking to me is like a form of 'brainwash'. Let's not also forget that the borg's nanoprobes assimilate normal humanoid's genetics and basicly Borg Technknowledgy is a manipulative mind control thing IMHO. However unlikely it sounds, I'm willing to say that yes the borg is a "collective" though not neccasirly acting out of a collective 'thought' all the time but also being ordered by an appearing invidule the borg queen.
  19. I'm currently as of this post 17.
  20. 7.5 [Just A Note I've had this avitar before anyone else here decided to be a plaguristic bastard].
  21. You and others like you have a lot of nerve to assume what good old Gene Rodenberry would want. Furthermore you have no idea what he'd like and you never ever will. Everyone's a unique person and I don't believe you can control his thoughts with your mindgames and guilt-trips of "Oh Gene Would Want this". It's pathetic, I'd like to see people like you get off your physcological mind-game chairs and actually see the series for what it is, a series of star trek elaborated by a collective of writers and marketers to make a bloody living and eat, not to watch you sniveling pharts talk about what Gene would want. And appologies if that's too harsh but I'm somewhat of an 'exciteable' person. Quite emotional, infact so emotional I should get counceling from a Vulcan ;) To be even more honest, with military it shows tints of the human's previous moral and militaristic struggles in life and to ignore them would to be as to disregaurd any possibility of the human/Federation of having any capability for evil deeds. I'd hate to watch a series that made us out to be damned angels 100% of the time. I think that 98% of the time is better than the full blown "Human's are so culturally diverse and morally correct and not corrupt".
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