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Petty Officer (2nd) (5/24)



  1. Well I have been gone for a long time. However, this interested me. No, if a tree falls an no one is around, it does not make a noise. In order for the air molecules that have been moved to create a noise, there must be someone/something around to hear it. Unless there is, then no noise.
  2. I personally think they are trying to do to much "linking" between Enterprise and TOS and from then on, in the last few episodes. They still need to tie some technology in there too. They still don't use the transproters as much as they could, and I dunno. I just think they are trying to tie up to many loose ends at once.
  3. Well I am 25 (in June) married (to a lovely 22 year-old) and am expecting my first child in July.
  4. people just ask what needn't be asked. I will always try to put in my two cents, however. :rolleyes: I just laugh :rolleyes:
  5. TheRenegade


    Just trying to stir the pot a bit, but to all the people who say they are Atheist. I order to say "I don't beleive in God" is that not verifying his belief? You are refusing to believe in something that you say does not exist and therefore does not need to be believed in. Sounds kind of backwards to me. In my humble opinion, in order to refuse to beleive that something does not exist, you first need to acknowledge the possibility that it does. :p
  6. I would only be Captain of the Enterprise E, or the funky D from the future. Kick some Ass. And after voyager got back form the Delta Quadrant, I would make sure I got that kickass armor and the great weapons. And then go all vigilante on some Borg and whoever else wanted to play!!!
  7. Hell ya I would pay a buck an episode... Be WAY cheaper than the 180 or so it is for a season (26 eps).... Even at 2 bucks.....
  8. All forms of democracy are a farce and we are only fooled into thinking we make a difference..... Think of this comment my boss made to me once about how we run the plant. "This is a democracy, because we (boss and I) choose it to be!" Could that be true in government as well. Don't get me wrong I still vote and would rather be able to change leaders than have Hitler or a King, or something... But I still think we have less freedoms than the greeks originally hoped for when they created democracy....
  9. My wife has a HUGE test at 9.... ands its 4...... and shes sitting beside me on the other computer finishing here homework that is worth 25% of her mark...... Quick question, what the hell am I still doing up??? :stare:
  10. [quote=VonHelton"Too many Chefs spoil the soup." Amen to that brother!
  11. Me I am from Alberta Canada.... Any other Canadians out there??
  12. Well call me blind, or naive, or whatever you want but I don't think the world is going to drown by the ice caps melting (doesn't water take up MORE room frozen than it does liquid?) and I don't think the world is going to hit a deepfreeze like The Day After Tomorrow True if the whole temperature of the world goes up 10 degrees there will be famine, and drought, and well death and stuff. So that is what we must stop. Cut back on greenhouse gases, and maybe we should try to stop wasting much food and water. But we should also try to invent cleaner energy source. Like Fusion, Hydrogen, and what not. Rather than dump money into trying to clean up "dirty" industries, maybe we should try to get "clean" industries going and making money. You need to spend money to make money.. One last thing, I don't know if any of you guys like paying more than 2 bucks a gallon (80 cents a liter in Canada thats almost 3 bucks a gallon.) But the sooner we can develop clean and renewable energy source, the sooner we can say to the Middle East "You screwed us when we need cheap energy, and made us pay through the ass for oil and gas. So now that we have better energy source. You can go FUCK YOURSELF!!"
  13. The main problem behind piracy is the greed for the almighty dollar. People do not want to pay $20 for a CD. $30 for a movie. $70 for a new computer game. $150 for a season of TNG. We do not want to waste the little money that we have in order to pay for some exec at Warner, or Sony, or Universal new summer home, or his fancy sports car. I say if they want to fight piracy, make stuff cheaper. Would I pay $7 for that new cd? SURE! $15 for a DVD movie? WHY NOT. $50 for a season of TNG? HELL YA. If they want to keep technology growing and not infridge on profits then they need to find ways to make the content cheaper for the people. Make it so cheap that buying it is a WAY better idea than downloading it. We need the iPods, and TiVos and all that stuff because we are so busy in our lives that we cannot afford the time to watch our shows. Or we don't want to pay $20 bucks for that one Green Day song we like. Its the MPAA the RIA and the software companies that make billions each year that drive these sites, and drive this new technology. Everyone is out to make a buck, so why do we have to suffer? Technology will just be driven underground and black market if they keep this BS up. They are only hurting themselves.
  14. I have mixed feelings about the arcs. I like the extended plots and the more in depth storylines. However, if you miss a show you can't watch it next week or you're lost, or you spoil the ending. I liked TNG for wrapping things up and getting on with life, however sometimes it made for unrealistic things. Like Geodi and Data solving something or using some "theoretical" technology or hell inventing something new. And warping across the galaxy, or using the transporter to make them old again, or killing the borg, or... hell the list goes on and on. Like why don't Data and Geordi work at StarFleet-invent-things-place... So that is my mixed feelings, and I beleive most people would feel similar. I makes following the show difficult unless you can make the show every week (which is what they want I guess). But I am still a Trek fan and will be so until I die.
  15. Don't have a clue. Never actually heard that name before. Anyone know? Now I am interested
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