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  1. TOS - "No series ending though because episodic and cancelled early may be explaination." TNG - Hm I havent seen this end since its original airing (!) so it's been a while, let me try to remember. I remember that as you said not really anything changed. Q had his fun and schens ensued but nothing really *happened*. The feeling for a series end sometimes is that there should be a definite finate ending where the ship is decommissioned or they all die or something, but that really isn't the spirit of ST in my opinion. Every ep isnt supposed to be every day in their lives, things happen in-between and these are, for better or worse, notable events. As such, unless there's a catastorphic change in the plot, there's nothing that can really be a "real" end. And if there was, there would be no movies :) DS9 - Completly do not remember it Voyager - Pretty much the most final of any of these endings, even including the movies. They made it home. Game over. They win, bad guys lose. The implication is that the Borg were completly destroyed which is good as well. Sorta limits a movie unless time travel is invoked but otherwise, there you go. The most final and solid ending of all of them honestly but does it really fit in with the Star Trek spirit of human exploration? The series didn't really do that to begin with, so possibly the most fitting end. Enterprise - Still workin my way through the dvds dont ruin it ;)
  2. Sorry if I totally missed a few things in the history, but I've just watched the Borg Collective DVD set, most of First Contact, and read the Wiki, and I still have questions. Mostly, its about their control. In TNG it is stated and shown that the Borg are a unified operating conciousness. Sure, accepted, that is what they are. When they find Hue and talk to him and get him to become an individual, later releasing him and even later, having him break down the Borg, exactly how far out does that breakdown go? There was the cube of course which went haywire but the whole point of the Collective, as I thought it was, was that it would spread all over. This spreading is shown in the few times in Voyager when a virus is put into the Collective. The other related question is, what is the function of the Queen? I know that the point of her is that there is a whole lot of mystery, but while the Borg are usually a giant collective, she's somehow at the helm and can order them all around? And in First Contact she is basically killed, am I to assume that was just a temporal paradox where she in the "real" timeline ISN'T dead? Or did I miss something there? Just two things that I can't figure out when they come up :P any explanation is thankfully welcomed
  3. Are you implying that anyone ever considered these guys FAIR and REASONABLE? You can only call them hypocrites if anyone ever took their position seriously.
  4. Gotta be honest...I just joined, found this place from a link on a torrent I got. But yeh, nice job to the troll MPAA1 for implying all torrents are illegal. Nothing like a stupifying lack of knowledge to really show a person's ignorance.
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