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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by bobmook

  1. The second part of Terra Prime was quite good. The Finale made no sense really, it just seemed like a quick way to kill off Trip (I suppose that was some attempt to grab an emtional response from viewers) All in all the fourth season seemed to sum up the problems of the whole four year run, rather uneven quality thoughout. The series only seemed to ever really hit it's stride during the second half of the xindi run. But getting back to the finale it was, to quote the delectable Miss Blaylock, apalling.
  2. Hmmm normally I'm kinder than most to Enterprise on here, but at least one plot hole you could drive a truck through bothered me. In a time when space travel is becoming reletively common you have this uber weapon on mars totally unsecured? I mean all someone has to do is cruise on over and just hook up to the thing?
  3. "Correct! Enterprise will go to syndication, but with what it has. Syndication is what you & I call "repeats". .....This won't bring it back, however. The only thing that will bring it back is moving it to another channel immediately before it goes to syndication." by syndication I was referring to new independently produced episodes which are then aired by any station which has paid the appropriate fees (just like TNG was, check the various networks people have been saying it aired on...independent syndication). There are different kinds of syndication including original programming, reruns, etc. During Baywatches period of highest ratings it was not carried by any one network or channel however new episodes were syndicated, exactly the way TNG was done. Paramount's network accessibility is abysmal and if they keep a tight grip on any new Star trek franchise material (i.e. insisting it air on UPN ) then we have indeed seen the last of new Star trek programming.
  4. Actually I wouldn't be at all surprised if the show resurfaces in syndication, reaching a much larger potential audience. If you look at the scifi networks' success w/ Stargate it seems cable is the obvious choice for this sort of market and UPN's rather spotty availability doomed Enterprise to low ratings from the very beginning. To coin a phrase there's a rather Hassellhoffian opportunity here (as in when Baywatch was canceled then went on to become the biggest syndicated show in history) and, as I mentioned before, I'd be rather shocked if no one pursues it. On the other if no one does pursue said opportunity, the Paramount, through a series of the most boneheaded decisions I've ever seen, will have run their most lucrative franchise into the ground.
  5. With the utter absence of any empirical proof to the contrary I had to vote yes. This brings to mind a conversation I had w/ a physicist who visited the campus where I work. I brought the entire idea of space travel up to him and his opinion was it would never, ever, be possible due to whole mass approaching the speed of light = infinite mass (or weight) thing fom Einstein's equations. Thus from his point of view we are alone, for all practical purposes, since interstellar travel is effectively impossible. This means we will never have the wherewithal to make contact w/ any other species. Depressing but probably accurate. Of course I predict one day we'll build a ship which approaches the speed of of light and reenact the big bang.
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