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Rara Avis

Starfleet Academy
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Posts posted by Rara Avis

  1. OMG! Voyager Threshold? The hair stands up on the back of my neck. A tingling begins in my toes and heads upwards forcing me forward as I sit watching. Suddenly my popcorn is full of puke. No doubt the worst Voyager episode ever!!! Jesus, Mary and Joseph save me.

  2. I also have to add that I hate Klinger from M.A.S.H. and Murdock from the A-Team.  Speaking of which, why is it that pilotson tv are often portrayed as idiots?  Examples:  The pilot from the cartoon Ducktales and the one from Rescue Rangers,  Murdock was a pilot too if I remember right.  I had about 6 or 7 idiot pilots I was thinkin of when I couldn't get to my comp but now I can't hardly think of any.  Help me out here; who else was an idiot pilot and why do shows hate on pilots so much?

    Piloting a hunk of metal filled with highly flammable fuel while soaring through the clouds might have something to do with their portrayal as idiots. Just a thought  :p


    Almost forgot. I don't care for those Dixon Hill EPs either and Weasely was (and remains) the most annoying Trek character besides Nelix and Harry Kim.


    You don't like Klinger from M.A.S.H.? Whoa there fella, thems fighting words  :p

  3. Question: Seven of Nine's "Dermaplastic Garment". WTF?


    Her outfit is the only costume on the show where you can see the line of her panties as a relief underneath. Why wasn't she issued... you know... clothing? Like a pair of slack or a skirt and a top?

    And considering how shameless the "uniform" was for her - how come when Seven travelled the corridors, gravity seemed to ignore her... extensions? I don't know about you, but wouldn't it take a stupendous feat of engineering to keep them from bouncing around like a pair of UFC fighters just after the first call?


    Maybe that's where all the show's budget went after season 4.

    I believe I read (somewhere) that the wardrobe people had her laced into some kind of tight, restrictive girdle type thingy that made her boobs so prominate. If this is true, it might explain the lack of giggle.  :p

  4. What's with the Spock fixation anyway? Surely it's more about the dynamic between Spock/Bones/Kirk than the individual characters.

    So very true!


    Ah, I can see it now -


    Spock rocking in his rocking chair. Smoking some type of Vulcan weed. Staring off into space whilst reminiscing with some cadet he's taken a fancy to...


    Gawd save us all!

  5. We have something here where you can donate any old PC. They are refurbished (if possible) and shipped off to third world countries (last I heard anyway). You can get a tax break. Probably why I haven't seen any out by the street waiting for trash pickup. Folks around here are deadly serious about recycling. There used to be a place across the river from me where you could get parts but they closed up last year.


    One thing I forgot to mention about the needed interior framework: I also need the case "face plate". Need two matching ones for symmetry (preferably from a mid-tower). If anybody has two matching face plates and the frame work lying around (no 286/386/486 stuff, too old looking) I'd be happy to take them off your hands. Shipping paid by me. Just need a pic of what they look like.

  6. so, you have the motherboards, the cpus, the power supplies, the drives, the memory, the fans, and the home-made case.


    all you need is enclosures for the drives? or the internal frames to hold them?


    do you have neighbors or local churches that might be upgrading and getting rid of their older stuff? I'm sure there must be local parts around for a nominal fee. strip them from the older cases or you might have to build from scratch. soldering is easier than welding. sheet metal is sharp. be careful.


    have you planned on the increased heat from two boards running in the same case? access to both boards for replacement/repairs? this sounds really interesting. I'm guessing you will network the system to access both boards? Linux and Windows running separately, maybe?


    Yeah, I have 2 @ MBs/HDDs/PSs/etc. I only need the internal framework to hold the HDDs/Floppy/DVD-CD players. No, no churches around I'd be comfortable walking into to ask if they have old computers they want to ditch and I'd rather not fabricate from scratch. Been so long since I've been in a church, the damn building just might fall down!  :p  As for the heat dissipation, there's plenty of room for a few 120mm fans as well as some 80s. Access would be quite easy as there's a large front door on the toolchest. I would turn the case around and this would be on the back. There's enough of a "lip" around the door for cut-outs for the MB hookups. I suppose I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for old computers put out for the trash (haven't seen any as yet).


    dr_strekge, I saw those pages as well. Like I said, I have searched and searched on the web to no avail. I no longer have an Ebay account (more trouble than it was worth) so that is out.

  7. Doesn't have to be a real starship. Only that it be named (in the movie) Starship Voyager. As for the movie, I assure you, it's worth watching. Took me forever to find a decent copy of it on DVD. Of course, beauty IS in the eye of the beholder.  :)

  8. I have an old metal toolchest on casters (H=23.5" x W=18" x D=11") that I would like to turn into a dual motherboard PC case. It would have separate PSs for each MB, separate DVD/CD, etc. It's totally doable, however, I am having trouble finding the interior frame work for the HDDs and whatnot. I certainly don't want to buy 2 cases just to gut them (this is a shoestring project). My question: does anybody here know where I might be able to get the internal framework I need without making them myself from scratch? I've tried a ton of PC mod web sites and done extensive web searches without success.

  9. I was thinking of ships named "Starship Voyager" in particular. I have an old scifi movie that is out-of-print (so to speak) which mentions a Starship Voyager. I though of maybe having a contest to see if anyone could name the movie. As for a prize for the correct answer, maybe a copy of said movie? Any thoughts on this?

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