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Rara Avis

Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Rara Avis

  1. Looking forward to Star Trek XI. Haven't seen Heroes, is it any good?
  2. Speaking of things that can give you a headache - Anyone see "What The Bleep Do We Know (Down The Rabbit Hole-Quantum Edition)?
  3. That wasn't an extra. That was a time traveler from the future. Seems (in the future) our old TV programs have been mistaken for "historical records". :p time_machine.bmp
  4. Yeah. Like in Enterprise - if Archer was so instrumental in the formation of the Federation, then why no mention in TOS? Yes, I know the writers of TOS didn't own a time machine so they couldn't know that one fine day there would be a series called Enterprise. But the writers just didn't seem to care very much about canon. I've seen similar examples time and again. A shame really.
  5. Jeffrey Combs is the best. Loved him in Re-Animator. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089885/ Bride of Re-Animator http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099180/ Beyond Re-Animator http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0222812/ An acquired taste for sure. Not for everybody.
  6. Got you beat. I'm older than dirt :p But you're right, it's just part and parcel of the cycle of life (or a Chi wheel or something).
  7. Maybe because the writers just got lazy.
  8. That would certainly be a Kahndog. Very good of you to pick up on that! :p p.s. Rara Avis really does like Capt. Kirk.
  9. Ah. THIS ISLAND EARTH. Another classic gem. It's in my collection. OK. Here's some goofs: 1. When Faith Domergue and Rex Reason first enter their new lab and see the orange cat, Faith tells Rex that the cat is named "Neutron" because "he's so positive". Any scientist, especially a nuclear fission expert, should know that a neutron has no charge, and that it is the proton that is positive. 2. When Cal flies back from Washington D.C. the numerals on the airplane are backwards. The film has been flipped (no doubt to save on production costs). 3. When Cal and Ruth are on the ship, some of the aliens are leaving the compression tubes in preparation for Metaluna's atmosphere. Cal and Ruth then go into the tubes to undergo the same process. But, if Cal and Ruth were not yet compressed, and the aliens were, they should not logically be able to be in the same room at the same time, as the pressure would not be hospitable to one group or the other. That's just a few. All in all though, I really still enjoy this flick. Especially that wiged out space-do the alien scientists wear. Very Greenwich Village! :p http://www.rexreason.com/ - web site for actor Rex Reason.
  10. probably because she will never get any younger. Do you just dislike Janeway or old people in general? :p
  11. On December 21st. 2012 (sadly) you'll have plenty of company. *sigh* All right, which impending apocalypse do I have to avoid this time? I've heard of this, but I've never actually seen any logic behind it, and I'm something of a skeptic. Here's a few sites to get ya started: (as for logic, you'll have to make up your own mind on that) http://www.endoftheworldpredictions.com/december-21-2012-mayan-calendar.htm?gclid=CKq5hI_4z40CFRPdPgodi1bbLw http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012 http://www.greatdreams.com/2012.htm http://survive2012.com/ [br]Posted on: July 30, 2007, 02:49:05 PM Don't sweat it. Time travel also gives Janeway headaches too.
  12. Some little known trivia facts about Forbidden Planet: 1. Apart from the electronic tonalities composed by the Barrons, the music score known to many as "Forbidden Planet Fanfare - Parts 1 & 2" on the original 1956 theatrical trailer was composed by André Previn, and pieced together seamlessly by an MGM music editor. The music was originally written by Previn for the MGM films Scene of the Crime (1949) and Bad Day at Black Rock (1955). David Rose, composer of light orchestral music such as "Holiday For Strings", was originally hired to write the score. He was relieved of his contract by producer Dore Schary in December 1955 when Schary discovered avant-garde electronic music creators Louis and Bebe Barron in a nightclub in Greenwich Village, New York, and hired them on the spot. The only confirmed piece of music which still remains from Rose's discarded original score is his Main Title Theme, which he released as a single on MGM Records in 1956. 2. The Spaceship C57D, models and full size prop was actually used in seven episodes of the Twilight Zone. The list is as follows by season, Third from the Sun, The Monsters are Due on Maple Street, The Invaders, To Serve Man, Hocus-Pocus and Frisby, Death Ship and On Thursday We Leave for Home. Robbys vehicle does appear in one episode. In "THE RIP VAN WINKLE CAPER", at the end when the final surviving gold thief is dying, a futuristic car stops and he begs for water. This is Robby's vehicle. The crews outfits were used in a number of episodes, not to mention also in The Time Machine along with some props.The flickering forcefield fence posts appeared in Atlantis the Lost Continent and where last seen being placed at the bottom of the ocean in Around the World Under the Sea. 3. When the film was first released theatre goers were given special paper glasses with red lenses. The glasses were to be used during certain scenes involving the invisible monster ("Monster from the ID"). You were alerted that it was time to put on your special glasses by flashes on the screen. When you put on the special glasses the invisible monster was revealed. 4. "Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry has been quoted as saying "Forbidden Planet" was a major inspiration for his series. Perhaps not coincidentally, 'Warren Stevens' , who plays "Doc" here, would later be a guest-star in the 1968 episode, "By Any Other Name," where the true shape of the alien Kelvans, like the Krell in this movie, was implied to be extremely non-humanoid but never shown. The time aboard the C57D is stated as being 17:01 hours when the ship enters orbit around Altair IV. Curiously, Gene Roddenberry will later use 1701 as the naval construction contract number of the Starship Enterprise. Some goofs: 1. As the tiger passes Altaira on the patio, first a portion of the tiger's face, and then a portion of the tiger's hind leg vanish in the split-screen effect. 2. During the landing scene, the shadow of the ship (or a supporting structure of the suspended model) is visible briefly moving across one of the smaller mountains at the right side of the screen. 3. When Robby uses the blaster on the plant in the garden, an unidentifiable shadow suddenly appears on the green V support directly behind Commander Adams. 4. The Krell was a non-humanoid race, a point alluded to in the shape of their doors. However, Robby the robot, one of their designs which Morbius constructed, inconsistently had humanoid form. 5. In several wide shots of the crew members outside the ship, there is a faint vertical shadow visible on the painted backdrop behind the ship. It appears to be either a fold in a piece of fabric or the corner of the sound stage wall. More can be found on www.imdb.com and other scifi web sites. One of my personal all times favorites.
  13. Sounds right. Like Star trek V - "The Final Frontier" mostly appeals to folks who enjoy frontal lobotomy's.
  14. LOL. It's actually a "Ralph Kramden" (from the Honeymooners) body with Shatner's head attached.
  15. Captain James T. Kirk, Mid-Season Edition! It is the stuff of legend among Star Trek fans that actor William Shatner, who played Captain James T.Kirk, found his appearance to be somewhat changeable as the shooting season went on. In the beginning of each season, Shatner, after a break during which he took every opportunity to work out, would be in tip-top physical condition, and ready to take on the galaxy. As the season wore on, the shooting schedule would take its toll on Shatner's time, and he'd begin to gain weight. By mid-season, this could become noticeable, and Shatner's equator would become a cause for concern amongst the producers. The usual solution would be to take a few on-the-set still photos that emphasized Shatner's mid-section, and leave them in his dressing room. Shatner would see those pictures, and redouble his efforts to stay in shape. By season's end he would once again be the svelte Captain who made green galactic women swoon. Playmates Toys now proudly introduces the mid-season Captain James T. Kirk action Figure. Beautifully sculpted in exquisite detail to capture all the subtleties of Shatner's classic, Shakespearean-trained acting style, this figure is sure to be a popular seller!
  16. On December 21st. 2012 (sadly) you'll have plenty of company.
  17. I'd rather stick needles in my eyes! (Already saw it) :-[ I didn't watch Legend of the Rangers. :-[ Welcome to NiteSciFi, btw. ;D LOL. Send me your address and I'll send you the DVD. Why shouldn't you suffer too? That is so true. I'm still hungover!
  18. I love all the Star Trek series (even Enterprise).
  19. I'd rather stick needles in my eyes! (Already saw it) :-[
  20. The trailer looks good. Can't wait. http://www.scifi.com/b5rangers/trailer/
  21. Ooooooooooooo I just had goose bumps race up and down my spine!!!
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