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About Tinned_Tuna

  • Birthday 07/11/1990

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Crewman (2/24)



  1. Loved the episode, but I dunno, I think that DL's death was kind of... too ordinary, like they were really stressing the point or something? Maybe I'm just looking at it too hard, but you never know! As for Claire's blood vs. Adam's blood, as we've seen powers can grow with age, so maybe Claire's power is exactly the same as Adam's, just not yet fully formed (And hence, not able to stop ageing/cure others, yet).
  2. Yea, it was great Why oh why must I wait for 2x08?? Also, is it true that they're only gonna release upto 2x13 in volume 2? I really hope not.
  3. At the moment, it's running off my iMac Core 2 Duo, which is always on (I use it for a lot of web development, too) But it should be fully portable. When I get it up and running, I'll move the bot across to my real server.
  4. Nope I tried the beta and disliked it as much, if not more than most other Windows versions. I put Ubuntu back on the machine that had it on when the beta license ran out. (Also, as a note, the machine was a gaming machine built in 2003 or 2004, but the exact specs fail me). For me, Windows of any sort just doesn't push my buttons. I find the way it's built to be illogical and it frustrates me that there's no decent command line interface without messing around loads, I like (on my Linux machines) to just be able to hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 and be able to get a new tty login, and then to use screen to have all sorts going on... it's just awesome. Then, you can install (or more likely, just turn it on) SSH so that you can easily & securely get back to your machine remotely. Personally, Linux & Mac is just more efficient, but I have tried Vista and it wasn't for me. (I know my boss put it on his machine and is hating the thing, lol, and he's a big MS fan)
  5. I don't use windows anymore except for the college machines! All of my machines are either a) Ubuntu Linux or B) Mac OS X. I got bored with window's crapness. E.g. Security, it's just easier to install stuff on Ubuntu (sudo aptitude install ...). And the fact that the concepts behind the OS, although they may work seem completely illogical to me.
  6. I personally can't wait for the return of SG:A or Heroes. I only recently watched the first series of Heroes, so that's fresh in my mind, waiting to be finished off. Then there's the dull nagging of "What's gonna happen to Atlantis... they're screwed, yet they can't be screwed, Stargate teams are never really screwed!"
  7. Well, the simplest way (if you don't want to start from scratch) would be to use Wordpress or Joomla! (or moveable type, or any of the other CMS/Blogging platforms) And get a nice template. Once you've got it up, I'd say learn CSS/HTML/PHP and see if you can work out how to tweak your new site (keep a working backup!). You'll learn a lot this way, if you stick at it.
  8. Just a quick question, has anyone tried to run this under windows yet? What were the results? (I don't have a windows machine, so I can't test this!) Has anyone at all tried to run it? Any and all feedback, criticism (constructive preferably, but rants are also fun!) and comments are welcome. Thanks
  9. I see what you mean, but on a personal level, if someone was using my network to just grab web pages (that were not legally dubious) or similar, then I'd be happy for them to do it. It would be when the person starts hoggin' my bandwidth with things like YouTube videos, 'Warez' (hate that crap) and other big files. But I see what you mean, it's the difference between a car rental, and car theft, and it's all up to the owner which they would allow, or dis-allow. It would also be nice if they were on my network if I could log who it was (Name, Email, and such) so if I do get anything legally dubious through my connection and the local bobbies come a-knockin' then I could say "But it was this guy, search my machines all you like, you'll find nothing on there, go to _this_ _guy_" And I see what you mean about volume limits, too. I'm not sure if I have one, but I certainly don't use it. I paid for it, why let it go to waste? If I don't have the time to fully use what I buy, then maybe some one else can?
  10. Hmm, if they don't incur the person any trouble, I don't see why they can't use the wi-fi. Unless they're using the connection for illicit purposes, or using it just for the free bandwidth to download lots of stuff (not necessarily illegal, but still using more than the bandwidth limit per month and thus incurring the owner a charge) then I see it like standing at a bus stop at night and reading your paper by the light that spills from a nearby window. Does this mean that you're 'stealing' the light? I don't know. Kind of like finding a £5 note on the path as you're walking along, if you pick it up are you stealing? There's so much grey area here, if you ban one thing, then you could interpret it and ban a host of other things.
  11. It's self contained, but it does need the SQLite python library on the machine (I think it could be in the default distribution of Python now, I'd have to check it out).
  12. Heya Guys, If you remember the old Computer bot, I'm writing an IRC bot, with the aim of being easily extensible, and then using it to replicate Computer's functionality. I was not around when Computer was in use, so I don't know what features it had, so what features would be necessary, which would be useful, and which would be nice? What commands should it respond to? So far, I've come up with the idea of having it kick anyone who tried to use it for warez (@search and @list) and have it respond to [command string] "what is" [object] with a wikipedia link to the object. That's it so far though. The source code is at http://dannyturner.isa-geek.org:8888/TinnedBot.tar.gz It's written in python, and so far I've only tested it on Mac OS X, it should run on Linux/*BSD. I doubt it will run on Windows. So come on, hammer me with ideas! The code is GPL, though I haven't put license in the tar/gzip. If you do modify it, I'd be grateful if you sent any changes back to me. Thanks! [EDIT: The config is in irc.db which is a SQLite database. You will need to know a bit of SQL to configure it! I'm using SQLite as the commands that it responds to are going to be in a table, so that it can be truly extensible :-) ]
  13. You've gotta give credit where it's due for making up crap, on the classic series of Doctor Who (I forget which doctor it was but here goes): "Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow!" erm.. neutrons are NEUTRAL! :P
  14. Hi, Name: Tinned_Tuna (Also, Turner, preferably some variant of Tuna though :-) ) Occupation: Web Developer until I go back to college :-( Location: East Yorkshire, UK. Spare time: Watching TV, playing guitar, drawing manga style-stuff, photography, programming, being bone bloody idle in IRC, playing with Linux. TV Shows: Doctor Who, Stargate (SG1 & Atlantis), A Town Called Eureka, Heroes.
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