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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by maverick

  1. lol, i feel proper holy now
  2. i missed you :cyclops: You still didn't tell me when you got those braces on your teeth! c4 :p had em for years. dont actually need em tho, theyre there for the effect only
  3. maybe bin laden is winning after all. he has stirred up enough people all over the world. he has the middle east thinkn g that the west is out to get them and they are reacting by voting in a government who will represent their anger not their best interests. war at some point may be inevitable, i wonder how it would begin
  4. can no-one accept that there may be thing that the writers just didnt think of? i.e. the ranking system. i wondered at o'briens rank when he got to DS9 but put it down to a simple lack of planning.
  5. i liked the episode. it was very sad and a good tale. on the lighter side, it took a little away from things that older jake was played by the same guy who played kurn, worfs brother
  6. i would like to see more replies go in to theavengs thread. that is the funniest thing i have seen all week. besides, if he is seemingly so dependant on the forum it might do him some good to hear what people have to say. he wouldnt realy be that annoying if he didnt make everything about him. he HAS come up with a few good topics.......you guys think so too?
  7. i was dl'ing trek from another site but saw nite's as the tracker so decided to have a look around. havent dl'd much more than that to be honest i just think this is a cool community. i stayed initially for that reason, but now, cos i couldnt live without c4evap
  8. with The Aveng doin all his predicting of the future, it seemed high time to disscuss things of that persuasion. can the future be predicted? are psychics real? tarot cards and palm readers: real or hoax? for me there is always the need for proof so i tend to believe that i dont disbelieve until i have seen proof either way. but on the whole.....my stepdad is a medium (no size jokes please) so i tend to have had a little more experience with such things
  9. maybe the positions on voyager carry the ranks. harry remained an ensign because there was nowhere to promote him to and there is a chain of command to consider. b'elanna was a maquis so was unable to hold a starfleet rank. this logic holds a lot of water if you dont think about how many crew died throughout the 7 years. there would have been space for promotion. perhaps it nothing to do with janeway but to do with the writers
  11. why does there have to be 'only one' ???? its so elitist. why cant there be a nice committee or something. they can get together and have coffee.
  12. hey who says it has to be lifestyle choice? you can do it at weekends and at parties:D:D:D
  13. i have a great idea! why not start an multi nation organisation in which international problems are solved. nations can involve themselves as much as they are able and it will be run by elected officials who are there because they are good at their jobs and they give a crap about stuff. in an organisation like this there would be no favoritism and no one nation would ever completely rule the organisation. if this style of leadership was accepted then im sure that every one of the nations involved would at least attempt to work together in a united fashion to solve the worlds problems....................... ....i just cant think of a good name for it
  14. because theyre a crap un member and george bush who is in charge should be shot for goin to war illegally Who would then cover the 25% of the UN budget that the US currently provides? Who would take up the slack in providing peacekeeping troops and the material and logistics to supply them that the US currently does? Personally, I'd like to see the EU finally come together. It would go a long ways toward easing world fears of US domination. Then we could go back to being one of the world's bad guys instead of the world's only bad guy. hey that statement gets no arguement from me but it appears that bush is very aware of how much the US pays to the UN and wants to do what he likes. not cool.
  15. there has been a lot of civil unrest in france and i think chirac is probably tired of it. i think it reasonable to infer that the unrest has been generated since 9/11. chirac is understandably pi55ed at this but is making a mistake by speaking out. i have interpreted bin ladens actions and those of al qaeda as those designed to provoke a response from both sides. the muslim world in to bein threatened by the west and the west in to threatening the muslims. if chirac fires nukes, who is he gonna shoot them at?????? ......and so begins WW3
  16. its not just the finding of oil, its what you do with it afterwards. it would be intersting to know what they would have done but if all they had found was oil, they may have sat on it til the rennaissance and not done anything with it. unless youre talking about the romans taking a huge step forwards and how the world would be had the rennaissance happened say 1000 years earlier. will think about it tomorrow
  17. if thats the way you feel about dining i'd be happy to cook for yo any time. Ill eat that goat head in your avatar if you make it by some old european recipe ;) sounds fine. see you at my place for 7 - you can bring the wine ;)
  18. if thats the way you feel about dining i'd be happy to cook for yo any time.
  19. oh well if thats what you mean.....i can answer your question. a week on thursday
  20. Like I said... never gonna happen... :p And I think CNN would probably even qualify sooner than Sky :rolleyes: cnn is a channel not a network
  21. well nostradamus said that ww3 would start this year. anyhoo, if the french are fronting up about terrorism i applaud it but a little subtlety would have been good. the world is a volatile enough place to be without someone who should have more sense forcing middle eastern countries to unite against the west.
  22. A man can only stand so much. LOL shit that made me laugh.
  23. because theyre a crap un member and george bush who is in charge should be shot for goin to war illegally
  24. well whats the point in a european network if its not all in one language. unless like the bbc there are regional centres which broadcast to their locality in their own language and have common themes and tv shows (dubbed where necessary) and you can take in to consideration the populus who will be viewing and the diversity of their tastes, which wouldnt be a programming nightmare for the schedulers who would probably wind up fighting everyday (but cool, cos that would be great reality tv). so, a european network.......what about bradcast frequency? where is one network gonna secure sufficient broadcast rights to do it? and where is the money going to come from? im sure if all the seven year olds on theplanet left every tooth in their heads under their collective pillows the tooth fairy might be gracious enough to loan a few quid on lay away based on your grandchildrens teeth and somr free airtime. there is a european network and it is sky telly. its just not a free network. no-one said anything about it bein free. ooh my fingers are tired
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