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Starfleet Academy
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Crewman (2/24)



  1. A worthy finale for Braga&Berman. May they reside in the nine hells of bad writers. :mad: Terra Prime was somewhat decent up to that silly end. Big movement and everything squashed just because their leader is gone? If anything good comes from this then that a hiatus might bring in new people. This time with some ideas please. I am looking forward to Serenity.
  2. SW would have had the better story arch, but George blew it for me. Let's see. ST has much less leeway in terms of setting but very often fails to deliver epic sories where it could have. A tie probably.
  3. Java doesn't work that well for me. I always use MIRC. Firefox has a chat-plugin.
  4. Sadly now the cable news channel will need to find another story they can report on inside out and up and down. Nobody should be kept in such a state.
  5. @VonHelton: You never fail to cheer me up. No wait. :( :P
  6. With hardware getting smaller every year it is hard to set up a proper perimeter. :P Where are those bulky devices when you need them most?
  7. I totally agree with what elderbear said. If CNN is communist, one might even think The Economist is a left wing publication promoting trade barriers. I find BBC very even-handed when it comes to news.
  8. Leonard Nimoy mainly lacked the capacity to convey emotions. For proof try to find his Bilbo Baggins video. T'Pol is different in many aspects and her part stresses the fact that Vulcans only suppress their emotions. Very often I get the impression she wants to add something in an heated argument and then gets a grip on herself and turns away. That struggle is much more interesting and contrasts nicely with the 'stiff-upper-lip'- mentality of Malcom who as a British would be the closest equivalent on Earth to a Vulcan suppressing his/her emotions. :)
  9. A sidenote: That was a very interesting article. I especially loved two snippets: The funny thing is that that is just what is being held against Fox as both sides as always preach to the converted, but it is your time and I don't want to limit your freedom of choice of sources for facts. Toronto Star article on fans I found some interesting facts in this article like the SciFi-fans gender ratio and the female networking that partly was the success behind the rescue of Farscape.
  10. outfoxed Go and watch Outfoxed and you know where to put that channel. I would not listen to anything Fox broadcasts even if it was about the earth orbiting the sun.
  11. The defiant would have been my first choice, but I think the true heroics are in the beginning. A fly that can outgun a space station is not that much fun after all, if you can best your enemies with wit and a lucky shot from your one phase cannon. :D
  12. My fav line from Galaxy Quest: 'So you managed to get your shirt off.' I think GQ added another layer to TOS and I agree that it is very camp, but that is it what makes it sometimes enjoyable. Still nothing beats a decent story and some good CGI. :D
  13. Glad they did not kill Sappho in the process. Those Klingons are reckless bastards.
  14. So Mr and Ms Archer will open a whole new episode in boomer history? A very good episode, but it left me somewhat guessing what would happen to the information about Harris' involvement regarding starfleet. Shouldn't the captain relay this back to SFC? It takes at least another season for T'Pol to commit to any relationship, I bet.
  15. lightbeam

    New Series?

    I think they could at least add another two seasons to Enterprise, but since they probably sacked all the actors and the staff already. :(
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