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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by BarneyCletus

  1. Data was rarely funny, and he was totally cringeworthy in every film.
  2. Does a Canadian TV company put any money into Stargate? Like Britain did with Sky One? Otherwise, perhaps it's just because it has out and out Canadian heroes in it rather than Canadians pretending to be from the US. It may be more popular and the TV company paid a little more to get a hold of it early.
  3. When you compare season 1 and season 7 together they seem like completely different shows. I wouldn't say that one was better than the other however. I think both were very strong showings of the ideals of the creators. What bothers me are the in between series. While they are all just as good you can see that in the first few series they try to inject some of what we see in series 7 (like focus on character, politics) while in the later series you see them try and work out how much of the earlier ideas should be used (the progression of humanity, awe and wonder). There is just something more pure about seasons 1 and 7.
  4. We won't get the assassination next week. We have a hardcore assault on the Cylons in the next episode. The assassination attempts may be the next cliffhanger...or the one after that if the mission goes wrong.
  5. To give the show some credit, for 2x16 they basically sat us down and said "yeah, it's another 'possession' episode to save money and effort for better episodes, but we'll try and make it as enjoyable as possible" followed on by a massive wink.
  6. The books that Mark Millar writes are awesome but I'm not too fussed about the other books (he do Ultimates and Ult FF at the mo...did early Ult X-Men until it became crap with new writers). Bandis is okay (doing Spiderman) but it's not a patch on MJS's Spiderman that recently run for the past few years. I much prefer the Ult universe now to the regular Marvel Universe. They've done a complete 180 since I've been reading comics again. They were doing wonderful things getting new writers in and really making an attempt to show progress in their stories. But the number of people reading stayed level and the film companies complained about the changes so over the summer they pretty much hit the reset button.
  7. How many generations is he allowed? I don't know why but I have the number 14 in my head.
  8. I've not seen it and I can't find any torrents of it. The reason for this is probably because I've heard that it is rubbish.
  9. Didn't even bother to make the camera sway to show that they were on a boat.
  10. Not very good. Has a fit bird. Fractals look cool.
  11. Also, what happened to the whole freezing thing when people went through the gate?
  12. Was I the only person that thought that the whole "reporting camera" effect didn't work since all of BSG is filmed with a wobbly camera anyway?
  13. I've had ham cooked in cola before. That was pretty tasty
  14. The Romulans allowed the Defiant to have a cloak as long as it was only used in the Gamma Quadrant and that the federation share all Dominion knowledge. All other ships aren't allowed a cloak at all.
  15. Get interested in a soap opera. They never end.
  16. Do what I did. Go out, get a life, find true love... ...then enough time will have passed so you can watch all the episodes again.
  17. It's just a matter of great minds think a like. Can't think up enough stories set around a station?...get a starship. Sci-fi a little boring?...throw in some religion. I've just been watching all of TNG too and it plainly sets in place characters and races in DS9 well before it began.
  18. http://www.trektoday.com/news/260805_02.shtml Star Trek: The Beginning Set just after Enterprise it's looking more and more like the Romulan war...which in turn created the proper Federation. The plot still needs to be approved I think but at least it kicks the WW3 story out.
  19. I'd happily have your babies.
  20. It was pretty much obvious that from the first mutterings of a child between Baltar and Six that it was a metaphorical child. There was no conceivable way them having a proper child and we already knew about Boomer's sprog. An awesome episode tho, but sadly back to the old status quo. I'd expect a couple of internal-ship, one-off episodes until the Pegasus turns up.
  21. The only real similarity was that they were both on a space station. They have nothing else in common. The reason Paramount probably passed up on B5 was that they already had a major sci-fi franchise.
  22. Bridge Commander and Elite Force 2 both have a place in my heart. Never liked any of the other games really but I haven't tried Final Unity yet which would be worth a go.
  23. The last episode was a good Orii episode. For a moment I almost agreed with the guy.
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