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About Turbo21

  • Birthday 10/18/1969

Turbo21's Achievements


Crewman (2/24)



  1. I personally haven't really changed my habits.....I am the sole provider in a single income family, so money is always tight, that being said, of movies I have d/l and planned to d/l in the future, 95% of them I have purchased and the 5% I didn't weren't worth d/ling. Even on my tight budget I still have over 300 legal DVDs. Now TV shows is where I differ, I d/l all I can CSI, Star Trek being the main ones, I would possibly consider buying them except for the, in my humble opinion, outrageous prices they charge for a season. If I did not d/l them then I would pain-stakingly wait for the reruns and record them off the TV instead of buying them...it's just that simple and the only way I can foresee it changing is if and only if I won the lottery and then it would be a big maybe. Well there's my 2 cents...if it's worth that! LOL
  2. Thank You For the update!!
  3. I've been a member here for a while now, and have posted very little, I help run another board and mod at others and along with work and family didn't make time to come here and get to know the fine people here. I apologize for that! I want to thank Nite for this awesome site and to let him know that he and his family will be in my prayers. I confess I usually on got on here for the torrents, but that was then and this is now.....I'll do my best to drop in on some kind of regular basis in the future! Thank you Nite and all the staff here...you guys rock!!!
  4. Well.....I see I'm in the older crowd....10/18/1969 is my B-day!
  5. Turbo21


    I'm male also! We need to recruit more women!!!
  6. Yes it's a sad time, but I have a feeling this isn't the absolute end to the Star Trek world, maybe just a pause and a possible changing of the guard if you will. Only time will tell.
  7. Thanks for pointing that out, i can't believe I didn't notice it yesteerday!!LOL But in my defense, I am posting between trying to work, anyway, have a great day!
  8. I also watch CSI, South Park, and all kinds of movies when I have time.
  9. Yes, most all forums have a general discussion thread, I was suggesting keep with the Star Trek Theme and naming a part of the general discussion area that. TEN FORWARD would attract more traffic than GENERAL DISSCUSION as any TNG fan would immediately know this is where to go to relax, etc. But then again only my 2 cents. Thanks for responding.
  10. Happy Birthday!!!! (A day Late) Mine is 10-18-69, yes I'm starting to age a little!!LOL
  11. The rules seem fair and just and common sense, except maybe the one word response thing. But I'll save that for another time. I do have a suggestion though Nite....kinda suprised noone else has thought of it....Why not create a thread called "TEN FORWARD" for everyone to jump in and post and get to know one another. Basically just a plan old BS thread where you talk about anything and everything(using common sense of course). This could be extremely popular and help build a strong core of users and friends extremely loyal to this site. I know this to be true, I belonged to an underground testers site that did this, when things happened and that site shut down, the friendships that were made developed into new communities on 3 other sites, and that core group of friends also have a ultra private site just for them (I know I'm one of them and help run that site) just to keep the friendships alive, we became and internet family, and isn't that what Star Trek really is...an interstellar family? Anyway my 2 cents..if it's worth that!LOL And Nite THANK YOU for such and awesome site for us Star Trek Fans to come and enjoy! Good Night and God Bless!!!
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