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apathy = indifference = tolerance


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Moderator Notice: Quote deleted as both parties have been asked to take the issue to PM.


Parts of this [thread (Moderator Edit] reminds me a little of the various movie portraits of Jesus when Barabas gets the hoorays and Jesus gets the cross......


Now, mind you (all) I'm neutral as always and not part of nothing - I'm simply adding a point to subtly.. make a point.


[it can be a burden being a philosopher]



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I did? What was it? I can't recall. Please refresh my memory GorunNova. PM if you wish.


c4 :thinking:


*sigh* Then again, I only have BorisP's word on that threat in PM... possibly that's also totally uncredible.


I think I really must use a bigger grain of salt when dealing with Boris...

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Cripes! I think more than one of those troll points apply to me!!!


:o :o :o




I see myself in several of those as well off and on, now and then. Guess it's mood dependent. Matter of fact, I think we ALL fit into a number of those catagories now and then.. what the heck. But, to "live" in those attitudes, almost 100% of the time like a very few do, especially online in forums, newsgroups, or what-have-you, is truly simply bizarre.



me too.....

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Guest c4evap

I did? What was it? I can't recall. Please refresh my memory GorunNova. PM if you wish.


c4 :thinking:


*sigh* Then again, I only have BorisP's word on that threat in PM... possibly that's also totally uncredible.


I think I really must use a bigger grain of salt when dealing with Boris...


Yes. That would be nice. I was very surprised when I read your post. UNCREDIBLE. Yes that's the right word.


c4 B)

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Guest c4evap
Ugh... this salt tastes pretty bad > <



Hey...no problemo. I really didn't take offense. Besides...with all this hot weather a bit of salt is good for you.


I like your idea (different thread) about adopting a needy child. Good thinking there.


c4 B) (Yo! President of da C4 ganger club.)

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Cripes! I think more than one of those troll points apply to me!!!


This is ridiculous.


I just back-tracked thru this thread, after having not refreshed it for well over 24 hours now, and I see that many, many of the posts here were not only edited, but were given moderator warnings.


Not only that, I see that several threads that involved Boris, are now locked, several of them are recent ones. For the most part, I do not have an issue with this.




If that's how things are to be, then maybe every single thread that Boris started in the recent past should be locked as well, and EVERYTHING he posted on this forum, should be edited for content not fitting, so that future viewers of those threads, do not have to see that crap as well.


If recent posts are to be edited, then it is only fair that older ones be edited as well. A monumental task... good luck with it...


Also, in Boris's last message, he called myself and several others, evil for the most part, or "negative haters". That post should be edited or deleted, not just locked.


I can say one thing with absolute authority. As long as you remain in contact with people like C4' date=' MadMartha, Kris, General Lee, Gorunnova.....any of those negative haters, you will never advance. Good will never approach you because they can feel that negative hater energy all around you. [/quote']




If you want to be fair, do the fair thing.


That's my take on things, in the state of mind I am in at this time.




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Cripes! I think more than one of those troll points apply to me!!!


This is ridiculous.


I just back-tracked thru this thread, after having not refreshed it for well over 24 hours now, and I see that many, many of the posts here were not only edited, but were given moderator warnings.


Not only that, I see that several threads that involved Boris, are now locked, several of them are recent ones. For the most part, I do not have an issue with this.




If that's how things are to be, then maybe every single thread that Boris started in the recent past should be locked as well, and EVERYTHING he posted on this forum, should be edited for content not fitting, so that future viewers of those threads, do not have to see that crap as well.


If recent posts are to be edited, then it is only fair that older ones be edited as well. A monumental task... good luck with it...


Also, in Boris's last message, he called myself and several others, evil for the most part, or "negative haters". That post should be edited or deleted, not just locked.


I can say one thing with absolute authority. As long as you remain in contact with people like C4' date=' MadMartha, Kris, General Lee, Gorunnova.....any of those negative haters, you will never advance. Good will never approach you because they can feel that negative hater energy all around you. [/quote']




If you want to be fair, do the fair thing.


That's my take on things, in the state of mind I am in at this time.




You are, of course, right. You can probably figure out where I was in the moderating process when PMs began to overwhelm the process. Then BorisP announced he was leaving (and he won't be back unless he's managed to assimilate somebody to invite him back). At that point, the moderating task got dropped from a 1st priority item to something lower.


But I'm not done - the mess needs to be cleaned up. Hmmm ... I can think of a new poll.


BorisP Topic Handling Poll

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Thanks man...


You KNOW I hated typing what I did above, but, I just felt that I had to do so. It wasn't perfect, I am tired. It's been a long hard HOT week for me so far, and a trying last few weeks or so for many of us here, but, I thought I just had to say something...


Take care my friend, and thanks for listening, and taking action.


Good thing is, I have a four day weekend, and it starts today... ;)


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Wow. Reading over the forum's last few days is an experience, that's a certainty.


I came to my decision to use Nite only for torrents based in my own personal feelings about net use. They can be summed up pretty simply:


1.) Don't let anyone treat you any differently than you would expect than if they didn't have the anonymity of the Net to bolster them. (Net Courage.)


2.) Don't treat anyone differently than you would in their own home, or let them treat you differently than if they were a guest in yours.


So, when Boris claimed, variously (and I paraphrase) that I was evil, a liar, working for the Israelis and should fellate him, I had the option to 1) kick him out of my house or 2) leave his. Metaphorically speaking, that is. (Working for the Israelis doesn't insult me, but we all know Boris thought it a great insult.)


So, I buggered off. I'll be glad to see how things go here, how long it takes to stop talking about this. But in many ways we should talk about it. The degree to which hate speak and invective was allowed to continue in this forum is astounding. I know there's a tendency toward not so much tolerance as free reign. But I can say that this is the only forum I've ever seen where one user can be told to fellate another and not be censured.


Now, I need this forum more than ever. I am in danger of severe depression now that I have to wait all these months for more Who.

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I am also suffering from Who withdrawl

as for forums that allow such abuse I have been to a few .I quit the last sports/politics forum that I was in after blatant racist remarks were not only allowed but encouraged by the group managers .The straw that broke the camels back aws a thread titled how many f.... mexicans are there any ways I protested and they basically told me to go get stuffed .what would you expect from a pro republican group though

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