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Free Time, How do you spend yours ...


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Obviously most of us spend some free time either posting or surfing , some play computer games .Do you have other hobbies ? List them especially if they may be out of the ordinary . I think this would be a great way for people to get to know one another as how you spend your free time really tells others who you really are .


So I will kick off the thread


I play Chess ,Table Top RPGs like AD&D , go to Gaming and Sci Fi conventions plus do some volunteer work with the local drug rehab facility . I also socially drink about once a month .

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I enjoy writing, reading, hiking, scifi (obviously) and playing football (soccer for you US folks) and playing music with my band Also partial to a bit of late-night housework.



"Without a world of our own, we are but children, lost in the wilderness."

Anarchus, the Diaspora

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Well i don't do much really - Interent surfing, computer games. I do like watching Voyager or DS9 episodes over and over.


I also have a massive trampoline which i go crazy on - about the only excersise i get

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I spend a lot of my time on a Dutch atkinsforum.

I also love to read, my favourite at the moment is Harry Potter (ofcourse :p ). If I don't read and don't surf or watch Star Trek episodes I like to experiment in the kitchen with lowcarb recipes and I love to go shopping with my 16-year old daughter.


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Paintballing, kendo, watching old movies / drinking with the GF, case modding, smoking dope, drinking, drive by shootings, drug dealing, gun fights with cops, stealing cars, punching old ladies...... whoops..... the last ones I got mixed up with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Was playing that religiouslly, then it just stopped working.

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Day job warehouse manager, after that on the comp till I can't keep my eye's focused any longer, this usually involves writing all evening.


What do I write?, well I'm a fair (maybe even good) Political journalist, but considered an expert in Canadian Constitutional (specifically the Charter of Rights) & Copyright issues. I also write on tech issues, typically discounting erroneous claims made by special interest groups, pollsters/consultants & industry groups trying to sway political leaders to there side.



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