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SG1 or Atlantis


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I voted SG-1. First of all, I never liked RDA in the show. My hope is that with the much better actor (in my opinion anyway), Ben Browder will have a chance to breathe new life into the series. My major disappointment with it is that they didn't replace any other actors! And they got rid of Claudia Black, rather than having her take up the "slot" that the Carter character should've vacated. As soon as they get special effects and some decent writers going on the continuing series, it should become excellent again.


Atlantis has yet to really *grab* my attention. S1 was hastily constructed, hastily written, and overall had very little prep time. S2 should've been much, much better, but sad to say it has not been. The Wraith aren't becoming interesting as foes, neither are the weird humans that tried to get nuclear capability. Really they're just cardboard cutouts of the goa'uld as enemies. All they end up doing is fighting the wraith, and oddly enough *winning*. They shouldn't have been.


In the meantime, until they improve the writing at the very least, they still rate below even SG-1. Which still isn't by any means my favorite scifi either. And which I will admit has gone downhill 'cause of the lack of plotlines available to them. They've had to start with a pretty much closed off and shut-down storyline.

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It is a hard comparison to make - while the shows are in themselves pretty similar, SGC just has had so much longer to run... if we're judging on the now? Then I have to say that SG-1 has been pretty boring of late. They pretty much managed to sleep walk through season 8 and managed to wrap everything up... in some ways it would have been better if they had and done another spin-off. I honestly have to say that sg-1 isn't the same show as it was before and clearly there are people here that feel the same. The whole character has changed now.


Atlantis on the other hand is doing a good job of developing what I initially had down as a lacklustre show. They need to bring a little more continuity in, maybe do some arcs - show us some more of the Wraith, etc. but there's no reason why it won't be a good show.


I KNOW that SG-1 will get a 10th season, barring disaster because then it will have beat the X-files as the longest running American sci-fi show. It has a lot of great stuff to draw on but I feel that it's floundered in recent years but overall, simply by pure volume, it's got Atlantis beat.

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I think that SG-1 is like TNG, and SG-A is like Voyager. Here's the reasoning, in SG-1 all the charecters are well established, the Universe / canon is well explored, well defined enemies and allies, meaning that the writers have a lot to work with, just like TNG was you know that the SG-1 team will win in the end, but we watch it to see how.


Atlantis, on the other hand has a paralell with Voyager in regards to being stuck out there in no man's land, enemies everywhere they go, having a woman in charge of things, and having a crew member that shares common dna with the enemy (ie Tyla is Atlantis's 7 of 9)


I don't know witch series I perfer, SG-1is still an awesome series despite the cast change, it's kinda like the transition from TNG to DS9, imo, and feels like a new series. Atlantis is a new series, and the charecters are on their way to being more three dimensional every episode.


I think that I like Atlantis better. I find myself laughing atleast 3 times an episode, I LOVE Dr. Rodney McKay, perfect portrayl of a Canadian nerd and just plain lovable, every episode has beautiful scenery, and the most imortant point: it's the series that I've been watching th emost lately, so I'm automatically gonna like it better :)

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Atlantis doesn't have Sam Carter - there's no "Stargate" ANYTHING without Sam Carter.....IMHO.




Then again, here Downunder, we take it up the rear pipe-hole by our broadcasting services who have the INFINITE wisdom of not buying seasons, or airing them at crap times (11pm-2am).


Basically, the TV networks here think we'd rather watch other crap (not mentioning names of shows in case I offend people with my own tastes) rather than the top-rated and interesting sci-fi shows shown in America. So we get all the crap "feel-good" shows, or dodgy sitcoms that have all the plot of a wet-paper-bag.


My point being, its very hard to judge whether Atlantis or SG-1 is better, based purely on the fact that I have never actually managed to sit down and watch consecutive episodes each week due to TV stations deciding to randomly not show episodes one week, or skipping episodes entirely.


I have to hold to my original comment that Stargate SG-1 is the better show. It has deeper character interactions, well constructed storylines, and a team who we have all grown to love and admire over the last 8/9 years.


Atlantis is the new kid on the block, and I find myself disappointed by the character interactions. Rodney is a laugh, as always, but I'm rather let down by the team interactions. There seems to be no character cohesion, no constant element. There's no genius Sam Carter saving the day, there's no moronic-yet-honourable O'Neill, the mysterious alien has been taken over by a slutty-looking alien who knows everyone and yet is of no use to the team, the voice of morality (Daniel Jackson) has also been taken on by the slutty-alien but only when its her friends that are in danger. Everyone else can get stuffed.


In short:


Sheppard is a shallow, mold-stamped military boy with very little personality and a weak sense of humour. He uses his charming-pretty-boy looks as a storyline device - blugh! How did someone with no leadership skills get to become the leader of an SG team?


Ford could be interesting, I'm waiting to see what the script-writers do with him.


Teyla is annoying. Teal'C was interesting and mysterious, held a wealth of knowledge, and was the keystone in the Tauri's war against the Goa'uld. Teyla is supposedly the Mistress of Trade-and-Friendship, yet seems to get them into more trouble than not. She has morals, but only when it applies to the people she cares about.


Elizabeth Weir: well, talk about personality change. In Stargate you wanted to kill her, then you didn't mind so much because she stuck it up the Goa'uld. At Atlantis she seems to be barely holding it together. She doesn't have the leadership or management skills to pull everyone together and she is a very weak character. George Hammond was a strong leader. Elizabeth Weir is a push-over.


McKay: Only character I truly like. Than again, that may just be because of Sam telling him to go suck a lemon. He has a consistent personality. He's funny. He's an idiot and a prat, and no Sam Carter, but you can't help but admire him for doing the best job he can with limited resources. Out of all the Atlantis characters, he's the only one that seems to be fully fleshed.


I much prefer SG-1 because of its deep, personality-driven, interesting storytelling. Atlantis may get better (if you recall, Stargates first season wasn't all the much to write home about). Stargate's main advantage is that it had a movie to start off from. Atlantis may grow into the big boots its been given, but this far it leaves a sickly sweet feeling in the mouth, and an empty feeling in the stomach - all the elements are there, someone just needs to mix them up properly. Add more character interaction, and make the Atlantis crew less like robot-automatons and I might change my mind.


In the meantime, I'll stick to SG-1, getting my episodes the only way I can....torrents.

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Oz is half-way through Atlantis Season 1. SG-1 hasn't been shown here all year. I've only just finished watching Season 8.


Anything that has happened after that is reliant on my ADSL and Channel 7 not deciding they're bored of showing a Sci-Fi show and swapping it with "Talks with Jesus" (like they did to ST:VOY)


Welcome to the backwater of Sci-Fi.....

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I think McKay is the life of SGA. I haven't laughed watching Stargate in a long time until watching him in 2x04 Duet. The rest do seem boring at the moment, and he's the only one with energy because he believes and hates everyone for being incompetent.

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Big 10-4 on Duet, wahaha - that was one of the funniest sci-fi episodes I've seen in a long time (and not in a Voyager, so awful I laugh way). It was just so effortless, I thought.


I do think that Shepperd is kind of like an O'Neill lite... and I can really take or leave Weir.

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