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learning to respect each other


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HMMM...so now that we're all friends again...can I borrow a nickle.

In life we sometimes find that we are offended, or even assualted, by worthless people. No matter how hard it is, we should try to give the benefit-of-the-doubt to others, if we find out they are serious, maybe they should be pitied for being the way they are instead of hated. Nobody can make you mad, but you can allow yourself to react that way.

I don't mean just here, anywhere is acceptable.

And another thing, I really glad we talk about more than just Sci-Fi, we have that in common, but this gives some of us another "place" to be and get exposed to others. I don't really understand that post about Formula 1, but they did and liked the discussion.

Y E A H B A B Y !

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At least people have calmed down somewhat!... :)


actually it was this discussion that started it and the new users that are the main cause for this topic didn't say anything....hopefully they read and understand - went away for a bit - thinked over there lives and returned here with a new sense of respect for everyone....hopefully..... :)

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I normally stay away from serious discussions on the net for two main reasons:


- You can't see the eyes and the face of your "opponent"

- Irony and Sarcasm usually don't work very good in written form (if at all)


The internet isn't the right place for that kind of debate.



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I normally stay away from serious discussions on the net for two main reasons:


- You can't see the eyes and the face of your "opponent"

- Irony and Sarcasm usually don't work very good in written form (if at all)


The internet isn't the right place for that kind of debate.



Same here - which is why i NEVER got involved with the BorisP arguments...

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Nicely said neomaster but, there will always be party poopers in forums, its a fact and the reason for that is, thats their way of living, spoiling pleasure of others and who knows why, too many reason for why they do this so, all that we can do is live with it and not changing our good habbits when one is striking us.

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I want to Formaly Aplogize to c4evap for taking her joke out of hand. " I am sorry *hug* "


( we gotta make a good example for the new ppl ;) )


No problemo. I only got upset cause I didn't want people to think I hated Americans. I love Americans...they're tasty!


HEY S0V...here's a wet one for ya! S-M-A-C-K


c4 ;)

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Nicely said neomaster but' date=' there will always be party poopers in forums, its a fact and the reason for that is, thats their way of living, spoiling pleasure of others and who knows why, too many reason for why they do this so, all that we can do is live with it and not changing our good habbits when one is striking us. [/quote']


well Guruda, its also about using some common sense, as for me there are certain subjects i wouldnt comment on as i wouldnt want to pee off some others on the forum who had opporsite views to myself. sometimes theres been times on some forums not just nites where i have had strong views but refrained from commenting on it.


a good example is the iraq war, and if it was right or wrong and reading some stupid comments from people who really didnt know what they was talking about so i just ignored it.

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well Guruda, its also about using some common sense, as for me there are certain subjects i wouldnt comment on as i wouldnt want to pee off some others on the forum who had opporsite views to myself. sometimes theres been times on some forums not just nites where i have had strong views but refrained from commenting on it.


On the topic: I feel that it is very important to respect each other and that we need to address each other with at least some respect, even if we differ in opinions. I find it unacceptable when people make 'personal attacks' on other people and fail to show proper respect and start using demeaning language.


It takes a certain attitude to restrain yourself from doing that and I find it absolutely necessary that people participating in discussion hold themselves to it that they don't fall into using words that are most likely to be interpretted as a 'sneer'.


I allways try my very best to not go in that direction when responding and I also expect others to do the same, sometimes we fail, that is to be expected, we are 'only human' of course. But that doesn't mean that we should stop trying alltogether.


On the quote: I think that as mod it is even harder to express yourself in a discussion that you have 'strong feelings' about, since you are expected to behave 'in an examplary fashion', therefore I can fully understand that you sometimes refrain from commenting on stuff that is 'close to your heart', Sometimes I try to do the same, but at other times I just can't help myself but get involved in a discussion that I find interesting. :)

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In regards to TetsuoShima's last post, hopefully we all can get involved in discussions of any nature without worrying about damaging our status or reputation. Your poll in the other thread that is going so hotly right now is different, but refreshing none the less because I don't hang out here just to talk about trek, I want to know what other people are doing and thinking, thier true personalities. It's a little disconnected, but I can see people now, not just words on the screen.

As a note, you can't hurt other peoples feelings, but they can let you.

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I normally stay away from serious discussions on the net for two main reasons:


- You can't see the eyes and the face of your "opponent"

- Irony and Sarcasm usually don't work very good in written form (if at all)


The internet isn't the right place for that kind of debate.



I don't mean to beat a dead horse...but...even though no one could see my face or eyes or expression I did end my post with:


c4 :cyclops:


I've seen the "cyclops" smiley used in the same manner...to denote silliness and joking around. I was pretty much sure that's why they are available to us - so we could give others the idea where our comment was coming from.


:mad: = mad :D = happy :( = sad - etc.


Dunno, maybe I was wrong?


c4 :thinking: = thinking (thoughtfully I might add).

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