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Re-occuring Prop


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Theres this thing, I wish I had a screen shot of it, but I have noticed it crop up in many Star Trek film and series. The first time I saw it was in The Wrath of Kahn, there it sat in the research stations lab. I will try to describe it. Its two parralell clear tubes with red florencent tubes, 3 within each, which pulse. At the ends of the tubes there is this drain pipe affair pointing down. As I said first time was in the lab, second time was in Airplain 2 in the bit with WS, third was in TNG and in the lab where they find Lore the first time and possibly the second too (The one where they are summond by Dr Soong). Its been in DS9 and I think it made its way to Voyager with some modifactions. If anyone has a screen shot of it or thinks I am mad then please let me know!

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That prop also appears in the movie "AirplaneII: The Sequel"


it shows up in one of the scenes with William Shatner where he's the commander of the moonbase. Remember when he looks through the periscope and sees the Enterprise in space.


Yeah, I know, thats where I first noticed it was being used again and again. I will post more screens of it as I come across it.

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not to go off topic but, I love it when acters spoof themselves like Shatner does. Anyone ever catch the episode of the A-Team wher Dirk "Starbuck" Benedict is at a hollywood studio and a Cylon walks by, and he gives it a weird look like he knows.



Yeah that was cool, but did you notice when Sam said to Oneill about McGuyvering a connection to the Stargate? In case you didnt know but Richard Dean Anderson played McGuyver and Jack Oneill. Classic stuff I even use it as my autosig.

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