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More damn Cylons


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Okay. At first i'll be honest I really did not like the new BSG, but after watching all of season 1 and the first ten episodes of season 2 it has really grown on me and I think it is probably the best sci-fi show out there, but still my main one problem... why do we see so little of the Cylon Centurians ? is this delibrete to build up the story, and we'll see more and more as seasons go by ? Or is it due to things like budget ? I'm curious what others think.

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Well, other than the space scenes, the Centurians are all CGI which means digging more into the show's budget. Now they do have room to work with, they aren't hurting for money but ya know, they just can't have Centurians running around for 20 minutes of screen time out of each 45 minute episode (minus commercials).


Storywise, the Centurians (and Raiders) are basically the grunts. They are akin to Viper Pilots; they fight, do the leg work, and protect the fleet (or ground forces). The Human Model Cylons are the leaders they do the thinking, the strategizing and planning, the Centurians act apon those choices and basically do as they are told. Their A.I. is less capable than the Human Models, other wise they'd be superior since it takes a large blast (non standard issue bullets) to take down a Centurian where as a knife would can kill a Human Model.


I think they use them at good times. I did think they've been used a little less in season two than I'd like, but we still have ten more episodes to go so we'll probably see more of them.

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This has been bugging me from day 1 also. They look great, the only things that really look loads better than the original but they hardly ever use em! It's just a big let down for me.


I'd say it's budget. They've only got 10% of the budget for the show. The rest was paying for Glen Larson. ;)

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Centurians are on strike !!! :)


well i guess they only work on land, so far the majority has been set in space....

i guess to save money they used the humanoids as 'the brains',, but i don't thinks thats the case

for the main cylon.... i wanna see the king

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Glad you've come on board Cypha - the purification squad has been recalled ;)


Isn't it Centurion? After the Roman Centurion? Just curious.


Anyway - they establish that standard rounds do kill Cylon centurions in season one. In the season finale, when Starbuck is shooting at Six and missing LOOK at the holes she's putting in the walls.


I think it's implied the Cylon boarding party in S2 is made of sterner stuff.


Anyway, to answer your question Cypha - I think it's unlikely that we'll see too much of the Centurions... unless there is a huge ground battle (that would be SWEET). I think that budget is an obvious issue but beyond that - the Cylons have evolved beyond toasters.

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