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Do you know what this is?


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Well, two thing I learned.


One, is the image in question is named tricorder2gh.gif so it's something relating to a tricorder.


Two, the image is .gif format. I learned long ago thanks to animated gifs, flash, and even java, that you never stare at any strange image to study what it is. Too many times it turns into something disgusting or scary (google wheres waldo flash)


I will examine it further in animation shop


*edit* looking at it in animation shop shows just the one frame, so its "safe" to stare at, from an animated stand point.


however i fail to see how this relates to a tricorder. the view screens on a TNG/DS9/VOY tricorder are very small and I doubt they'd have in image quite so large (even if it was blown up to dictate this static effect). TOS tricorders were funky large but nothing like that big.


It could be any number of instances where static or interference was shown on a console or a view screen.

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Lol...I found out a couple of things too :p


I'm inclined to answer, the suspense is killing me... but I'm going to let this go on for a while, lol.


The answer is there, and it is ST related, but I've done something that is both a used newspaper and an untreated jewish appetiser.

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For me it looks like classic NCC-1701 or NCC-1701-A :) judging by shape of warp nacelles.


Heh that didn't take long :) (my browser crashed that's why my post was after yours,lol)


Yep, it's a stereogram of the 1701 A


The used newspaper was read (red) and the untreated jewish apettiser was (unpickled) herring - red herring.


I actually renamed the file to see who would cheat :cyclops:

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Yep, it`s definately the original enterprise, possibly (by the angle) from the film where it blows up diving towards the planet I think. Its been a long time since I`ve seen the films so I can`t remember which one could be the end of 3.


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I really doubt there IS anything in that pic (more like a friendly thread conspiracy ;p )


The trick to those kind of pics is always to just stare at it until your eyes relax and you began looking at things cross eyed. Which in turn reveals a picture by making some parts of the picture elevated to your eyesight.


I've sat here for ten minutes staring at it, cross eyed and not cross eyed. There is nothing there. Just static.

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at first I doubted, and then I saw, actually very cool what the mind can perceive!


Very cool ! at first I thought it was my exwife being nice to me during a "snow storm in hell" , but then the Enterprise appeared in 3D.

Cheers for that.

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