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Evil of the daleks episode.....?


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Hi guys,

Yeah, i though t a few people might be interested to hear something that is currently buzzing about.


It has been stated that one of the lost episodes from evil of the daleks is in the process of being returned to the BBC.


I havent got anything concrete on this yet, but this story is doing the rounds at the moment. Apparently its episode 5.


I'll let you all know as I hear more.


_ _ _ _

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Hi again.


bad news everyone, it was a hoax. Now confirmed beyond a doubt, definitely a hoax.


Bollocks :(


Would have been a bit too much too hope for really I spose............


Anyone interested, just google for "missing episodes forum" and you will find out where the episode hunters hang out and the website is pretty informative.



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iv heard alot of false rumours in the past as im sure have you so I will just not get my hopes and assume it is a hoax or misinformation of a kind. That away if the surprise of it being returned is real then I will be VERY happy. troughton is my 2nd favourite doctor and evil is a story I have wanted to see more of for years so I hope this is something good and true.

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Yeah its a pity, but this is definitely a hoax.




The thread for it on the missing episodes forum is actually pretty hilarious if you have half an hour to read through it all.......... it gets funny after you get over the initial sting that the episode isnt back that is :) Be sure and read page 8. That really is so damn funny :) Ian levine is spitting blood :)

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Nah mate. I noticed you over there though!

The theories I have expounded before about certain parties are pretty wide spread to be honest :) Theres quite a few people who smell a rat.


I would like to point out that I do think levine has done some good work, im just not always convinced of his motives, his methods, or if hes really being honest with us.


I would also like to point out I had nothing whatsoever to do with the hoax or either of those weird creepy faked bulletin boards!

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Potato is responsible everyone!! He started the whole thing.


Kidding. Yeah, its a bit odd over there mate. Great fun to swing by and sample the mania :)


Its also really good for keeping your finger on the pulse of whats going on and whats come back, when there isnt a hoax that is.............. But its a sure thing the news goes up first there when ever anything is made public again.


im working on a lead about some missing material in Pakistan and Bangladesh at the moment :) who knows, maybe in a years time..........

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