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when i decided to start watching the 7 seasons of DS9 i asked on the forum how people felt about the series because i remember see'ing a few episodes and never being really attracted to the idea. as far as i remember EVERYONE who replied to my question were in favour of DS9 being the best trek series yet.


currently im about half way through season 7 and i must admit from the start of season 6 i have found myself pressing "skip" on a whole bunch of episodes because of their general lack of relevance and just the fact that i really dont enjoy "holosuite" episodes.


you can definately see that from season 6 on they have just run out of things to happen, the Dominion war seams to take a back seat and non important things like baseball games, genetically enhanced human operations and many many episodes held in some bar take priority.


what i want to know then is from all the people who still think DS9 is the better series, why is that? what am i missing?

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did you watch it from season one????


there was alot of character building init.....



you know i can say the same about tng.... i'm currently nearing the end of season 5 (yes i started from ep1)...

so far not as good as ds9....


so whats your op on tng??



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bwaa, I liked it, but I didn't love it. I certainly didn't hate it. I read some comparisons between ds9 and b5 and there are similarities, but they don't become to appearent unless you watch them right after one another. I think I prefer b5 though. Liked the story better I guess. The beginning of b5 sucked, but then it became extrmely good, while ds9 was okay in the beginning got a little better, but not all that much.


For StarTrek I definately prefer TNG.


As for ds9, if you're into war, you can just skip all the non-relevant eps, they don't really contribute much to the war-storyline and I have to admit, the war-eps are more impressive, visually especially. But I like a change of pace, it doesn't allways have to be war or important for that matter, that would make it even less realistic... Ah wel, everyone has its own opinions eh.. :)

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did you watch it from season one????


there was alot of character building init.....



you know i can say the same about tng.... i'm currently nearing the end of season 5 (yes i started from ep1)...

so far not as good as ds9....


so whats your op on tng??



TNG was good, Voyager was the best series in my opinion but Pickard is my fav captain. i guess i can just find more i dont like about DS9 than i can find in any of the other series. I did start from ep1 of DS9, excluding TOS which i dont plan to watch this is the last of the trek i havn't seen, just dissapointed beacause its just not as good as everyone made it out to be. The dominion wars is definately my fav plot, just wish they would have spent more time on it.

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DS9 - Love it! :D


Had a great story arc (Right from season 1 in away because we had Sisko, at first, thinking of the prophets as Wormhole aliens and then eventually accepting them as prophets)


And i really liked how we had so many secondary characters like Rom and Nog - loads of great Ferengi characters and other people who worked on DS9

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when i decided to start watching the 7 seasons of DS9 i asked on the forum how people felt about the series because i remember see'ing a few episodes and never being really attracted to the idea. as far as i remember EVERYONE who replied to my question were in favour of DS9 being the best trek series yet.

This thread, right? Right.


A few people did give negative reviews.


currently im about half way through season 7 and i must admit from the start of season 6 i have found myself pressing "skip" on a whole bunch of episodes because of their general lack of relevance and just the fact that i really dont enjoy "holosuite" episodes.


you can definately see that from season 6 on they have just run out of things to happen, the Dominion war seams to take a back seat and non important things like baseball games, genetically enhanced human operations and many many episodes held in some bar take priority.


what i want to know then is from all the people who still think DS9 is the better series, why is that? what am i missing?


I wonder why you're not taking issue with any of the previous seasons for the same reasons. Allow me to explain something here; basicly Star Trek is a canvas for various science fiction writers to paint on. This becomes more obvious if you look at all the various books availible. DS9 just had a lot of poor choices in terms of the scripts they decided to shoot. They had some pretty good ones too though.


Cue the debate about how great/bad DS9 was in 5...4...3...2...1...

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atlantis has to be the best series at the moment! i could make it smaller if its that terrible :\


as for the earlier seasons of DS9, i did enjoy them a whole bunch more. as i said, i think the idea behind DS9 is the best of the lot, they just could have done it better.


i also really dont like the sisko actor, he's terrible.

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Guest c4evap
DS9, love or hate?

It's a tie for me between Voyager and DS9 as far as the best series. I didn't care for DS9 in the beginning. The whole religion thing kinda turned me off but I decided to give it another try. I watched it from season 1 through season 7 (bought the complete set) and fell in love with it. On this watching I got more into the political side of it and was fascinated. It's a great show!


c4 B)

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The religious aspect of DS9 was always weak... mainly because the Prophets just turn up as occasional plot devices and the Bajoran religion seems pretty lame... and Sisko's role as emissary isn't really that hard to reconcile with is role as commander of DS9. When they did stuff about it, it always felt fake... but then I never much cared for the Prophets.


The political stuff was good though. The real problem DS9 had though... was, well being Star Trek. The show was spoiled by the totally unnecessary mirror universe/holodeck/time travel episodes. That and a first two seasons that would give Voyager a run for its money.

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I think what made it great was that is wasn't another starship based Trek. It was a space station and it wasn't Federation.


They appeared throughout all the shows; space stations, starbases, facilties but they were never in more than one episode. It was a nice change of pace. I don't think the Prophets got featured enough and we never got to see all the other Orbs which were pretty cool.


What I didn't like a little was bringing Worf into DS9. I'm not saying I hated it but it was a real 'he's the most popular character they could bring from TNG?' and then he just acted like the same man-whore he had been during TNG. Put me off a little.


They had a few clever episodes like the game episode where Qaurk plays an alien game only it uses real people in a pocket dimension. It was tense for me as I actually got swallowed into the story. Mirror Universe was clever for one revisit but they just turned it into Star Trek Mirrorverse by taking the Defiant across and then lightened the tone

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First season episode - Find your way home... I thought it sucked... because' date=' let's face it... 99% of the time main characters don't die. For negative nancy, there is no tension.[/quote']

Love DS9, but do admit that some of the filler episodes bring the whole series down. "Find Your Way Home" was definitely a stinker.

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First season episode - Find your way home... I thought it sucked... because' date=' let's face it... 99% of the time main characters don't die. For negative nancy, there is no tension.[/quote']

Love DS9, but do admit that some of the filler episodes bring the whole series down. "Find Your Way Home" was definitely a stinker.




You mean that episode in season 1? Because season 1 and 2 didn't really have much story arc to it and they were all just filler episodes really - although i liked how throughout the 2 seasons we saw little references to this strange and illusive "Dominion" ;)

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