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Commence New Dr. Who Speculation


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I don't know, I pretty much picture him as a nutter. Plus, I know the Engerlish are already unhappy at the prospect of a Scottish PM (although, one could argue that they already have one)... presumably the notion of (another - although, Tennent never struck me as particularly Scottish) Scottish Doctor may prove similarly enraging... at least to the Daily Mail.


But yes, waiting is the sensible thing to do.

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Guest Mrthumps

Isn't the Sun over there known for being practically being a tabloid anyway?


I'd honestly take anything printed by them with a grain of salt.


I'm with you boys and take the wait and see attitude.

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I seriously doubt that the sun has this wrong actually, maybe who they think is going to replace DT is another matter, but as the sun states that DT has been offered the role in the harry potter film then you cant actually blame him really.


Also this about him not being liked due to being scottish is excuse  the expression nuts...who cares if he is scottish or from any other of the home nations...its like saying you dont like sean connery being james bond...a completely daft assumption.

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Wait and see. Tennant is a lifelong Who fan and it's hard for me to believe that he'd give up the role quite so quickly. I'll wait and see. It isn't like the show is a year long commitment anyways. How many months out of the year does it really take him to shoot a measely 13 episodes? I've never read any Potter. Is the character he played supposed to come back in one of the sequels?

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Wait and see. Tennant is a lifelong Who fan and it's hard for me to believe that he'd give up the role quite so quickly. I'll wait and see. It isn't like the show is a year long commitment anyways. How many months out of the year does it really take him to shoot a measely 13 episodes? I've never read any Potter. Is the character he played supposed to come back in one of the sequels?


Correct me if i am wrong but if tennent leaves mid way through the 4 series then he would of done it for 2 1/2 years, i think most of the doctors have done it for a average 3 years (apart from tom baker of course) end of the day you cant blame him if he gets offered a chance to goto hollywood as it could rocket his career, also theres a risk of being type casted as well.


From what I have read it takes 9 months to film a series.[br]Posted on: December 28, 2006, 01:02:49 PM

just found this which might be of intrest............


Reported by BBC News, CBBC, icWales, Press Association, 24dash, Manchester Evening News.

Dr Who bosses have denied claims that star David Tennant is to quit the show - but said a fourth series featuring the Scot as the Timelord has not yet been ordered.


Reports claimed Tennant, 35, would leave in the middle of the fourth series of the sci-fi drama, due to begin filming next year - sparking a hunt for the 11th Timelord after less than two years in the role.


But a BBC spokeswoman said that no fourth series had even been commissioned yet and negotiations with the star would not begin until it had been given the green light.


"David is absolutely committed to the show and is currently filming the third series," said a BBC spokeswoman today.


"There is no fourth series currently commissioned yet so we could not confirm his involvement in that yet.


"David Tennant is committed to the series. When a further series is commissioned, we will be able to confirm his involvement."




So christ knows if the sun is right or not lol

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I hope Tennent doesn't leave so soon. Would be nice to get a 5th or 6th season from him first at least. I think he's made a great Doctor so far and it would be a shame to say goodbye so early on.


I'm not sure how much faith i put in this article from the sun....i'll go with everyone else and 'wait and see'

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It may take 9 months to have the final product ready for broadcast, from pre-production to post, but Tennant wouldn't actually be working for the bulk of that. My educated guess is he'd be on set about one week per episode, and even if that were doubled it would still leave 6 months out of the year to pursue other projects.

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Nope - these are the kind of rumours that will just appear and disappear before your very eyes, unfortunately... the true and false ones tend to do it, seemingly with equal prevalence.


As Tennent himself has said - presumably due to his gurning predecessor - there has been speculation as to when he is going to leave from almost the very moment he took on the mantle. Given that the Gurner last a year - it's not really surprising, especially as we all know that the filming schedule is apparently rather gruelling and so on. Then there's getting typecast...


Wait and see says it all, I think the BBC are getting pretty savvy to the likes of this... but mid season? I think that unless it was an unknown, it might be hard to conceal.

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I really hope this isnt true the fact that its the sun claiming this makes me think it isnt true and yeah will have to wait and see. Tennant has been the best doctor for a long long time i for one would regret it if he left. What dr who needs is someone to stay for a long time to redevelop the role imo

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This guy looks too much like Richard Hammond, and the girls love the Hamster, from top gear. I think they'll be keeping him for quite a while.


If anything he'll probably be going through his companions faster than Art Bell marrying different Filipino teenagers after they die mysteriously. Rose was cute to look at but her voice was 'orrible, just 'orrible.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I suspect there is some truth in the rumours.  but exactly what is another manner.  The named replacement is highly unlikely, though.


I think the chances that the BBC will NOT commissioning season 4 is NIL.  No more, no less!  :)

The show is doing exactly what the BBC wants of it, and it seems the whole exec there is on side.

I'd be more interested to know why there delaying the announcement.  Maybe they were waiting to see what they'd be getting from the license fee.  If so, that's just been settled, so hopefully S4 will be "officially" commissioned soon.

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I honestly dont think at all that there is any doubt about series 4, as the re-launch of dr who has probably made the BBC loads of money in other sales such as remote control daleks and all the other merchandising stuff thats come out (there loads of it over xmas).


So I seriously doubt the rumours of them not having a 4th series.

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