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Windows XP Update

Guest c4evap

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WinFS was supposed to be the "draw" of Vista. When MS dropped it (for now at least) a lot of possible Vista customers were turned off. Most people I've discussed it with are sticking with XP (as I will). I also read/heard stories about the compatibility issue you mentioned. It's a vicious cycle ---> upgrade your OS and then you have to upgrade your software. Hmmmm...something stinks here me thinks! Bill? Is that your feet...


c4  >:(

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Well continuing on the Vista track, for those that have not yet read anything bad about it:




Yeah, yeah, Tomshardware is a biased and no longer top of the line enthousiast information center, but it still provides some insight into te current Vista situation. Theoretically it looks for the most part acceptable (don't get me started on the driver install restrictions), but for real.... No Vista for anyone for the next year to come I'd recommend...

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I got fed up with doz activation last month. And I have a legal copy of pro that I got through a college course. Apparently it said I had activated it too many damn times and now I have to call in and read off the stupid numbers from now on if I wipe it.


I don't feel like explaining myself to someone with a fanbelt around his waist, talking through a dimestore headset in India why I reinstall and activate my OS so often.


It's not worth it to use the legal copy, so I went back to the corp version. I just burned all the drivers I needed and SP2 to a DVD after getting them using the legal copy that was activated. It's pointless to even bother with the updates. Just disable java scripting / active x in IE6 and no isht will be D/L from websites. And disable preview pane in outlook express so email doesn't auto open a virus, and you'll be fine.




As for VISTA, it's not worth the hassle of the security always bugging you. And it might screw up your programs if you turn it off like it did with one of my messenger programs. I sent them a bug report about how it would reboot my system everytime I tried to type more than 3 characters into the messengers password box when I disabled UAC and installed the program. Turning UAC back on did not solve the problem, neither did reinstalling the messenger. Had to wipe the OS. Who knows what other problems are waiting to be found.


Like for instance in RC2 with changing the language/country setting to chinese, then the stupid weather gadget said the language is not supported, when it did not have that problem in RC1!

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