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I know she's a creation of RTD and he wants her to be the ultimate supreme companion of all time, but I am actually FED UP Rose.


She is ugly, her face looks like a chimpanzee and all she ever did on Doctor who was cry, cry, cry and then cry some more.


God can we kill her, be done with it and MOVE ON to something else.



RTD: the man who ruined Doctor Who.

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RTD: the man who ruined Doctor Who.


As much as I don't like RTD, mainly because of all the gay overtones, but I wouldn't say ruined, returned yes but not ruined.

The GREAT thing is the Steven Moffat is taking over soon.


YEAAAAAA!!!! Steven Moffet!!!

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If the looks of something or someone are all you can complain about: count yourself lucky that life made you beautiful and shallow because most people have to live in the real world where how you act towards others counts too. Rose was a well-liked character played by a young woman who isn't super attractive but she isn't dog food. Miss Piper has years to get to a level where people like her for playing any role on screen.


I just wonder what they did to get Rose back into the Doctor's universe.

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Wowww....sorry but I cant wait!  this will be main highlight of season 4, no baddie is as good as the daleks and with davros as well...I cant bloody wait!


I also think the comment about  RTD ruining Dr Who is harsh, we have alot to thank him with bringing the show back in a format which has been nothing but a complete success, yes its time for steve to take over so I would like to thank russell for his great work (especially with season 1 which was superb and season 2).


Without RTD Dr Who would of never been relaunched sucessfully!

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RTD relaunched it successfully - it seems foolish to say he was the only man capable of it but there's little point in debating the facts... he relaunched it. You might think the new format is the best thing since sliced bread, you might think it's an aberration - but the fact remains it's been critical, financial and popular success and that's a fact, not an opinion. So, whatever feelings you might have about the direction he's taken the show - his penchant for backslapping in-jokes and excessive amounts of shamelessly gratuitous homosexual content - it's necessary for any rational person to acknowledge that he's succeeded in making Dr. Who a phenomenon again. Literally night and day compared to the dreary days of Sylvester McCoy.


And that's coming from someone who doesn't like RTD very much.


Rose... better than Donna (that's somewhat like saying gout is better than syphilis) but no Martha. Her coming back isn't really a surprise, RTD clearly DOES see her as the best companion ever - which is why it was obvious he was never going to kill her off. Eh, that whole alternate universe for Cybermen origin was a bit irritating. I'd have preferred something else but eh...


DAVROS! They'd better not be foolin' around and have it as someone else in a chair.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If the looks of something or someone are all you can complain about


I did imply she couldn't act with the cry cry cry statement.


As for RTD bringing back Dr Who, well it's actually a BBC person who brought it back and gave the production duties to RTD (it was in one of the documentaries about the return of the series).


I suspect that -ANYONE- who would of brought it back would have made a hit out of it simply because:


- It's science-fiction and there's very little of that on the air

- it's a British institution

- It already had a massive fan base

- People didn't want to see it fail and taken away again


As for why I think RTD ruined it, here are a few:


- timelords are gone

- gallifrey is gone

- sonic screwdriver now does -everything-

- lack of continuity with the previous 40 years

- tardises have machines to turn timelords into humans (if they had that, then why did Hartnell not use it to escape being found by the timelords in the first place)

- eye of harmony is now in the tardis

- The tardis set is ugly

- The doctor turns into gollum

- The master turned into a dancing fool

- The obligatory gay reference in every episode once in a while, I don't care, but in every show?)

- The doctor turns into a drawing on a piece of paper

- Implausible sci-fi (like people living in a 1 room car for 40 years)

- cretinous farting aliens

- The Obsorbolong

- the show is written for 5 year olds

- The reasons for The Master & The Doctor escaping gallefrey were stupid

- running around in corridors with rose like scoobydoo

- the Human Dalek

- and the list goes on....


having said all those bad things about RTD, I must admit that the last show he wrote was actually pretty good. It was all based on the performance from the actrice who was creepy and well cast.


But in general, for me, he's turned the series into a campy parody of itself. it's a bit like watching the old 60's batman when you expect the new film franchise which is gritty and realistic (as much as a comic book adaptation can be).



but hey, your mileage may vary.  :D

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