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Posts posted by Mav

  1. Lwxana + Neelix - the most annoying being in any quadrant.


    7 of 9 + Leeta - think of the BOOBS.


    You'd have to do 7 of 9 plus T'Pol


    Google the actress that play's Leeta, not to be overly a pig or anything but her cup size is average/small in real life, she wore those pushup bra things for the show. There's just no way she goes from a C/possible D on the show to a mid sized B from some cheesy made for tv movie a few years ago. (and afaik she never had emplants)


    now 7 of 9/T'Pol....thats one episode most of us would watch alone, in the dark, with no one else for miles around ;p

  2. Odo-Kerzon?


    How would that work? I'm only up to season 2 (beginning) so I haven't run across this as yet.


    c4 :thinking:


    They pulled a trick out of the old Vulcan play book basically


    Jadiza as a Trill goes through some ritual where the memories and personality traits of previous hosts are extracted from her symbiote and temporarily implanted into other people. So basically Jadzia could sit there and interact with someone who used to be Dax, while it's using say Sisko or Kira as a host.


    Most everyone played a helping hand in being a host, even Quark.


    Odo volunteered to be Kerzon. With Kerzon in his body, Odo was able to shapeshift into a human better, grow some hair, human facial features, etc He sat around Quark's bar with Sisko and Dax telling old drinking stories and stuff


    Great episode, good stuff.

  3. What if Voyager and Enterprise never even happened


    Not only would continuity be restored to a sane state but the fans would be pleased (the majority that is, sorry you minority amount of fans who liked both).

  4. Quark + Data





    a positronic android (pre emotions for sayings sake) that has a TON of mental calculations per second, enhanced strength, etc but looks 2/3 Ferengi while being the height of a human (Spiner's height) AND the insaciousable hunger for greed and profit ;p (which could lead as a building block to the android developing emotions minus Soong's chip)



    Bashir + Barclay



    Barshir (too similar to the original)


    A engineer who has dabbled quite a bit in medial study thanks to his genetically enhanced mind. With his enhancements come more mental abilities, better cordination and basically a crap load smarter. His only problems are a real lack of confidence, a slight tough of hypocondria and his off/on again holoaddiction. Oh and he's terrified of transporters even though he knows from his extensive medical knowledge that it's perfectly safe.


    Nelix + Alexander




    A lone one third Talaxian, one third Klingon, one third Human whom saw his hybrid mother die at the hands of a Klingon. Raised on the Enterprise by his Klingon father, he struggles growing up, wanting to please his father by being a "warrior" but hiding his passion for cooking and emersion with crew morale.



    please..stop me here, I can come up with hundreds of these and the scary part is after Tuvix they probably considered some of these..

  5. you forget the Borg can communicate via subspace. Granted most of the Drones use the reciever built into them to do it, it connects them to the Hive mind. However again streth it some. The Borg adapt their nanoprobes, to be able to communicate with the Hive Mind. So assimilate the Changlings, with the Hive mind connected they won't need "attachments". They'll have control over the Changlings then it's just a matter of keeping the connection intake, keeping the Changlings in some form to contain them and finally process their minds into the Hive as raw processing power.

  6. I voted DS9.


    It was a tough choice. I liked the Enterprise D's bridge, but it just wasn't as cool as the Defiant's bridge.


    Now while you judged based off DS9's actual bridge not the Defiants, DS9 was a station. And while Ops was the main hub, it always felt so..isolated. The viewscreen was like half the size of a normal starships (though Defiants wasn't much bigger). While the layout around the center console was spacious, the rest seemed confined, hell Sisko's office was pretty much just like a very long somewhat-narrow space in the wall.


    Voyager's bridge just reminded me too much of the Enterprise E's after I saw First Contact. It was like a less flashy version. Too much metal, didn't have that rounded smooth tone color feeling of the Enterprise D. While the Defiant was somewhat like this, it also offered more of a, small feeling. You knew the ship was small and powerful, strong enough to rip itself apart at top speed. The bridge really reflected that feeling, all main stations were on the bridge including Engineering (which yes the Enterprise D could do but only as a backup).


    TOS was so..box line. Square looking. So many colors..


    Enterprise NX-01, too metallic. It really made the prequel setting feel out of place, you lost the sense of disbelief. I mean how could they go from a bridge that was somewhat rounded and metallic ala the Enterprise E/Voyager to the boxy shaped rainbow color bridge of the Enterprise from TOS? Didn't feel right.


    Defiant wins for me, closely followed by the Enterprise D.

  7. While Niteshdw might not be opposed to say, trading of legally purchased DVD/VHS sets or singles, I'm pretty sure trading illegally downloaded files for whatever (other shows, money, etc) is frowned apon aka not allowed.


    Since we no longer support torrents of such things nor links to torrents/torrent sites I doubt you can "trade" such things.

  8. Loved the episode.


    From a new fan perspective I had never seen K9/known of him until this episode but already I wish he was a regular cast member :( Selfishly defending his Master, great stuff loved it.


    All I knew of Sara Jane was she was a previous companion thats about it. Though it did bring up the whole "left behind" issue which I always wondered about. And the Doc hit it nail on the head, he never grows old or dies while all his human friends eventually will.


    And finally Mickey stands up for himself! Hells yes

  9. It would have been funny if they kept Odo-Kerzon around for a while, then had him end up sleeping his way through the station.


    Also - Tuvix, he could have been a rapper. That would have been a great story line. Pimpin' a shuttle, trying to sell copies of his songs to new races and new civilisations.


    So much missed potential.


    Tuvix meets the lost Ferengi on that one planet Voyager encounters, decides to pimp out the Delta Flyer with some gold press latinum bling, including a latinum phaser on a latinum chain blinging all shiney like around his neck



    Sadly as funny as this is, you know Braga probably considered it at some point...

  10. While I don't think their liquid state could work along side the cybernetic components the Borg use, I do think the Borg could introduce assimilation into them.


    The Changlings have a genetic structure, different than others but still they break down into Part A, Part B etc Borg use nanoprobes which infect a users bloodstream (if I remember correctly). So the Borg "adapt" and have their nanoprobes altered to take over the key structure of the Changling genetic makeup.


    Now what they do with them is the key. Obviously they can't just turn them into drones, the whole liquid state thing kills that idea rather fast. However the Great Link is their greatest weapon. Alone the Changlings only really posses the advantage of shapeshifting. In the Great Link, the entire Changling population can share ideas, speak as one, think as one, almost like a Collective of Borg.


    So the Borg assimilate them, then simply keep them in a liquid state and use their raw processing power as a huge well, liquid hive mind, to help do stuff. Imagine the load taken off a single Cube by this, more Drones and stuff could be diverted to other means instead of menial tasks like repairs or whatnot. Now take that idea and implement the liquid hive mind onto a Borg planet or system, they could do alot more. Even in the future, a humonoid mind (including Changlings) can store much more information than a computer can.

  11. The thug.


    Everything else, minus maybe the MPAA, runs the risk of giving you a disease. The MPAA obviously wouldn't be my choice due to how along side the RIAA they've strongarmed too many good people. Britnay Spears, disease jokes aside, is the uber bitch who kissed ass when talking about President Bush after she (and most of the music industry) saw how the Dixie Chicks got lambasted for their opinions.


    At least with the Thug w/ gun, I have a chance of either talking him out of shooting me in exchange for rescuing him or at the worst saving him only to give up my wallet while he runs off.

  12. He's gonna get whacked either way. Sure the Feds offer the whole witness protection thing but we've seen Tony & gang find out some of them in the past and deal with them.


    I feel sorry for him somewhat. He's a suspicious bastard who's been trying to climb up the ladder of ranks but removing him from the family cause he's gay is a tad off.


    Though dude did make a good point, even if Tony let's him stick around his soldiers won't follow Vito's orders anymore. Captain or not he'll lose all authority he has.

  13. If I recall correctly, ads nowdays (such as Google/Ad Sense) use keywords or hotwords based on the site and it's content matter. Like if you view a video game site who uses such things you'll often find the Google ads going to places to buy games or game related etc


    Back in the day it used to be based on things like Meta tags and other forms of flagging what to be shown. Similar today but at least today webmasters have more control over what is and isn't displayed as an ad.

  14. Catching a rerun of SG-1 9x12 "Collateral Damage", I noticed something.


    When Mitchell was in the memory machine the second time, they had to do the whole "establish a baseline" thing right, and one of the memories he had was watching the first moon mission launch with his father.


    Now two facts come into play here. One, he says he "couldn't have been more than 10 years old then", so we'll safely assume he was 8-10 years old, probably closer to 10ish. Two, the first moon mission landing was Apollo 11 which happened in 1969.


    So, 1969-2006 equals? 37 years. Now, lets tack on the "10 years" or so that Cameron said and that is almost 47 years! Now even if we take into account he was "off" by a few years, he'd still be 40-45 years old...Now afaik O'Neill wasn't even almost 50 years old by the end of season 8 ;o (from reading I haven't found a birthdate for O'Neill)

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