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Posts posted by Mav

  1. Any Trek is good Trek is my general philosophy. Maybe it'll be an Enterprise movie, showing us Archer and gang back on another ship at the start of the TOS era style uniforms and such.

  2. If it was like a flashback/memory appearance for Rose, that'd work. Ya know, have the Doctor go about the special as normal but every few scenes he has a flashback or memories of Rose which for us would be new content we haven't seen but past experiences with Rose.


    Least the romance angle is gone ;o

  3. You're forgetting that TNG reset the whole warp scale. I think they changed it from linear to exponential... go look it up if you're interested but anyway, the difference was that warp speed in TOS wasn't "capped". In TNG warp 10 was infinite velocity - and contrary to what some cretins think, you can't go faster than infinite velocity because you can't ACHIEVE infinite velocity BY DEFINITION.


    Of course, the TNG scale probably needs reset with people going "Yes we can cruise at warp 9.99999751232 and a bit."


    I think the important thing to remember for the warp classes though is that a warp 5 ship - like NX-01 was a theoretical maximum. They never really go at more than 4.5 for any amount of time.


    Anyway, you'll never get an answer more accurate than "something between Cochrane's warp ship and NX-01".


    Ah but you're forgetting the metafactors like, the Caretakers array or Q snapping his fingers both of which can fling a Starship thousands of lightyears which I'd assume is faster than Warp 10 but not infinite velocity (based apon the results of "Threshold" ugh...) So we know faster than Warp 10 speed is achievable just not by Human/Federation scientific means really but they also changes at the end of Voyager cause you know at some point the Feds are gonna want Seven to help develop TransWarp and etc


    I know the NX-01 could go faster than 4.5 they go to 4.9 several times. Granted the ship damn near starts falling apart due to stress on the hull but they manage 4.9 for short bursts of speed.


    Ironically TNG reset Warp speeds in a different fashion, forget the episode name/season but the one where we find out Warp travel is ripping subspace apart and the Federation agrees to limit speeds to Warp 5. Of course most other non-Fed species don't follow this and even though faster than Warp 5 travel was permitted for emergencies, half the time they cruised faster than Warp 5 ;o especially in DS9 and Voyager so ignores that the entire 7 seasons ;p

  4. IIRC 4x18 and 19 were the M.U. episodes in which case that's the Terran Empire opening theme. I think they made a soundtrack to Enterprise (as a whole) at some point, I think. If so it'd probably be on there if it was done around the time of S4. If not I'm sure someone's ripped it somewhere but I dunno if we can exactly point that out for you


    But yes, that episode was a good episode of fodder... so was "The Ship" the one where they capture the Dominion vessel.


    Isn't that the one where it's crashed and O'Brien's engineering buddy Gomez (I think it was Gomez) takes a energy bolt and slowly dies? If so, great episode. Not so much that the guy was a red shirt, but they at least tried to put a more personal spin on it.

  6. a grunt episode would have been the DS9 episode where Sisko + gang are stuck on the planet and Nog get's his leg shot off. Like two of the Starfleet guys were scientists trying to decipher the Dominion communications array while the rest were just portrayed as cannon fodder grunts holding off wave after wave of Jem Ha'dar.

  7. IIRC Warp 3 was the typical drive class for most human faring ships, cargo runs and such. They could easily hit Warp 2+ and we know Starfleet had Warp 3 engines. I think it was the step at the end of Warp 3 being used in the Fleet and the Warp 5 engine being introduced in the NX-01. Kind of like how at the end of Enterprise 8 years later, their ship is still a Warp 5 class drive but it's being decommissioned with the Warp 7 drive's being introduced.


    Kinda strange how they always seemed to increase the maximum speed of a drive class by an odd number. Cochrane's ship was capable of Warp 1, then we have Warp 3 ships (maybe there were ships that couldn't exceed Warp 2.99~ between that time period?) and then Warp 5, then Warp 7 and by TOS time Warp 9 (least I think they had Warp 9 in TOS, wasn't a huge TOS fan compared to TNG and beyond).

  8. Rewatching Voyager s1 through s7 and even though I'm not on s3 yet, something accured to me;


    Either first or second time Q visits the ship, he offers to wisk Voyager back to the Alpha Quadrant, right to Earth's orbit as a sign of gratitude (s3 I believe, either 3 or 4).


    Janeway says no, with something along the lines of "that'd take the fun out of it" or something about that being too easy.


    Actually, I believe Q would only send them home if Janeway "bedded down" with him.


    Mayhaps you should actually watch the entire series again before you start bad mouthing the show. Just a thought...


    c4 :rolleyes:


    I've seen the entire show.


    First time Q offers help is when Quinn wants to die. Q offers to send Voyager home if Janeway rules in favor of the Continuum. Second time is the whole mating issue. Even later on with Q's Son when he's grown up, Q would probably make the same offer (afaik he didn't).


    But the point was, Janeway says for a fact "no". After she helped bring peace to the Continuum and help usher in a new era for the Q by making Q and Female Q mate, you'd think she'd be entitled to a reward that had no negative effects. In fact IIRC earlier in that episode she says they wouldn't take the easy way home, humans are natural explorers yadda yadda yadda In other words she looked the gift horse in the mouth. Hell Q probably would have granted the same thing after the incident with Quinn regardless of Janeway's ruling, since he truly understood Quinn and followed his logic. All Janeway had to do was ask at that point and probably Q would have granted it.



  9. I'd narrow it down to three


    Picard/Daren - simply cause Picard was always such a quiet and reserved person in his private life, it was like a privileage to see him open up to someone.


    Trip/T'Pol - mainly cause I thought it was doomed to failure. Sure Sarek married a human woman but it was just one of those little romances where you just hoped for once T'Pol would smile and tell Trip she loved him or some crap like that.


    B'lana/Tom - it came outta nowhere for me. the episode where their stuck in space in UVA suits, never saw that coming. i liked that, predictable romances suck really.

  10. After watching what must be some random ST episode from one of the several series for what seems like the hundreth time (not that I really mind!) it occured to me that "crewmen" are the real stars of the show.


    Sure, every show focuses around the Senior Staff, aka the Captain the First Officer and usually one main other one (ever notice TNG was all Picard/Riker/Data or ENT was all Archer/Tpol/Trip?) but the cremen of a Federation starship are the laborers. These are the guys who have to crawl into plasma burning jeffries tubes to save the warp core or something else. No I don't mean the often amusing "red shirts" of TOS infamy just your average crewman going about their every day job.


    Then I realized, despite all the times I wished I could experience what it would be like to be ya know, in the 24th century serving aboard Galaxy class starship (my personal favorite), that it would suck. Think about it, not everyone shoots up the ranks as fast as Riker did. Not everyone gets pretty big promotions, I mean Geordi goes from piloting the ship to Chief Engineer ;o But you see my point, the average Starfleet officer often spends quite a bit of time in certain ranks.


    Poor Harry was an Ensign for over 8 years (I say eight cause 7 seasons plus the year or so he was out of the Academy before assignment on Voyager) while Tom got a field commission as Lt. got busted down to Ensign then later repromoted!


    And think of all the poor S.O.B's who are old and still only Lt's. You know the ones I'm talking about, you see them often in background shots in TNG/Voyager/DS9. Usually someone in either Science of Medicine (blue uniform) with usually what appears to be no more than two Pips. The tale tale sign is they are old and have gray hair (humans usually). Sure maybe they don't want to climb the ladder and are happy doing what they do. Still I think some of them would be open to the idea of ya know, going up a rank before they die.


    I know it was worse in TOS when random people would just, die. Hell remember early season one TOS? Like the first 4 or 5 episodes there was a rotating helmsman every episode, either the guy died or left or something. But in later series, like TNG where the crew is like 800+ people.


    Plus ya know, Ensigns in the TNG era had to share quarters. You'd think they could like, cut back on the passenger manifest some but noooooo.


    I rewatched some DS9 not long ago and all the times Sisko got angry and stuff at reading the K.I.A lists of officers, it was somewhat sad. Most of those people, hell almost all, were typical crewmen. I know, every crewman contributes in his or her or their own way, this like almost all group oriented things work. But it's almost like being lost in a crowd ya know. While I enjoyed TNG and DS9, part of me can identify with Enterprise and Voyager a little more in this aspect cause there are only a hundred or so on either ship at any given time compared to almost a thousand by TNG's era.


    I do know crewmen are pretty much like NCO's for the most degree, but I tend to generalize them with the basic ranks of Ensign and Lt. I'd be willing to bet if you looked at majority of Starfleet personal who hold a rank/NCO/crewman title of some kind the average rank of most of them would be Ensign or Lt. Then figure in how many of them would go on to move past that rank and it really starts to sink in that these poor people aren't just TOS fodder for mind sucking aliens or meat eating plants but background filler for most things. Filler as in, just people needed for a ship to run, not actual scene backgrounds of a tv show.


    At least the Red Shirts had a purpose they knew was probably coming, something that'd kill or maim them all so they could take the brunt of it to save a Senior Officer or alert them to such things. Least then you have some closure ya know. Who wants to grind it out as an Ensign or Lt, managing waste reclimation or replicator maintenance for 30 years without promotion? That'd have to suck.

  11. Enterprise E easily. It was commissioned during the Dominion War, so by the time the Defiant class of ships were already out there (all 3 of them but still), which was around season 3/4 of Voyager. Memory Alpha says;


    The Enterprise-E was commissioned on stardate 49827.5 and was, at the time, the most advanced starship in the fleet.


    Not nesscarily canon persay but I think we can safely assume based on date and technological upgrades, the Enterprise E was superior to Voyager.



    None the less, I still maintain that regardless of the circumstances, its just not cool to violate the Prime Directive.


    How would taking Q up on his offer, which if I recall correctly, he's offered at least twice, a violation of the Prime Directive? AFAIK, there's no charter in the P.D. that states a Starfleet vessel may not be helped or interact with what's classified as a higher being or lifeform. If so, Kirk, Picard and definitely Sisko would have all been out of jobs ;\


    Just a snap of the old fingers, and boom they're back home. No death no destruction no violations of the P.D.

  13. Rewatching Voyager s1 through s7 and even though I'm not on s3 yet, something accured to me;


    Either first or second time Q visits the ship, he offers to wisk Voyager back to the Alpha Quadrant, right to Earth's orbit as a sign of gratitude (s3 I believe, either 3 or 4).


    Janeway says no, with something along the lines of "that'd take the fun out of it" or something about that being too easy.


    So like at the end of 7 years, 7 seasons, we knew in those last two episodes Voyager was getting home, other wise it'd be kinda of a sad ending. Needless to say Janeway took a large risk, violating the Temporal Prime Directive as well as the Prime Directive to simply get past the Borg and get home.


    Now, the entire schtick about "exploring" aside, how the hell does Janeway honestly justify risking the crew's lives, violating both directives of the Federation & Starfleet versus letting Q snap his fingers and getting them home safe & sound instantly?


    Also put aside the whole "it's a tv show, it needed to last longer than the 3 or 4 years when Q offered help (then again Enterprise only went four seasons and afaik their ratings weren't much better than Voyagers).


    It really didn't add up in a Federation "moral" sense. Think about it.


    - Voyager was never originally designed as a exploration ship. Her ship was designed more towards combat than most people care to admit. Them gel packs weren't exactly there to enhance sensor output, they were there to increase response time of vital systems such as shields and weapons. Her first mission was one of combat in the Badlands aganist Maquis.


    - Of all the times Janeway could have gotten them home, she didn't because of the Prime or Temporal directives. The Caretaker's Array, the transporter unit that beamed objects thousands of lightyears away, etc Yet letting Q offer help, because it was too simple or because she wanted to explore? Maybe if Q hadn't off been in storylines before, it could've been argued that as a higher being she could have declined his offer cause it would be like violating the Prime Directive in "reverse", but obviously Q has been in TNG every season, DS9 once etc



    Of course in the end we know it's a Trek show and it was before Enterprise so we were definitely used to and knew we'd get at least 7 seasons. Though you gotta admit, declining an innocent no strings attached offer like Q's at that time versus all her other decisions does look kind of hypocritical.

  14. Well, they have a hive ship.


    The Ancient drones are awesome though, they really can shred people.


    I wish they'd have an episode where they kinda break down the drones into what does what. They are the pwnage that's for sure, just kinda curious how the technobabble would explain them.

  15. N.B. : thnx a bunch for the spoilers buddy :p


    Sorry if it caught you off guard, but generally in our community threads about new episodes are spoiler friendly. We discuss spoilers in them, other wise it'd be kind of hard to discuss the episode at all ;p Just a heads up for the future

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