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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by mateya

  1. open image ready (if you have photoshop it has link on the main tool box) and go to help (how to make animated gif) - its very simple, youll get it in 15 minutes :) and 3/10 becose you have such a high standard for (other) avatars - its only fair to also judge yours by it ;)
  2. mateya

    Beta Quadrant

    yeah, just noticed that - wormhole! what was she thinking?
  3. not to metion that you can store computer data on usb mp3 player :) you dont need to burn it like a cd/dvd - just drag the data on "removable drive" in your explorer; much easier and user friendly.
  4. mateya

    Beta Quadrant

    sorry - this chart:
  5. mateya

    Beta Quadrant

    if this chart is accurate, it means that there are still large unexplored sections out there waiting for st :) although I think the federation should be more on the outher rim of the galaxy (at least earth is there..)
  6. of course they are there - if you look in search section (if typed stargate atlantis) http://www.niteshdw.com:8080/torrents-search.php?search=stargate+atlantis&cat=0&cat=0&incldead=0 and browse through pages (at the bottom) edit: the only problem is that the torrents are not very "fresh"..
  7. true, but its better to have more trackers in the torrent (nite, demonoid) becose the swarm gets bigger that way.
  8. 11th is airing today - go to this thread for details (they are airing at the same time) http://forum.niteshdw.com/index.php?a=topic&t=6271#p2
  9. you could use a bit of morphing too and then you really cant tell who was the template..
  10. nope, michael is definitely ep 18. when Arcady put up the name for the next episode in the episode section I thought it was wrong but went to SciFi and it was indeed right. Micheal was listed as Arcady put it. and so gateworld and everyone else has it wrong but Arcady.
  11. so, will anyone put tomorrow's episode "in the cooker"?
  12. love it or hate it, everyone must admit starfleet personnell have the weirdest sense of style in the known universe, and no where else is that perverse sense so evident as in their hairdos. Ive heard kirk had a toupe? but we have also spocks "bowl cut", pulaskis decaying-zombie style, kes peter pan look and finally janeway mushroom-cap effect :) maybe the bold is the safest way to go - picard and sisko knew that! :)
  13. oh please, every man is similar to all the other men when is set on fire. hairless, bloody flesh, unberable smell.. of course they look alike.
  14. for sga I can say that the 1st season was better imho. but there are some good eps in 2nd season I admit.. but 216 not really one of them tho.. I wonder if we will ever meet this alien civilization again later - just an excuse for weir kicking major(s) butt I suppose :)
  15. great :) dance then, you have the music manager now working, grab a new playlist, from the computer and go ahead ;)
  16. Naikou listen, if you would bother to read the thread, you would see that it was already mentioned draging music files on the drive (usb). about people wanting to use 'music manager' - well, its up to them isnt it? this tread is here to help people set their equipment as they like it to be set (with files they prefer) and not as we think it should be.
  17. I think we will have to wait like in all the others series (ds9, voy, tng, sg1..) to the 4th season for show to get really good and running like it should suppose to :p
  18. looking cool, Im waiting when the first eps will be uploaded for curious niteshdw users :) p.s. would love to help, but since Im from slovenia, I dont think that counts :p
  19. event horizon is a movie. imdb http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119081/ but then again, Ive seen similarities with event horizon many times, last in the threshold pilot. everywhere where the grossness is present :) ok, afterall its a horror sci-fi so.. and yes this is the ep (Random Thoughts) where belanna is told she must undergo an engramatic purge. tuvok investigates the incident and lures conspirator into a mind-meld with the promise of transferring his violent thoughts to him (they are dealing this thoughts in the black market (telepathic race), hence belanna as the perfect target in the first place).
  20. this is a torrent with various boopers http://www.niteshdw.com:8080/torrents-details.php?id=1683
  21. there maybe some general similarity there but the chin is totally different. and dont get me started on the ears - the rikers ancestor has "the dumbo" ones :) edit: if I look closer I see the great similarity in the eye retina tho ;)
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