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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by x5315

  1. i have a few friends on my course with them. They run Ubuntu reasonably well. The only problem is the SSD. Because it has limited writes. You have to run Ubuntu like a live CD. So it doesn't make a swap partition. Other than that, seems like a nice little toy. I found the keyboard hard to type on though.
  2. i thought Star Trek XI was meant to be Christmas this year?
  3. it's strange that we're going back to Sylar. Rather than some new bad guy.
  4. x5315

    New Trek?

    http://www.sliceofscifi.com/2007/04/06/could-a-new-star-trek-tv-series-be-on-the-horizon/ Thoughts?
  5. Strange Title http://www.gateworld.net/news/2007/03/third_series_is_istargate_univer.shtml There you go.
  6. i like, it's very swish. however, it is a bit white.
  7. Teamspeak. Similair to ventrilo. I don't have a link, but you can google it.
  8. dead end? from what i've heard, hasn't a moon base been planned? Maybe Bush is planning to invade the moon as well?
  9. that's strange. Steve Jobs had some Beatles on his iPhone at Macworld. Would lead one to think it was available on iTunes?
  10. there's finally a real "good" AIDS.
  11. yeh, loads of things have been leaked recently. Doctor Who was. It does give Bittorrent a bad name.
  12. x5315


    not quite. Apple Corp is run by the families of the Beatles members. But think Apple Corps is different to Apple Incorporated. Record label is different to Selling Music , hardware and software. So it's all slightly different. Another thing i noticed is that the Beatles were available on the iTunes music store. Me thinks that this may be part of the deal?
  13. x5315


    It's True http://www.apple.com/iphone I've already made my fake picture. I'm the one on the right. :)
  14. Has anyone else heard about this? http://torrentfreak.com/24-season-6-leaked-on-bittorrent/ That's not a link to the torrent, i don't think. It's just an article about it. I also don't condone the downloading of episodes. x5
  15. i've just started watching sg-1 and due to previous responses haven't started watching Atlantis. However, i'm on season 4 and i've started to notice the same kind of repeat storylines that are apparent in star trek. but i still enjoy it. even when certain star trek seasons were at their worst it was still better than no star trek, in my opinion. so i'd think it would be safe to assume the same of stargate. seem logical?
  16. i've just started watching it. i think it's really good. so it can't be that dead. i have another 9 seasons to watch.
  17. http://www.sliceofscifi.com/2006/12/21/stargate-sg-1-films-given-shooting-dates/ seemed relevant.
  18. well i guess it could be about the future. Would be cool to see how the gate turns out in the future. Maybe they learn how to go into different dimensions or something.
  19. but surely you would have the common sense to stop playing if you were having trouble gripping the controller. then again, most of these people are american. :P
  20. i've always used a download manager so i've never had a problem with browsers taking over my downloads. i like IE7, it looks ok. However, there are some problems with security and other features. I also don't like some of the default settings like Cleartype. Makes my eyes feel blurred.
  21. there were several things on there that really answer the question i asked about Atlantis-SG-1 links.
  22. x5315

    Stargate Timeline

    thanks very much.[br]Posted on: December 23, 2006, 12:00:07 PM are there any links between atlantis and sg-1? like episodes where the people meet?
  23. i've recently started watching stargate sg-1, and have found it really interesting. i was wondering in terms of the timeline, where does stargate atlantis come into it. am i correct in watching all of stargate sg-1 first? x5
  24. there's one person that hasn't been mentioned. I was wondering who the Cheerleader's dad was, and what connection he seems to have with all of them?
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