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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by x5315

  1. I play halo, so i'm definitely in for halo. Used to be in a clan as well.
  2. i just got a Powerbook G4. Mac OS is awesome, just works. Although i would like some more of the options that are available in other operating systems. But it's still awesome.
  3. Does anyone know of a good monitor of IIS, that can show you what the user is accessing, how big the file is, how much has been transfered etc? I've tried IIStracer, and it's what i want but the trial ran out and i'm on a limited budget of anything free or that can be made free.
  4. i'm trying opera on my pda, works pretty well as you can see. i must say, Opera seems the most ported browser out there. Has anyone found a way to run Mosaic on Windows XP for some old school 1337 surfing? Also, don't you have to pay for Opera? Kind of a downside? or is it just for an adfree version?
  5. Raids close file-sharing server Bulldozer destroying pirated DVDs and CDs, Reuters The Razorback server held an index of pirated movies and albums Joint raids by police in Belgium and Switzerland have shut down a popular file-sharing server. The Razorback2 server was part of the Edonkey file-sharing network and was used by a third of the system's users. Whole Story
  6. i use firefox with all the extensions at home, i use Opera@USB at school, gets round the security stuff. however, on my pda, i use IE, just cause that's all i have. Are there many browsers for PDAs?
  7. The business i work for sells online services. www.demonhost.co.uk
  8. x5315


    In nearly half of the star trek episodes, some for of logs has been deleted. Isn't this a security risk. Don't you think it would be better if they were practically undeletable. ATM it seems like nearly any ensign is able to hide information by just deleting logs, why is that so?
  9. i'm sorry, you seem to have mistaken me for a retard. I know how cds work. I was just wondering about the possibility. Anyone else have any opinions?
  10. so how would you make a optical disc better? also, how about if you could write from the top side and only read from the bottom side. Would that speed stuff up?
  11. i recently read and thought about it. So i googled it and found This This says that you could get a data rate of about a gigabyte a second. I was wondering, what limits the speed that you can get data off an optical disc. And would you be able to use these holographic discs instead of hard drives. You could maybe even use optical cable to transfer the data to the processor. Any comments?
  12. i use two monitors, i have 1 on board and then my primary is a pci graphics card. Works like a treat. I used to do it with my laptop as well. I read somewhere that splitters weren't as good as an extra slot. Oh well.
  13. there is a new torrent for it on the site.
  14. x5315

    Google Webpages

    I made some googles One for my school One For Red Vs Blue
  15. x5315

    this file lost?

    try downloading it in binary format rather than ascii.
  16. can someone tell me who vedic is? can't remember.
  17. x5315

    Daleks VS 8472?

    have we forgotten that 8472 live in fluidic space? aren't the darleks made of electronics? Electronics plus fluid = bang?
  18. the clingons did kind of use it, that's how come in TOS they don't have head ridges
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