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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by anonymity

  1. include the concept of new year celebration there. Suddenly, the T.A.R.D.I.S., a ship that the crew encountered in a black-ops multiverse travel technology research, suddenly appeared in voyager's cargo bay and ______
  2. Well we don't always have to have windows, we rely on instrument panels, sensors, and other tech. They show us more than what our eyes can apparently tell. How do you think submarines, watercrafts, aircrafts, and spacecrafts do some precise maneuvers?
  3. Maybe it just needs rest for while... then one day rise again with all its magnificence and new found glory that will be felt around the world!
  4. Wow, these are all very nice! I sense a wave of new potential here. There's just one little thing though... if this sort of thing really takes off, then we might just experience another load of bullxxxx from "them" claiming things like infringement, profit losses, etc.
  5. A bit of topic, but I had to comment on this: Holy crap, you've got 6 NIC's! What the hell do you do with those? Some are direct link to secure network of some government agency I'm recruited for. Kidding... Haha. Well nothing too elaborate, just for bluetooth, some LANs, ATM layer, loopback, the TCP/IP with ISP, you know. I just chose to display them so I'll know the moment one comes active. I ought to remove the Norton Ghost though, it's a waste of system resources.
  6. Behold the paranoidly organized start menu and a desktop simplified to optimize system resources.
  7. If we are capable of giving birth to a fully conscious computer with superhuman levels of intelligence, then we desperately need to focus more one ourselves, for the betterment of all mankind. All these potential and yet the world still suffer from wars, hunger, unjustice, greed, immorality, etc. If this is one of the hard evidences that shows the 2 sides of humanity, then it is possible that building a computer with superhuman intelligence would also mean imparting it with our good as well as our evil. ...wait! isn't there a story about man eating from the tree of the knowledge of good an evil? (so that we may become like God) Sounds familiar? Again!?
  8. Hey, isn't that what the Asgards are doing? Hahaha. Kidding aside, the topic obviously involves advanced neurobiology and advanced technology. Downloading the mind to a computer is one thing but to interface the downloaded mind with another object/thing/body is another matter. Come to think of it, it took years for our baby minds to learn and master control of our body (excluding the primitive built-in functions like breathing, eating, etc.). Transfering the mind to an alien body might require some time for the mind to learn to interface with the alien body. That is to say, if learning is part of the design of the new body, otherwise, the downloaded mind would simple become backed-up in a container. I agree that immortality is a misnomer in this physical world. Having the ability to continuously regenerate our body indefinitely would make us appear to achieve a measure of immortality. Having the ability to transfer our consciousness to a newer younger version of ourselves would also make us appear to achieve a measure of immortality, just as the Asgards do. Living for hundreds of thousands of years is still not immortality, it just makes it look like immortality. And besides, living for an extended period of time allows for one to make a lot of achievements. One thing for sure is we live in an interesting time and I'd definitely like to experience science fiction of a great magnitude coming true for the benefit of mankind. I'd definitely say it's about time. So bring on the replicators, warp drives, united Earth government, inter-species alliance, and all good things.
  9. How about both honor and power and then live amongst the honorable and powerful federation? They are both aren't they?
  10. Is it this one? http://www.inpayne.com/models/lion/trekpage_liondetails.html Copy the text instead, there's something wrong with the hyperlink method.
  11. About those concerns with the consistency/continuity of the story with the Star Trek world, I definitely have my reservations too. But hey, it's all about poetic license is it not? It's kind of like spiderman having web shooters in the comics and then having it as part of the body-mutation in the movie.
  12. T'Pol's head moved! In around ±10 minutes into episode 4x22, when Riker and T'Pol were in the kitchen, Riker said "Computer freeze program. Thanks." and then gave T'Pol a kiss. T'Pol's head and body moved a little bit to sustain the force of the kiss from Riker. A little funny there. Hahaha.
  13. 4x21: Notice how the Vulcan ambassador to Earth, Soval, suddenly shows a slight change in character. Now Soval smiles, applauds, praises the humans, and suddenly Earth seems to be Vulcan's closest ally. And in 6 years' time, conflicting races finally got together? Sounds easy doesn't it? If only it'll be that easy with the nations of Earth right now, maybe we'll be travelling through space soon with our own little high-tech gadgets. 4x22 The final episode felt like there is a closure to the entire Star Trek story. Knowing that the past, the present, and the future has been told, if there'll ever be another Star Trek, maybe it'll be quite some time before a new one comes out. Maybe about a far far future Star Trek story line with technologies far advanced than what we've seen?
  14. Star Wars: * Created by George Lucas * Owned by George Lucas * Story and characters of people in a galaxy far far away Star Trek: * Created by Gene Roddenberry * Owned by Paramount * Story and characters from Earth (and it's allies, enemies, others) in the future I like Star Trek better because it shows a possible future for mankind (the Earth becoming like near eutopia and stuff like that). If Star Trek weren't owned by Paramount, maybe it could have achieved it's potential to become greater than it currently is. On the other hand, I guess Star Wars gained popularity because the Star Wars world appears to be on a "grander" scale. And more importantly, the rights remained with the creator.
  15. The only time I use IE is when there is no choice, i.e. Windows Update, and all those other product updates. For all the other regular browsing, my top choice is Opera. I find it to be doing a very good job. For browsing that requires ActiveX, I use Netscape. As Opera has expressed, they tend to stay on being open-source in their projects so ActiveX handling is out of the question. Perhaps it's the only thing that's keeping Opera from being a universal browser.
  16. I guess it all simply comes down to you're own preference. I began watching Stargate SG-1 when it was already on it's 6th season. It started with the movie of course. I'll tell you this, the feeling of being able to experience Stargate SG-1 for the first time from the very first episode to the current running episode is like bliss. There's no waiting, no commercials, no unnecessary interruptions... It was a glorious experience. So I guess it's really depends on you're preference. Would you like to be left hanging only to wait for it's continuation a week later or possibly more; or would you rather choose to reap the rewarding experience of being able to watch the story in one go. If you'll ask me, it was a case of simple impatience. I just can't wait! I gotta know what's going on and I gotta know it now.
  17. The Asgard seems to have achieved a certain measure of immortality through cloning... Not a bad idea though, clone the body then transfer the mind to a newer younger version of the body. Maybe yes if and only if the duplicate body remains as healthy or healthier than the original body. I wonder when we'll reach this capability.
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