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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by DSWIceman

  1. I've been gone awhile and was sad to come back to find the torrent site gone, though I understand perfectly the reasons why. Thanks for all those good times here NiteShdw :)
  2. nm.... *brain explodes*
  3. Except for Natalie Portman's acting..., it was awesome. I don't know what it was, maybe the blue screens, but she just seemed so detached from the movie.
  4. Mozilla is a browser as well as the name of the organization...It gets overshadowed by Firefox, but its still going. http://www.mozilla.org/products/mozilla1.x/
  5. The MTV thing was a joke. There was about 10 seconds of in-game footage, only maybe 5 seconds of that being actual gameplay.
  6. First internet service I had was 28.8k from a company in-town. I remember me and my dad going over there to find out when they would be upgrading their modems to 56k.
  7. DSWIceman


    I put Christianity, but I like the response: "It's against my relationship (with Jesus) to have a religion" :)
  8. Comcast is very annoying but at least they are fast, I get 4mbps down / ~384kbps up Thats about 512KB/s down and 48KB/s up :)
  9. My favorite is a toss up between DS9 and Voyager. I think Voyager wins slightly as its the first Trek I really got into and watched regularly, so it gets me a bit nostalgic thinking about it :)
  10. DSWIceman


    We've got one liar. :p
  11. This is definately a bad sign..... (in interview with Jolene Blalock) There is an awkward silence when the subject of the final episode is broached. "I don't know where to begin with that one," she finally stammers. "The final episode is ... appalling." :( http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1110021995262
  12. You can just use a BitTorrent program like Azureus, download the Season 3 torrent, then set every episode to do not download except 5.
  13. I just, love, scanning for lifeforms. Lifeforms, (do de doop doop doop), You tiny little lifeforms (do de doop doop doop), You precious little lifeforms (do de doop doop doop), Where are you (do do dododo deep de de de) :D And its from Generations Edit: haha found it in my documents folder http://satertek.info/lifeforms.wav Another funny one is Worf in QPid. "I protest, I am not a merry man!"
  14. No. The stardate system has no explination. :rolleyes:
  15. I don't know why they are down in the first place, but heres an explination of why they have to be up. http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/articles/design.htm (Cool site btw)
  16. They are already spending tons on Stargate SG1, Atlantis and Battlestar Galatica, they have 3 hours of original shows every friday night. It really wouldn't make much sense to put a ton of money into a new show. I'd also venture to say that if they did this, (many) people aren't going to want to watch 4 straight hours of TV, they'll download it and Sci-Fi will lose ad revinue.
  17. Wow..... And they might as well cancel the UPN network as well, I've never watched anything on it except for Enterprise and Voyager.
  18. Best non-64bit CPU you can get is a mobile Athlon. I've got my Athlon Mobile 2400+ overclocked from 1.8GHz to 2.4GHz B) And they are cheap ($70-100)
  19. Right now, I would say Atlantis. Havn't really liked SG1 as much the past few seasons. I've only seen the first episode of Battlestar Galactica, hopefully that will turn out to be very good.
  20. Projectile weapons, definately. Stargate does weapons right, however, Star Trek still has those boring phasers. What they need to do is to have an alien race invent a tachyon based energy weapon dampening field, so they'll have to break out the P90's and glocks. Energy Weapon: PSSSH (thats it, come on how lame) Projectile Weapon: (So much sound its just not describible, thats how awesome projectile weapons are)
  21. Anarchy would never work with humans. I choose Democratic Republic. (What we have in US)
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