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Amnot Borg

Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Amnot Borg

  1. lol, it's already been on the air... WE channel did it. http://www.wetv.com/shows/alien-abductions/
  2. I meant zipping the file for compression or something. you could also try cuteFTP.
  3. :D I almost choked when I read that, I must be really old. :'( I've got Pentium's, 486's, 386s, 286's and 8088 old systems in cases laying around my basement still. (Among older non-pc based systems.) you're lucky you have them in a basement. My older stuff is still scattered around the house and even my garage. I need a pickup truck to haul it away and I don't own one. :'( I'm such a bad redneck boy. No truck.
  4. lol, it doesn't have to be religious building. schools change out/upgrade systems every few years also. Businesses do it regularly. Every community has people trying out the new stuff every day and getting rid of the older machines. Maybe there is a local newspaper listing of someone selling a cheap machine? Or you might have an older pentium pc sitting in storage? Tear that thing apart and use it. The components are antique but the steel frame is what you need for parts.
  5. so, you have the motherboards, the cpus, the power supplies, the drives, the memory, the fans, and the home-made case. all you need is enclosures for the drives? or the internal frames to hold them? do you have neighbors or local churches that might be upgrading and getting rid of their older stuff? I'm sure there must be local parts around for a nominal fee. strip them from the older cases or you might have to build from scratch. soldering is easier than welding. sheet metal is sharp. be careful. have you planned on the increased heat from two boards running in the same case? access to both boards for replacement/repairs? this sounds really interesting. I'm guessing you will network the system to access both boards? Linux and Windows running separately, maybe?
  6. It's supposed to be juvenile. It's aimed at a younger audience. I also watched it. (part of it, fell asleep)
  7. IMO, the skinjob Cylons were becoming so human they were keeping Centurions and raiders as servants and slaves instead of as brothers. The 6's and 2's among others freed their siblings from the ones holding them from sentience, freewill and choice. I can imagine a massacre happening all over the Cylon territories as the Centurions gain independence. The toasters are finally free![br]Posted on: April 12, 2008, 12:52:17 PM Just more supposition: suppose the humans...aren't? earlier versions of skinjob Cylons that forgot origins and wound up making the same mistakes humans did? making robot slaves that turned on them when they gained sentience. they reach Earth and meet the original programmers who are all hybrids. >:D
  8. heh you must change your hardware every 3 months nah, I said I like the hardware, never mentioned being able to afford it. I JUST moved up to a sempron 3300+ cpu. That's 2-3 years old now. My board can handle AMD64 also so I have plans when money builds up. My last functional cpu was 900Mhz so 2GHz again is wonderful.
  9. I gave up on programming. I just like the pretty pretty hardware.
  10. lol, I think we missed the genetic wars already, weren't they supposed to be in the 1980's? KHAN!!!!!!!!
  11. Reread the forum thread about it, lol. Noah survived gunshot to eye because of Claire's healing blood.
  12. Charlton Heston R.I.P. "Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!" “It's been quite a ride. I loved every minute of it.” “Political correctness is tyranny with a happy face.”
  13. Section 31 has been alerted. You are all in violation of the Temporal Interference Accords of 2957. 0:) :P >:D
  14. How did I miss this thread? R.I.P Mr. Clarke. Thanks for the stories and memories. Childhood's End? That was an interesting novel.
  15. Can't find that movie but I did re-locate a site I'd forgotten about. They have 161 older scifi public domain movies ready for d/l in several filetypes. Or for $5 you can buy a copy on dvd. http://www.publicdomaintorrents.com/nshowcat.html?category=scifi
  16. Empire, Klingon (I checked and neither is listed on page 1.) so another E or an N.
  17. They also now offer Vir/gle the combined Virgin/Google project to colonize Mars.
  18. You can also pay for it at amazon.com as a d/l or a dvd. The d/l is US$9.99.
  19. sorry, I have dial-up so I didn't test the movies. however, that does seem to be a public domain movie so if you find it anywhere, you can d/l it legally.
  20. I'm sorry I haven't tried it out yet but Tribal Wars has been eating up my time lately.
  21. I might watch the Airwolf movie. I never got around to watching the series. I always liked Jan Micheal Vincent too. I just never got around to his series. Probably up against something I liked more.
  22. Have hi-Speed? Watch it here. It seems to be a public domain title so if you can find it. get it.
  23. Ten Forward is our general debate area. I was advertising since a nice argument seems to be building here, lol. B)
  24. Miami Vice had a huge fan base and then they also didn't use the original actors. I still haven't seen that movie. Sometimes I like a reboot of the original idea and sometimes I want to see the original actors reviving their characters. It depends on who writes it and what stories they are bringing to life, a lame attempt for cash or trying to appease the fans. with the new Iron Man movie coming out this year, they had to do a better version of Hulk.
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