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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by pleiades

  1. I remember seeing the timewyrm books here a while back, but I only managed to get 1.5% of 2mb. I guess the reason books so rarely appear must be more due to them being difficult to scan than lack of popularity.
  2. I could swear that I saw more than one IFS and the rarer Pertwee going for around that much a few years back, (It surprised me) but a quick check of ebay shows an Invasion from Space at £36. I guess the moods of the buyers and the quality of the item must play a role. £30-40 seems a reasonable starting point for these two, assuming that all the pages are intact and readable, but I am by no means an expert. Prices seem very fluid on most of the stuff, and lower auction prices sometimes get higher ending bids if two people compete fiercely. Some of the Dalek stuff goes for a bit. I remember seeing a boxed Dalek play suit, a boxed Dalek toy gun and an unopened Dalek nursery toy which I'm sure all went for at least a few hundred a piece. One of them was about £700 I believe. Some people out there really want this 60s plastic. :) I think the best way to get an honest valuation is join one of those sites dedicated to collections, books on the subject can be inaccurate when it comes to people being willing to part with their dough. Just remember to send me a URL of any photos, as I'm terminally nosey when it comes to other people's stuff. :)
  3. Alas, poor K9. ;) Actually one thing I was wondering about the new series, is whether someone will find a way of posting the red button episode in which you can control the TARDIS, for all the people who can't view the interactive broadcast. It's probably not possible to keep the interactivity element, but it'd be excellent to see what the first alien planet in DW will look like. I'm still looking forward to the first online pics of what the Graske look like, they were pulled from the net pretty quickly.
  4. With luck I may just obtain visiting rights to my collection next year. Fingers crossed. :)
  5. Thanks to Recruit Akylmir for posting these, it just goes to show how popular Doctor Who comics and annuals really are, there quite a few people on this. It makes me miss my own meagre DW collection, from which I am temporarily parted by big water. When I get back to it, I'll certainly work on creating additions for everyone. Not sure of the best method of making them is. I did try a while back with a digital camera, but the results weren't too good. I presume the best way to record fragile things is to find a hand scanner, which will be fun (!) trying to track down. Do they even make them anymore? I can't wait until I can get back to a position where I can hunt down some of the rarer things I never found before, like the annual for 1971, The Invasion From Space, TV Comics and such. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks it all deserves archiving in the public digital pool some day. >1972 never had an annual There's definitely room for a fan project there. :)
  6. There are many bits here, but it is not all complete. Much of it is the early stuff. http://dwtpscripts.tripod.com/index.html
  7. And make a torrent of it, just to take the financial wind out of these silly people's sails. *Snicker* :)
  8. Daleks can be really mean.
  9. A, Attack the Dalek's mobility. B, Use anti-radiation treatment. C, Attack the Dalek's power source. D, Use the unleashed magnetic energy from a planetary core. E, Use robo Dracula and Frankenstien from 1996. F, Use Savage alien lifeforms. G, Use a badly constructed, unstable time interface. H, Use Dalekenium bombs. I, Use a humanising ray. J, Cause civil war and search for survivors. K, Use tape recorders to give them brainstorms. L, Use extreme cold to make them go dormant. M, Use bio-engineered bacteria. N, Jam their psycho-kinetic potential. O, Use the higher technology of other races. P, Beat them with sticks making "Ugh ugh" noises. Q, Assimilate Davros. R, Use a Martian cable insulation virus. S, Use a movellan virus. T, Fire rock n' Roll at them. U, Rig a transmat to disable them. V, Use a stellar-manipulated sporting impliment. W, Shout at them loudly about how they're really lonely. X, Introduce them to Rose Tyler and wait for them to commit suicide. Y, Get a time-agent laser gun. Z, Use the energy of the time vortex.
  10. Not sure about female companions...but Adric was pretty hot by the end of his time, with the help of the Cybermen.
  11. They tend to be more sinister and dangerous when being quiet and manipulative, whatever the guns look like. You generally know what you're going to get with some Dalek stories: sly metal machinations with the pepperpots being underhand and a little too clever. Then a killing spree in the final episode just before the Doctor hands them enough rope to hang themselves. I suppose a modern audience demands eye candy as well as clearly defined evil methods and motivations.
  12. I agree with this, the Dalek's main strength lies in it's brain. It doesn't rely on brute force as the only method to solve it's obstacles. As has been said, it was their scientific genius that made them masters of half the universe. The Borg collect people and leech technology. There is no way they can compete. And as for speed of adaption, watch the episode Dalek again...they are quick and merciless, and have the abstract edge of absoloute, single minded genius that is lacking from most other meanies. The Daleks would probably condition a few thousand human prisoners, let the borg convert them, then swoop out of nowhere in force. Then they'd dissect the new Borg at length, and come up with something horrible and contagious which ate them up from the inside out. Dalborg might be quite scary, firing nanogene darts that cannibalise people and turn the raw flesh into blessed blob and metal. I'm glad that DW didn't do the trek thing with making former enemies crewmates. Duncan the friendly Dalek companion might look a little silly wobbling his happy way through time and space; and if they visited the Victorian era he simply wouldn't suit the big dress he'd have to wear so as not to scare the locals with his bibbly-bobbly metal ankles. "Duncan, when I say glide, glide like a rabbit!"
  13. Well, they do say that anything is possible with an open mind, an Oxo tin and a spoon. :p
  14. I'm not sure they need it, as their threat has always been more psychological than anything else. How else could a slow trundling dustbin on wheels with an eye shaped like a rude toy, which only reaches to about chest-height on the average person inspire any fear? I believe it's all about the ideology of utter hatred towards all unlikes without exception that makes them what they are more than how they practice their hobby. In a way, they're more human than we are.
  15. It always amuses me when the old hoarding/ secret viewing society chestnut gets raised again. :) It would hardly be worth any fan's while to keep stuff away from the BBC; they'd most likely get a paid trip to TV centre to record the episode, interviews for the dvd, and possibly a bulging goody bag of stuff to remind them of their day. New episodes are great publicity for expensive DVD releases. As for whether episodes exist, I'd say that maybe around five are knocking around either in private hands or the BBC archive labelled as one man and his dog or something. Whether they'll get found before they degrade or are thrown out by mistake is another matter entirely. I like to look on the bright side - we have all of the audios and many telesnaps thanks to the diligence of fans. One day an artist may decide to animate an episode into a broadcastable advertisment for their talent which would be fun to see. Something has occured to me as I was writing this... If an anonymous person were to, for example, upload a currently missing episode to bittrickle or something... Apart from the fact that it would get a billion leeches overnight once it was proven to be genuine, which would be excellent to see in itself; I wonder if it would enourage the nice folk from auntie to unofficially overlook the online trading of such material.
  16. I was just curious, since so much sharing goes on online... Exactly what percentage of people who view or listen to this fine programme buy the official merchanise of Auntie and Big Finish etc? Do you, perhaps, download to preview before you buy? Or maybe you feel that the licence fee you've been paying for the last 15 years (morally) more than covers a little innocent snaffling. Just something which I was wondering. I, myself buy DVD and CD releases whenever I can afford to; but now am far from my lovely little soggy island, they have become almost impossible to find anywhere. :( It will definitely be bought when I return. Especially as, these days, DVD sales seem to have an effect on the decision whether a series gets a new run next year.
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