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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by alaska

  1. 1200 was plenty when I was MUDing. Those were the days, I think I still have the remnants of the monitor tan! And that was my third machine too, blazingly fast 486/66 with 4 whole megs of RAM! Blew the doors of my first machine, IBM PC XT. When I bought it, it didn't even have a hard drive, you had to boot DOS from a floppy, the BIG floppies! Luckily, that machine, and my daisy wheel printer are long gone. Hail Technology!
  2. I know that Nite is in Utah. Duggie and I are in Wyoming. Maybe Denver??
  3. Lt. Commander LoveTrek001, you oughta share some of whatever you're smokin' with the rest of us! B)
  4. I don't have much of a sense of humor about blindness. And there's nothing mentioned about the picture that has anything to do with Levar Burton and the difficulty of playing the part. Maybe if we had VISOR technology now, I could find it funny. Until then, I think it's in poor taste.
  5. Sorry to hear about your design. But if you know that what you created is playing a part in some way, even if you're not getting credit for it, that's gotta be worth something. Congrats, my hat is off to you.
  6. That's in pretty piss poor taste wahaha. I would expect better on this forum.
  7. Your personal plans for getting into outer space.
  8. Wow, with that kind of gravity we'll need to actually invent "Inrtial dampers" before we can go there.
  9. Don't take this the wrong way, and I'm really not being sarcastic (for once) but How Von? What do you have hidden up your sleeve?
  10. I think that's more along the lines of dreams. Wishing won't make anything happen, but if you dream about something, and then work to fulfill that dream, that's when miracles happen! Inventors are dreamers, not wishers.
  11. You're not kidding there Relentless. That's why decceleration has to be planned so carefully on current missions.
  12. Ion engines don't buid up in power. They produce the same power in a linear manner. The ship will continue to accelerate the longer the engines run, but it's a slow process.
  13. You misspelled genius sir...LMAO I guess that clarifies the issue...say hello to the march hare for me!
  14. You're drinkin' the wrong kind of beer then Von! Most of the good stuff still requires a bottle opener. BTW, I just made Captain!
  15. Someone poking around in the permafrost in Fox doesn't really make the news. Free beer at the brewery does though! And as for helicopters...there's an Army and an Air Force base and lots of mines so helicopters are a common site.
  16. I said the town is close. I have no idea when this guy dug up his sample! I'll be happy to send you all the permafrost you want though. You pay shipping! B)
  17. Ensign ingenier03, those are great! Now I'm thinking maybe I need a bottle opener on my computer also! They should come from the factory that way!
  18. I use AOL and thankfully, they do not have audio ads. That would drive me up the wall!
  19. Sorry to interupt the thread. psheldrake1, I PMed you asking for a description of Electronics workbench, the torrent you uploaded. Every time I try to PM it hangs. Relentless - Season 4, episode 12. Fry is put on trial for his life for traveling to the forbidden planet of Omega 3 to retrieve all 79 episodes of "Star Trek", and he must defend the claim that human kind needs "Star Trek" to give them hope for the future. In the 23rd Century, "Star Trek" fans had evolved to such a level that they corrupted the world's governments and all things "Star Trek" were then banned to Omega 3. Fry sets out on his mission with Leela, Bender and Leonard Nimoy's head in a jar, only to discover William Shatner, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei and Walter Koening are living on Omega 3 under the watchful eye of Melllvar, an evil energy creature -- and "Star Trek's" biggest fan. This is such a great episode. Give me a few minutes and I'll UP it to the tracker.
  20. That happens around here as it is sometimes! B)
  21. Yeah, but the religion got too powerful. So the powers that be executed all the Trekkies in the manner best befitting virgins...threw them into a volcano! One after another...hence..."He's dead Jim. He's dead Jim. He's dead Jim."
  22. "Richard Hoover of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama discovered the bacterium near the town of Fox, Alaska, in a tunnel drilled through permafrost" Interesting...Fox is about 5 minutes from my old house.
  23. This thread is beginning to make me think of the Star Trek Episode of Futurama. (Where Trek becomes a religion) "He's dead Jim. He's dead Jim. He's dead Jim."
  24. Cold Shmold. C'mon up to Prudhoe Bay in January! And don't forget your mittens! B)
  25. And if wishes were horses beggars would ride!
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