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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by vyper

  1. Erm, yes this idea should've been drowned at birth. I'm glad someone euthanised it in time. Then again, the entire premise of Casino Royale makes me want to slap the producers.
  2. I think any western nation can consider itself a police state, or close to one, these days. The truly sad thing is we're not doing a damned thing about it.
  3. Since we don't have any affiliated stations here in the UK, and thus I didn't get to see the remastered Balance of Terror aired tonight would someone like to tell me how good or bad it was? :)
  4. I wholeheartedly endorse empire building... so long as its my country doing the building. Natch. :)
  5. Okay, from the Brit perspective, I don't think we can be accused of being trigger happpy. That implies action for its own sake, which is the very opposite of British foreign policy to date. Edit: Besides, none of this would have happened had the US not been so enthusiastic about dismantling the empire post-WW2. ;)
  6. So... a combination of "Star Wars Empire at War" and Star Trek Armada (2?). The FPS aspect of Trek games has been severely under-used. The last real offering was Elite Force 2 and The Fallen, while there's been many more tactical management games. Grr.
  7. Problem 1: Poor, poor, poor scripting. Problem 2: Romulans acting... well, not very Romulan. Why would they give a damn how Shinzon was going to defeat the Federation? Sure you'd have the odd admiral (like Jarok from TNG: The Defector) who would have objections to all out war but on the whole they would probably have left him to it (not to say they wouldn't have killed him afterwards of course ;)). Problem 3: Data has somehow reverted to a previous stage in character development. Almost as if the previous two movies never happened. Problem 4: For the transporter to go down the console on the bridge simply had to explode. Chief O'Brien may take issue with that one eh? Or the fact that when the Scimitar went into reverse it would have simply dragged the Enterprise backwards with it - since she was exerting no counterforce! Oh, and the best one: Auto-destruct systems are off-line. WHAT? That's not possible. There had to be fusion reactors all over the ship still operating that could have been over-loaded, even if a warp core breach couldn't be initiated. Problem 5: I'm making the point again because it irked me. Scripting. Awful compared to First Contact or even a TNG episode. Moreover, it just felt like a two-part TNG episode. It just didn't feel like an epic trek movie. People have compared it to WoK - it doesn't touch WoK. That's part of the problem!
  8. It pains me to say this, but Crusher would win. He had been to the academy, served on board the Enterprise and oh... had some strange cosmic-fate-power-thingy (see: The Traveller).
  9. I'm going with teh klingon every time.
  10. Breath a sigh of relief, 'tis not true at all: http://www.syfyportal.com/article.php?id=2168
  11. Any time anyone wants to buy me a Hybrid... or any other kind of hybrid (well, maybe a roadster of some sort)... go right ahead. Hey there's an idea. Government funding for everyone to buy new hybrid cars. Discuss.
  12. Just hope they have faster download servers than Blizzard. ;) "Honey, can we wait six hours?"
  13. Kirk. Think how many security crewmen died over the course of his five year mission (and we only saw three!).
  14. Voyager was watched because once DS9 finished it was the only thing left. I say this not out of spite as some sort of DS9 fanboy, but because Voyager truly did have huge problems. Let me put it this way, go and watch an episode of TNG (say season 4 or 5) and then watch any of Voyager. You will soon notice that no matter how improved the CGI was, the acting paled in comparison. Gates McFadden had more acting ability in one fingernail than Kate Mulgrew had in her whole body. Likewise, Chakotay (dear god it's been so long I may not be spelling it properly) was a tragically under-played character in comparison to Riker. Oh, and Neelix. He is the Jar Jar of the Star Trek universe. Put simply, it tried to be nice at first, then shift into being "gritty" as they get further into the "desperate ship" plot. Unfortunately neither came off properly. I've not drawn any comparisons to Patrick Stewart out of fairness, since he was a Shakespearian actor well before star trek and thus had an unfair advantage!
  15. vyper


    Has been a blast, all of it. From the very first season is had drama, style and realistic characters. I will miss it when it ends, but it will have to end. There's only so many times Syd can go through certain traumas. Ironically, it's Sydney that's the problem; Arvin Sloane has many more plots left in him before the character runs dry, as do Jack Bristow and Nadia, whereas Sydney Bristow is just getting tiring.
  16. Ah, it always happens.
  17. So this is why they cancelled Enterprise... "with no new material, Trekkies were forced to entertain themselves - leading to several unexpected pregnancies.".
  18. *realises he doesn't know where his EF discs are* *goes into Klingon-like rage*
  19. I'll take door number three Monty. I've met some pretty f*cked up families in my time.
  20. Where's the option for no stars? :P
  21. Never really compared myself to a trek character, since tbh I can't find one that matches me. Archer actually comes closest because of the character development during s3 and 4. Unfortunately (?) there are echoes of Picard in my way of dealing with a crisis.
  22. Ranks? Post counts are just phallic imagary for us geeks, so I tend to shy away from worry about them ;)
  23. That is palpable nonsense. Archer is an immensely complex character once you give him a chance. Look at the arc he goes through in the four seasons of Enterprise...from cocky, arrogant confrontational and generally dislikable in the pilot to a man of concience compassion, intelligence and great integrity by the end. He thought he could 'do anything', as the theme suggests, when he started out, but by journey's end he is weathered by experience, especially by the Xindi mission where I felt he totally came into his own; he had to question everything he believed in to stop the Xindi and had to make impossible decisions that will be with him for the rest of his life(ie. torturing the Xindi in the airlock and brutally stealing the poor aliens' injector coils). No other ST captain has had to face so many demons, had to question himself so much in the face of overwhelming adversity, and he comes through despite everything to form the Federation. B) What a guy! Jonathan Archer is the first truly inspirational leader in ST since Jean-Luc himself imo. :D ________________________________ 'We can't be afraid of the wind, Travis.' Janeway had more character in her little pinky than Jean-Luc had in his whole body (IMHO). c4 B) Janeway was a feminist with an axe to grind. She took every opportunity she could to prove how tomboy she was. Now, Doc Crusher or Admiral Nacheyeve (sp?) were better female characters. Now as for Picard. Patrick Stewart brought a respectable gravity to the entire series. He was the epitomy of a refined starship captain.
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