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Everything posted by shizawana

  1. Probably they haven't run out on people to assimilate yet, so reproduction hasn't become an issue. And drones who don't get killed will just keep on living forever. By the time they don't have anyone left to assimilate they will probably start reproducing in some fashion.
  2. The one wise thing Janeway ever did was to join the alliance with the Borg. The Borg are not evil nor good, there is no such thing, only survival and perfection, and they're good at it. So there is no point in calling that an "alliance with the devil" as she did herself in that particular episode. And in a choice between Borg or 8472 as the race to dominate the universe I'd go for Borg any day. Janeway's major flaw is her political correctness and stupid morals and when she finally abandons them and grabs the opportunity nobody can call that "iratinal".
  3. They still have their superior technology and their ability to adjust themselves to any kind of threat. Say that a drone can assimilate one person per hour, counting in the ones killed before they can be taken into service etc. At that (very slow) rate it would take the drone 30 hours to get one billion drones to help him. There isn't a chance in the world that we could stop them from taking the entire planet within 2 days.
  4. The Defiant sure knows how to handle a combat situation, it goes in fast and does a significant amount of damage in the first two seconds of combat. Just look at how Sisko handles the Dominion. Voyager is ugly, really ugly, just like the rest of the ships who ever had anything to do with Jupiter Station. If you're looking for a pretty ship, take a look at a Warbird.
  5. First of all the idea that the FBI should be monitoring a huge tracker is just silly, they wouldn't be able to do anything but watch us Europeans get away with everything we seed and leech, and I don't believe they'd be interested in catching Americans while they let us get away. Use piratebay instead if you still don't believe me, I guarantee you it's safe, it's swedish after all :) About season 3, IMDB states that it's in production and will be released in spring 2006 or something like that.
  6. Sisko. He never has a casual day, he always have to weigh the fate of entire Bajor against his obligations as the Captain of the key location in the quadrant + the Dominion threat. All the other Captains are mostly just risking their stupid ship or maybe a minor conflict with this or that empire whilst Sisko has the entire quadrant to worry about.
  7. All those numbers and mean misspellings totally got me. :(
  8. The Borg isn't/aren't a collective, for it to be many minds should have a connection, like the great link of the changelings. The Borg however, is just one mind. The Queen is the center of that mind. We have all seen how she always knows what happends to every drone and can command them to do anything instantly just like a normal person lifts his/her arm up. The Borg is just a big cluster that forms one powerful mind with a body spreading across half a quadrant. Quite powerful, quite amazing. But no collective.
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