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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by gjnave

  1. Star Trek likes to tie everything together. i.e. the augment 3 parter in Enterprise where at the end Soong says something to the effect of "i think ill start working on androids" - (which then of course makes us think how cool that his work eventually led to Data); or DS9's Trials and Tribulations where we get to see the old Kirk & Spock and see that Sisko was throwing triblles on Kirk. As for cameos, how Star Trek generally handles these kind of things is through some sort of "fun" scene where you see the actor for a few brief moments and it leaves you thinking "that was cool" but not having a real bearing on the whole show. Like a sort of guest appearance for the fans. I would not be surprised at all to see Shatner and Nimoy in the movie (Star Trek is all about the family and the memories) but I can't imagine it being a very big one. More as Abrams said "a handing off of the torch". But then again, ive been wrong before. :D
  2. gjnave


    Yes.. that was the episode. Not bad in itself... but Iggy Pops performance? .. *shudder* :D
  3. You should post the Dr. Who stuff on the Dr. Who forum... i bet someone would buy them. As for the Trek stuff try the www.starttrek.com forums. BTW - it all looks nice :D
  4. Im totally new to Dr. Who but very interested. Ill ask my questions in a faq format so its easier to read in the future. 1) Where is a good place to start? Just go rent any old Dr. Who videos? One thing I dont want to do is spoil the secrets for myself. 2)Would you suggest renting a specific doctor? Or does it matter? 3) Where are good places to find the videos? Can you rent them? What about the really old ones? 4) Also, Id be interested in reading some of the old books; where is a good place to find them and what books inparticular should i look for? thanks! I look forward to the upcoming adventure!
  5. Glad to hear that Tennant is good. I was worried because Ive really enjoyed Christopher Eccleston.
  6. WOW! That was awesome. I really enjoyed the humor ("but dont worry about me.. just go and enjoy your beans on toast"); and the sci part was just off the wall. I loved it and am looking forward to seeing the next episode. This was my first ever Dr. Who episode, new or old... i think i may and go find some old Dr. Whos as well now :D
  7. I havent had much of a chance to download stuff since being overseas (slow i-net connection) but since coming home from the holidays I picked up the pace to gather some TV shows which Ive missed... (heroes, dr. who, etc...) just this week I received an email from comcast saying that I have (basically) been busted as my IP address was logged downloading a specific file. I have to admit, that's had quite a bit of weight in scaring me to slow waaay down. On a side note: I did read on the internet (phoenixlabs.org) that this is basically an automated response and doesnt mean anything other than heed the warning. what do you all think?
  8. that does seem to be the modus operandi these days.. im shocked a thte num,ber of "incomplete" series out there lately
  9. The book by Phillip K. Dick suggest that Deckard may have been a replicant but never verifies it.... on a side note, the book actually silently asks the question of what the difference between a replicant and a human is... the humans base their humanity on the abilit to feel emotion (something a replicant cannot do), but the irony is that the humans themselves must use technology to initiate the very emotion that "makes" them human. Perhaps this is where the idea of the Deckard = replicant theory comes from? The video game (which by the way is AWESOME) has multiple endings and some of them go the direction of Deckard being a replicant.
  10. I found this link on Youtube.com I think this must be a SNL or something. It was great! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMgBPogArbw
  11. gjnave

    Star trek idea

    AMEN! As far as Im concerned this was the problem with Enterprise.
  12. gjnave


    my goodness... this forum certainly seems to be dead. I think theres been like 2 (3?) posts in the last week - not including my own. c'est la vie :)
  13. I just watched the trailer (got around the low bandwidth problem). That was awesome! Someone should have posted the picture of the evil Harry Kim and the Orion slave girl. Im stoked to download this at Christmas time. I wonder if all the actors are playing their original roles (mirror universe Harry Kim?) ? The actor that played Martok is there as well, but looks different. Also Tim Russ was in the grips of a mind meld and looked quite Tuvok'ish. Very very cool.
  14. I didnt get to watch the trailer (slow slow slow bandwidth) but Im excited! Perhaps this, in conjunction with what New Voyages has already done is going to start a new trend of fan based Trek. A new life on the net... I cant wait to get back to the USA and download this and all the New Voyages episodes as well!
  15. I've only watched "Serenity" but am very anxious to watch the rest. As for whats better.. my final take is that Star Trek is it's own thing and cant be anything other than Trek. I personally enjoy Star Trek more than any other Sci-Fi (although I really enjoy a lot of other Sci-Fi as well). I think Star Trek is just kind of soothing and relaxing ... reminds me of being a kid or something and watching TOS on weekends.
  16. gjnave

    CNN Blasphemy

    CNN = Clinton News Network --- That was a bizarre (if not disillusioning) article. Although reading Shatners autobiography of the show was a bit as wel.. However.. i agree. QUIT MILKING it. As far as the big boys are concerned, its all about milking the fans for big bucks. Come on.. $100+ for one season of Trek? It's ridiculous. Trek will come back when you get people who love the show and want to make good tv for the sake of the Trek.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04il1iAoIZ0 I remember watching this on tv when it first aired. Damon Wayans is hillarious.
  18. gjnave

    New Voyages

    www.newvoyages.com I jsut watched part of ne of the early episodes... it was visually impressive (very good).. the actors were great.. except for Kirk, who reminded me of Andrew Dice Clay (Andrew Dice Kirk?) :D you can download the episodes for free from this site.
  19. Can anyone provide me with links as to where to get the .wav (or even better:) .mp3 for DS9, TNG, and Voyager theme songs? and not some cheesy midi version of them? :D thanks!
  20. gjnave

    New Voyages

    do a web search and you will fidn them.. they are fan created.. but supposedly really good
  21. The president of the federation is an alien during DS9 as well.
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