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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by bcallear

  1. Another blow from the greedy corporate bastards that have US politicians in their pockets! 1984 - Here we come! Sorry for the news Nite, hope it all goes well - watch your ass!
  2. Modern SCI-FI in general would be far better if they stopped cancelling half the shows before they conclude... often before they finish the first season!
  3. DS9 S06 EP26 - Tears of the Prophets BTW - I nominate DS9 S06 EP23 "Profit and Lace" as being one of the funniest ST episodes - Quark in Ferengi drag, class!
  4. I went for enterprise... I don't think they look the best, but they are the most functional - they are the only ones with pockets!
  5. For me personally, this has been the most gripping BSG ep to date. I think it has plunged the series into a new depth on darkness, the brutality of the Pegasus crew has given the series (in my opinion) a more sinister feel... I think the producers were very brave to include the attempted rape scene, and I think it has added an edgy realism that I have never seen before in this type of show.
  6. The Culture series by Iain Banks have to be the ultimate true science fiction for me, deep and engaging stories set in the surreal and completely original "Culture" universe... I highly recommend this series to anyone who has never read them - Start with the first book "Consider Phlebas" My all time fav has to be HG Wells War of the Worlds, obviously been made into films, but these do not reflect the real imaginative brilliance and vision of the book.
  7. Gotta be season 5 for me - I particularly liked "Darmock" as my old English teacher made us watch it at school before we read Gilgamesh... Also thought Stewart's performance was excellent in "Inner Light" as he portrayed his character progressing through the years and him raising a family... And finally loved seeing Data as a Romulan in "Unification"
  8. bcallear


    Atheist through and through! However I am interested in religious texts in the context of them being ancient scriptures, but there are often area's of contradiction and gross innaccuracy even in the bible which does nothing to inspire any faith in me at all... I tend to lean more towards String theory (i.e. Nature) as the creator of the universe. "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking to the stars" -- Oscar Wilde
  9. I believe that everywhere we look in the cosmos we will find some form of life. Look on our planet, life thrives in the sub zero temperatures of the poles, the bone crushing pressures of the deep and the searing temperatures near hydrothermal vents. In our solar system we have two other terrestrial planets with atmosphere (Venus and Mars), a moon which is a giant frozen ocean (Europa) and a mysterious moon with a thick atmosphere and oceans of liquid methane (Titan)... Given the condidtions life can survive in on Earth, what are the chances that there is alien life in our own solar system?! Pretty high for my money
  10. Has got to be seeing goody two shoes Picard as cold hearted cyborg killing machine Lecutus. You will watch this episode, resistance is futile!
  11. bcallear


    Hmmmm, seems the ladies are extremely thin on the ground, now who would have thought that?! :D
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