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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Arktis

  1. My only real gripe is that right now it has a Star Trek quote sitting between the Galactica and Dr. Who vehicles. Other than that, I like it.
  2. Alright, I resent the fox news comparison. I would have thought you knew better than that, seeing as how we've both been members here together for quite a while. Also, you cite the similarities between Australians and North Americans, yet you don't seem to acknowledge that there are in fact many people who have the same sentiments about their own history, nor do you acknowledge that you are dismissing those sentiments in others while believing your own similar ones to be true. As for my opinion, I think you're wrong, the North Americans are wrong, hell... most people are sorely lacking in an clear and untainted rational view of their country, it's history, and present state. Then again, it's normal and to be expected. It's a shame, really.
  3. Arktis


    That's typical though. They want to keep some elements of the larger more interesting stories open for the future so that viewers will stay interested and the show can keep running. It's part of a common business model, you see. They just don't talk about it in those terms because it's obvious a lot of fans might feel abused.
  4. I've seen the pictures. I don't think it's really that hot. She's sexier with clothes on, if that makes sense to you.
  5. Centurions do not reincarnate. They don't even have real consciousness. They were specifically designed that way so they wouldn't rebel. This is established cannon.
  6. Starbuck is the chosen one, the chosen one, the chosen one, the chosen one, the chosen one, the chosen, the chosen one. :D Seriously, at the end of 312, I really get that impression.
  7. The implication as I see it is that Klingons are mostly stupid save for some of their craftier, more sinister leaders who only appear to care about honor. Klingons run around professing the sacredness of honor when they really don't understand much about what they are really doing or what they are talking about. The basic concept of it being sacred just holds their empire together like so many other dogmas we've all seen and experienced.
  8. Well, it's about damn time. Much, much better.
  9. Hmm. It's going to be a risky procedure removing that bug from your butt. It's burrowed in pretty deep. Perhaps you should try the old-fashioned way. Someone get this man a bottle of Tequila. By god, we'll poison that bugger out of there. ;D On a side note, people should keep spoilers out of the damn topic title.
  10. SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE. ;D I'm pretty sure it's going to be Adama, since I remember he and RDM were saying something like his character wasn't going to be around forever on a post-season one BSG cast panel (it's the same panel where Rosalyn's actor looks drunk).
  11. neomaster: That looks like something off of Battlestar Galactica. Let's see... what did I get for Christmas.... Nothing! :o This was my first year of not celebrating it. I just decided I wasn't going to participate anymore (to a cynical agnostic atheist, it's sort of a meaningless holiday... "commercialism day"). The best part is: no more socks! :D Oh yeah, plus there's the all the money I get to save. As a joke, I told all my relatives that I had become a Jehovah's witness. Some of the reactions I got out of that one were great. I think maybe my uncle still believes it... I was kinda wondering how many people out there just flat out "quit" celebrating Christmas. I don't think I've ever met anyone who has. Edit: for those who are unaware, Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate holidays, hence the joke.
  12. Since you put it that way, I think I have a nice spot for this story on my top shelf next to God, the Virgin Mary, Shiva, and String/M Theory. You know, right below absolute justice but just above candy corn that actually tastes good. I'm talking about that set of shelves in my back room marked "untestable". ::) Edit: Alright, before some anal retentive (like me) person raises the String Theory issue, I KNOW. I have my reasons, and they are: the test sucks; we still may never know. Yes. This is MY way of enjoying things. ;D
  13. Well, it happened. The first class-action lawsuit: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6163421.html Given the links I already posted, I think it's a bunch of crap.
  14. Arktis

    Oh, Snap!

    Oh. Well, when you put it that way... :D
  15. Arktis

    Oh, Snap!

    Okay, I think I've finally found a way to explain what I'm getting at. Odo: "There's nothing heroic about earning profit." Quark: "There is on Ferrenganar." Odo: "We're not on Ferrenganar." The Ferengi are sneaky weasels who are weak and unheroic by our standards. Their idea of manhood is based on financial prowess (which women are forbidden from pursuing because it's supposed to be a male quality to seek profit; females doing so is seen as a perversion) and as a result, the qualities needed to achieve recognition of manhood in Ferengi society are entirely "alien" to us. If you'll forgive the pun, Ferengi masculinity is rather queer (as in odd). This is why I think the actor who plays Quark steals his mannerisms from gay culture. That's why most Ferengis aren't very masculine by our standards. Am I reaching?
  16. Arktis

    Oh, Snap!

    Faaaaaaabulousssss! :D No I don't think so. He's NOT gay, that's true. But his mannerisms do say something important about Ferengi philosophy and about Quark. It's a cheap gimmic, but it's funny and effective. Ferengis aren't very masculine by nature, Quark is even less so than the rest. There's a point there, I say.
  17. Now there's an amusing mental image. Speaking of which, what was the name of that family from Monty Python's Flying Circus that all talked really loud and smashed things over their heads? Heheheh. ;D
  18. Two quick things: 1.) The straps work fine as they are. A guy over at Nintendojo decided to do some weight testing and in the end had to resort to using pure muscle to finally break the strap. Story and pictures here : http://www.nintendojo.com/fullfocus/view_item.php?1166055790 This just goes to show that in the majority of cases, people are simply being retarded. Thanks, retards. 2.) Voluntary exchange program article here : http://www.nintendorevolution.ca/12152006/20/nintendo_wii_wrist_strap_there_is_no_recall As the URL and page title say, there is no recall. Tetsuo is pretty much right.
  19. The Draedus screen in the command center will explode. It's last words will be "zzt-szszszshreeet- fztbamph!" A memorial service will be held. Punch and pie.
  20. Arktis

    Oh, Snap!

    Tetsuo: Well I already gave you guys hints about where I was going with this. I thought I made it pretty evident. Everyone: That's alright if you don't want to think too hard about it, be dismissive, etc. I understand. I do. It's okay. lol
  21. Arktis

    Oh, Snap!

    You have no idea how hard that made me laugh. Quark's mannerisms are obviously stereotypically gay, though Quark himself is not. What I'm getting at is what this means; what is the message? I think you can figure out the rest. Keep in mind that the character has had romantic feelings and relationships with females. It's also relevant (and funny) to note the episode where he dresses in drag and the episode where he has that awkward bit of time after he shared the kiss with the Ferrengi female he thought was a male. My point is that stereotypes about sexuality (masculinity, femininity, manhood, lack of manhood) are being purposefully employed to say something.
  22. Arktis

    Oh, Snap!

    Hmm. No replies. Not even a "naw, Arktis.". You're all scared of being politically incorrect, aren't you? Wussies. :P
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