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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Antipodean

  1. I thought it was an awesome episode... good crackin and socially pertinent sci fi. Socially pertinent as all hell! I don't know if the Americans here have being paying attention... but in the United States, President Bush has managed to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, a fundamental legal principal giving any prisoner the right to present their case in court. (see http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15220450/ Ring any bells with this epidsode??? ;)
  2. Thanks for the link! Pretty interesting doco about one AWESOME movie.
  3. Well my folks were sci-fi fans, so I was brought up on Dr Who, Start Trek and Blakes 7... as well as Asimov, Arthur C Clark, Jack Vance, Frank Herbert etc, so I guess it was inevitable that I would grow into a sci fi fan. But the reason I think I like sci fi is that it is a genre that while being capable of being fantastic, escapist and action packed, is nonetheless intellectually engaging and full of possibility. Sci-fi is pop culture entertainment that gives you room to think.
  4. Hell yeah! But I love how they used future Hiro and how different he becomes, almost as a teaser, to show us that we're in for one hell of a journey. I want to know already what Hiro goes through to become his future badass self. I'm now keen as mustard to see Peter Petrelli adopt his new persona as the leader type figure of this motley bunch of heroes, and find out what trials they go through for him to pick up a scar. I'm with S0V13T on this one... Heroes really is turning out to be on par with BSG. Fingers crossed it stays that way. I've got a feeling it will though, at least for a Season or two.
  5. Action-packed, and an emotional roller coaster!!! This was Battlestar Galactica in its prime. From Tigh's palpable grief as he watched his wife die by his own hands, to that final scene with Adama shaving off that god awful tache of his... amazing writing, amazing directing and all round awesome science fiction. Once again, I just can't wait til the next episode!
  6. If you havn't been watching 'Heroes' - then you have been missing out. BIG TIME. I've enjoyed the first handful of episodes more than any other tv program since the new Series of Battlestar Galactica. And if you have been foolish enough to miss it... my advice is simple, do whatever you can to get hold of the 4 episodes that have been broadcast so far. I think that the Sci Fi chanel is showing the repeats already? Anyhow - If you have been watching, and you caught episode 4, how cool was it to see a glimpse of future Hiro? I can't wait for the next episode.
  7. This whole season has been AWESOME so far... Ep 3 not so much as the 1st two, but excellent none the less. I LOVE where it's going, and I love anticipating how on earth things are gonna work out in the next episode. And Slug... if there's one thing you can be sure with Battlestar Galactica, its the fact that there's little point taking any future plot directions for granted. From where I'm standing the writers are taking us on one hell of a roller coaster ride, and I reckon we're gonna see still more things come at us from left field that nobody could have seen coming. And ya know? That's just how I like it.
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  9. Nah - I know that this borrows from Andromeda a bit, but that show was PATHETIC, so its OK to give a good idea another run... Why not start a new Trek TV series AFTER THE DEATH of the Federation... you know, a rediscovery of the what the Federation means by a naive young bunch, who in the hope of what they may achieve, name their new ship 'Enterprise'. Technologically, some things could be WAY advanced than what we're familiar with, while other technologies may have been lost in the anarchy. And you could do a few full roll reversals, like Romulans as on side with the good guys, or Betazoid warlard despots, abusing their mental powers etc... You get the drift. This way, a whole new almost unlimited range of storyboard possibilities are available to writers... meanwhile the show could still be faithful to Trek values.
  10. Man, I'd LOVE to see Many Coto be given the reigns to a new series. The man's a legend! Seriously if I was a studio executive, I'd give him free reign to at least make a pilot for a new show. I'd also love to find out exactly what it was that Many Coto pitched to those Paramount execs.
  11. But I think thats the point yeah, bigotry and intolerance are never issues to take for granted. It requires eternal vigilence to keep them in check.
  12. While there is a very real terrorist threat from some fundamentalist quarters, I suspect that most of the hysteria and hoopla bandied about by media and politicians is largely a political tool, variously used to distract from other serious domestic issues, as well as to conjure from the fear of terror attacks, a psychological dependence on those politicans who promise to protect you from the bad people.
  13. My manager drone on and on and on and on....................ad naseum... LOL! Sounds like fun :p Listening at the mo to U2's 'Achtung Baby' Album. Good stuff.
  14. Mr.Dad: There are MANY many American citizens concerned about the state of American democracy. Where do I get my info from? American sources. From "The American Conservative" Online (on the right) to oldamericancentury.org on the left. My arguement is a legitmate one shared by no small amount of US citizens. You have the right to disagree but please don't just write off what I say just because I'm not American myself. It doesn't make me any less informed than most US citizens. In fact, it would seem that I'm even better informed than yourself on this count. I do advise you to look up the numerous incidents where "Free speech zones" have been applied. Its easily google-able. As I said above, its clear that one arm of your government IS actually and actively engaged in the task of suppressing free political expression. Sure, protest is still alive in the US... But seriously mate, does it not worry you that your own executive is trying to stymy just that? Anyhow, I don't know if you have it in the US too, but in Australia, we have a saying: "Play the ball, not the man". Take my thoughts on, challenge them by all means. But don't just dismiss them because I'm an Aussie. It's intellectually immature and speaks of a tribalism that doesn't belong in this globalised world of ours.
  15. Hasperat (Bajoran Delicacy)
  16. Mr Dad: Rarely refused? I can't find one single example of such refusal. Regardless of your finagling over the legal details, you can't deny that the authority of the Presidents office is being used to suppress dissent. In practice, "free speech zones" are a now a part of the normal modus opperandi of your executive, meaning that one of the arms of your government is actually and actively engaged in the task of suppressing free political expression. Think about it. You can't tell me that such conduct is healthy for a democracy. And the fact remains that at least I can protest my Prime Minister, without being "quarantined" - Umm, YOU CAN'T. And no I'm not confusing protest with a personal audience. The fact is that postesting in a vacuum is pointless, stupid and impotent. Well that's what "free speech zones" are all about; confining protest to a vacuum. Now add to this the legal possibility of 'summarary arrest on suspicion of terrorism' under the Patriot Act (as mentioned by GorunNova). And add to this the Big Brother style surveillance regime proposed in the laws mentioned in the Article which started this topic. Now if you include the fact that the current US annual expenditure for military and defence is somewhere between $441.6 billion $669.8 Billion this year, which accounts for over 40% of the WHOLE worlds Military spending. In fact Military spending accounts for OVER 50% of the United States discretionary budget. This means that more is being spent on the military than EVERYTHING ELSE PUT TOGETHER. Anyhow, put this all together, though I'm sure there's more besides, and the picture you get is one of a militaristic state, where an ongoing assault is taking place on peoples civil rights, with the threat looming large of a panoptic police state. Well, that is starting to sound more and more like some of the regimes we thought we'd consigned to the dustbin of history, no? Anyhow, I think these are issues most of the english speaking world is being confronted with, not just the United States... Most of the developed world even. I guess the trick is for the citizens of the worlds democracies to keep their eyes open for the threats to our democratic rights and processes. Eternal Vigilence and all that. MOST ESPECIALLY we need to be wary of the assaults on our basic liberties that our various governments try to get away with in the name of fighting terrorism.
  17. My mistake - it's actually the US Secret Service, not the FBI that has such powers. Quote: "When Bush travels around the United States, the Secret Service visits the location ahead of time and orders local police to set up “free speech zones†or “protest zones†where people opposed to Bush policies (and sometimes sign-carrying supporters) are quarantined." (quote taken from "The American Conservative" Online.) MrDad: Mate - You might winge about my liberties as an Aussie, but at least I can protest my Prime Minister, without being "quarantined". :)
  18. Hell yeah! That man deserves some kinda award. I'd love to see him involved in the next Trek movie, but somehow - I don't think thats gonna happen...
  19. Ummm - sorry mate, but talk of torrents has no place here anymore. If you could refrain in future, that'd be tops.
  20. Well, already in the US, free speech has been massively curtailed. The FBI has the ability to confine protest and disagreement with the administration to policed and defined "Free speech zones". What a load of semi-fascist crap. Yeah, sure you can have free speech BUT only where we say so, and ONLY once we've made sure that nobody's going to have the chance to hear you. Bah! That's not bloody democracy. No way is that democracy.
  21. Can we all agree then, that Manny Coto, is basically the man, and that the franchise should be basically be entrusted to his hot little hands?
  22. Yeah, Vista's looking like it'll be a whole lot more trouble than its worth... meanwhile, linux distro's are getting better & better by the day. At the momen, I'm running both XP and Ubuntu Linux 6.06 (Dual Boot), and the more & more I refine the settings and the more packages I intergrate, the more I LOVE Ubuntu. I mostly keep XP going just so as I can play a handful of games.
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