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Everything posted by Antipodean

  1. LCARS (library computer access and retrieval system)
  2. Time travel people. Time travel. That's what it would take. And after all, time travel has been one of the biggest fall back positions in ST history! Seriously - I bet ya that theres time travel involved. They'll give us at least one familiar trek face methinks... which would either require that Chekov aging disease or Time Travel. Actually no... forget I mentioned it. It's been done to death. Surely even Abrams can't be that plot lazy.
  3. Icheb (Voyager character)
  4. What have you got against aussie's then huh? :p Yeah, yeah, we started off with a few hundred convicts who got sent here mostly for crimes along the lines of stealing bread and hankies... you see, class wise, 18th Century Britain wasn't all that kind towards poor folks as had to feed their families. Most aussie's are proud of that heritage, as it, along with substantial immigration from Ireland, certainly contributed to my country's sense of social justice, mateship and a "fair go" for all. Or if it's the way the colonists treated Aborigines you're refering to - fair enough. I'm one of those Australians as feels shame for that aspect of our history and wants to see restititution, appologies and reconciliation made into law. None the less, I'll stand by that comment that the Puritan history of the US STILL makes its mark on your society and politics... and no, I don't think thats a good thing. Say what you will about Australia... I still have the right to hold that opinion, and the right to recognise the the factual history of the United States. And no matter how many times you cry "shame", FOX news style, you can't take away from me, or deny the truth. ;)
  5. Well, Abrams has guaranteed that the movie is gonna be faithful to canon, at least, so no radical remaking BSG style is on the cards.
  6. Coming from a website whose audience provides a ready target market for advertising selling far right wing t-shirts that reckon Hillary Clinton is a Communist - well, the opinions expressed come as no real surprise. I agree with Arktis though - the entire peice puts forward some pretty strong accusations, and fails to back them up with facts at any point. Firstly, the article seems to rely on an assumption that the Vietnam war was lost because of the gutlessness of baby boomers and their politicians... ummm NO. The Vietnam War was lost because the US and its allies in that venture (including Australia) never won the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people. You can't expect to rock up in a country, support an undemocratic minority goverment by force of arms and expect to get away with it. But it is interesting though to see that even right wing militaristic types are now comparing Iraq to the Vietnam War. Up till now, only "evil treacherous" liberal types seem to have noticed that there are some similarities. MOST IMPORTANTLY however, I do wonder at the veracity of the peice... I'll preface this by saying first that I'm not familiar with just how desperate the U.S. is for men on the ground in Iraq, but it does seem unlikely that any nations military would be sending SIXTY year olds on tours of duty of the sort that might injure a man severly enough to have to be sent back home. It smells of bulldust. It really does.
  7. Well, the first posters for the movie have already been released... See: New Poster Sends Clues to Direction of Next Movie (article at Startrek.com) One things for sure... we're DEFINATELY talking back to the future, as there can now be no doubt that the movie's gonna be a return to the TOS era. I must say, that I'm more than a little ambivalent about this prospect. All I can do is cross my fingers that the film does justice to the Star Trek legacy, and that is doesn't end up buggering up the franchise for good. I won't give up hope mind you - its not out of the question that the movie could turn out to be awesome... as long is it doesn't turn out to be that "Kirk & Spock: The academy days" nonesense that was being speculated on a few months back. Anyhow... thoughts ppl? N.B. The poster does look way cool - lets hope that this a sign of things to come.
  8. Its was broadcast in Australia a while back on SBS, bloody hilarious!
  9. Is he the bloke with the hunting fetish and the accent that can't decide whether its Russian, NZ, Australian or South African???
  10. Man - I LOVED the episode! It's looking good, and I'll definately be watching out for the rest of the series.
  11. Agreed. And its worth considering that 3 years into the journey, its entirely likely that one could still maintain a positive and idealogical outlook. At 7 years, with god knows how many more crewmen dead, and with Voyager having been exposed to no shortage of punishment... isn't it understandable that Janeway might have shifted her position somewhat? Thats not hypocrisy, thats just human. None the less, I still maintain that regardless of the circumstances, its just not cool to violate the Prime Directive.
  12. Watching TOS VHS tapes with my family, and some video about Gene Roddenberry and general Star Trek nostalgia, in preparation for the debut of TNG in Australia... this was in the days when there was less of a digital imperative for paramount or any content producer or distributor for that matter, to give a rats arse about the stoopid delays between US release and the rest of the world. I remember when I was 16, heading off to the US and San Fransisco on a model United Nations thingy and picking up a Star Trek magazine there, whose cover depicted FOUR Starship/Station Captains and thinking "COOL - ANOTHER Trek show!!! With a chick as captain!!!". Man, I took that mag back to syd, so as my family could drool too at the possibilities of this new show... 'Voyager'. All I can say is thank god for the intermenets. You see, it wasn't until I finished school that Voyager video tapes were available at our local rental place... some 2 years later.
  13. yeah sounds cool - and just to think, it looks right now like it will NEVER be actually broadcast in Australia... whatever is an Aussie sci-fi fan to do? :rolleyes: N.B. : thnx a bunch for the spoilers buddy :p
  14. I think perhaps that the drive for change needs to come within a particular culture or society - I mean, thats exactly what happened with the former Soviet Union. Even Iran looked like it was moving towards democratic reform & a more open society before the "War on Terror" - which not surprisingly is being read by many muslims worldwide as a war on Islam. Left to its own devices, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Iran had ended up becoming an open and modern state all by itself. Now however, the Islamic government is using the resulting anti-american sentiment, and this resentment at a percieved US intrusion into their affairs as a way to hold on to populartity and power. With a little spin, it wouldn't have take much to change perceptions in Iran of their Islamic government from being seen as an oppressor (denying rights and so forth) into a protector of Islam and the persian people from the US and their allies. I think that people have a natural desire to live with a protection of their basic rights and to have a say in how their society operates. If only we'd simply let such desires come to their natural fruition, rather than butting in with guns, bombs and uniforms all over the place.
  15. hah - How funny is it when a way old thread gets revived?
  16. Exactly, with First Contact the writers were able to balance out all the elements Hollywood requires for the box office with enough solid science fiction element to create one awesome movie. First Contact is one of my favourite Trek movies full stop, and DEFINATELY the best TNG movie.
  17. In the Voyager episode, "Hope and Fear", Seven is recruited to work on the Slipstream drive, as it is a similar to technology used by the Borg for Transwarp. On another note, so any of you have any opinions as to whether it would be worthwhile for a Star Trek show to deal with a ship thats managed to reach another galaxy?
  18. I dunno - I do wonder whether the smartest thing Britain ever did was to let all the Puritans piss off to the new world, letting the Americas deal with all their taking themselves too seriously and all that self-righteous, bull$h*t that the US is still dealing with.
  19. You dirty dirty whore! You will suffer eternal damnation for your sins child! ETERNAL DAMNATION! j/k ;) Nah, you're right... intersting point. And you are still talking about what remains a multi million dollar industry.
  20. I just watched the Voyager Season 4 finale, "Hope and Fear", the episode where Voyager flirts briefly with using Quantum Slipstream Drive technology, appropriated from the alien Arturis' ship. Anyhow, I thought that the technology looked way cool, especially the ghostlike tubes the ships traverse to make their journey. I was just thinking, that come the time when the Star Trek franchise finally gets back around to journeying further into its future, I'd like to see that crew piloting a ship not unlike the fake Dauntless of that episode.
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