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  1. sam991

    New Series?

    I like the idea of using a similar plotline to Andromeda -- where some catastrophe has destroyed 99% of the Federation's ships/technology/planets, only a few of the starships have survived, and they have to rebuild the UFP while brokering peace to whomever destroyed it. Or: The development of Federation transwarp drive allows them to explore other galaxies, only on the first trial-run, they shear a hole in the galactic barrier, all hell breaks loose. A ragtag fleet (BSG styleé) must travel through to the other galaxy, propose peace to the savage, warlike races on the other side, and basically explore in the way the TOS did. Admittedly, these ideas might work better as 6x90 minute episodes, but i still think they're better than a show based around time travel (which were the worst episodes of ENT, and oftentimes, the entire Trek.)
  2. If nothing else works out, and you're willing to try something other than torrents, www.the-realworld.de has them for the eMule client. That's how i got them.
  3. Holy Crap! i'm on 2mbps and i thought it was fast. However, even 75Gb a month is not a whole lot for 10mbps. On 2mbps i use considerably more than that.
  4. 'The Glorious Commonwealth. More than 3000 years ago, aliens from a planet called Tarn Vedra in the Andromeda galaxy invented a way to travel across the stars almost instantaneously. They called it Slipstream, and they used it to build a vast commonwealth of planets across six galaxies. When Earth was ready, we were welcomed into it. It was a vast, diverse group of cultures working together in peace, striving to spread civilization across the Universe. Unfortunately, some factions came to disagree with the Commonwealth's methods.' - www.andromedatv.com
  5. Babylon 5, because the music always fitted the season perfectly.
  6. Timothy Zahn's 'Thrawn' novels. could easily be episodes vii, viii, ix.
  7. My old ISP was supposed to give me 256kbps and an unlimited download limit. It turns out that 'unlimited' actually means about 1Gb a day. They 'throttled down' my speed to barely 56k simply because i was using too much; So recently i changed ISP and now have a 500Gb download limit a month. Hopefully no-one will have a problem with that. It certainly does seem that ISP's powers are growing exponentially.
  8. what does the wheel do? inserts the plutonium rods, i guess
  9. Ok, how about this: 26th Century: a motley crew of known and unknown starfleet personnel from the last surviving starship (big war with someone destroys the federation) go back in time to Earth circa 2010 to recruit the younger versions of themselves who were once plucked from 2010 Earth to stop both the 2010 war, and find some way to end the 26th Century war. I like the idea of the crew being rather like those in the (i believe it was DS9) episode where a training crew get stuck behind enemy lines during the dominion war. A bit far-fetched perhaps, but it would explain a lot. Also, i think if they made a straight-up 2010 'astronauts go to mars' or whatever film, the design team would still manage to make the tech look and feel more advanced than that of 300 years later. (Which in my opinion was the major problem with Enterprise).
  10. First off, i'd like to congratulate you on your use of grammar. Secondly, i quote an IMDB user review that sums it up nicely: 'Terrible, awful, insulting, and painful. Stargate Infinity is to Stargate SG1 as Galactica 1980 was to Battlestar Galactica. Infinity shows almost no resemblance, continuity or respect for SG1 at all. There were staff weapons, used by alien creatures that looked like recycled Thundercats mutants. The staff weapons and the other cheesy-plastic ray-gun looking-things seemed to have the ability to hit any life form with a weak stun blast (less effect than one zat gun shot), while also scorching metal walls black and cutting down stalactites easily. Reminds me of the dubbing of season 3 of Space Cruiser Yamato/Star Blazers, you could see lasers going right through people leaving burnt holes, but of course the lasers were stun beams and the people were androids. Or the "robotic" (yeah right) defense forces in Battle of the Planets. There was the token tough guy, token telepath, token alien, token shapeshifter etc etc. Add to all this, one-liner lessons of life such as "Sometimes you just gotta make a choice, go for it and deal with the consequences" made me grind my teeth and cower in horror. The theme song and music were both, um, I have no words for how awful they were. I suppose Infinity might appeal to someone whose IQ <= their shoe size, but I warn any SG1 fans out there, be afraid and run away from Infinity.'
  11. a few years ago, i would have said Jeri Ryan/Seven. Now i say Tricia Helfer/Six
  12. That would be Emmerie Dax and Judzia Dax woah, hang on. don't you mean Ezri and Jadzia? come on man, at least learn their names!
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