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  1. I loved that bit. But shouldn't that line scared Rose just a little. No.. here's why: she is more of a seasoned time traveler by now. She has had more adventures with the doctor than just the televised ones, so she knows the dangers of being with the Doctor throughly. There have been gaps purposefully put in between stories so that new adventures can be put in between when the inevitable "9th" doctor (put in quotes because there is no way to determine what regeneration he really is yet) books come out. They did this in the classic series, too (Virgin had a great series of "lost adventure" books), but I don't think they did it on purpose. I'm pretty certain they are doing it on purpose here, though...
  2. You're right. Anyone stuck on this missed the biggest play on convention in the episode: "Please give me this one, just this once, NO ONCE DIES!!" It was a wonderful, absolute amazing moment in the new series... and one of the best Who moments ever... and you missed it! I dunno if you realize, but this two part was written by Steven Moffat, the man who brought us both versions of "Coupling." The sexuality was quite subtile compared to that show. He also is deeply involved the Dr. Who lore... he was growing up when his dad was directing episodes of the classic series. I thought it was a masterful story... though it might prevent the new Who from being broadcast in the United States. Not every country in the world has the blind hatred and fear of sex and homosexuality we have in the States... and it could be the one straw that keeps Who off the air in the U.S. :(
  3. Oh wow... I can't wait to get the surround sound version of this episode! They do such a great job with the mixes... In "Unquiet Dead" the Gelf's voice was made using different voices belended together, and in the Surround mix there is a different voice coming from every channel! You can also hear Horse and Buggies outside of the house behind you...
  4. Well, I've seen it 3 times now and I am in the middle of a 4th, and I didn't notice a "Bad Wolf" reference... anyone know if there was one? Anyway, "Empty Child" is one of my favorite new Dr. Who episodes to date. I think this is as close to classic Who as they have gotten so far; I mean it is following one of the classic Dr. Who story patterns, right down to the monster POV shots. I have a question though... isn't this thing about the TARDIS call-box phone different than the classic series? I could swear that the rule in the old series is that the camoflage circuit creates a *working* item that fits in with the surroundings. We saw this with the Master's TARDIS several times, and I could of swore there was an episode where a policeman used the TARDIS call-box phone to call in to his station! The change is functionality is the only thing that bothers me with the new TARDIS design... I don't like the door going directly outside because I think that someone should be able to go INTO the call box and still not know it's a TARDIS. Maybe that change is for expediancy in the new series... I dunno...
  5. d23

    Dr. Who

    The Peter Davison torrent is working... I'm on it right now (have been for nearly a fortnight... :). It doesn't have a seed 100% of the time, but it is so huge that don't need one for it to be going well. There are people that will finish up soon, The Tom Baker torrent from Demoid was never uploaded... plus it's too freaking huge! The P.D. torrent is putting too much stress on my downloading machine (with two processors, doing nothing else) and the Baker torrent has to be about twice the size of the Davison torrent. I would love to see more single season or 1/2 season torrents of the Tom Baker years... those seem to be about the right size. I am also still looking for series1story02 "The Daleks".. hint hint. thanks...
  6. The soul is in the software.
  7. I wanted to bump this up... there is an active Demonoid torrent for "the Daleks" and I am looking for it too... Edit.. BTW, that torrent can be found at http://www.demonoid.com/torrents/details/73415/
  8. Could someone please post the new all-in-one McCoy torrent that is on Demonoid.com... what a pain it is that they aren't allowing new registrations... thanks...
  9. Sorry for the double post... but I have to give a huge thumbs up to this. I'm also a huge Red Dwarf fan, and I remember the wait of YEARS for new episodes to come to the US in tape form. Now we get to see the new stuff in 12 hours or less. Since the U.S. so-called Television industry almost completely refuses to air original british TV these days and only makes crappy remakes ala the U.S. version of "Coupling," the B.T. revolution has been the best thing to ever happen to American fans of great British TV....
  10. As a Dr. Who fan of many, many years (as it was a staple of American public TV throughout the 80s and 90s), I concur with the jump-in points that have been posted, but I want to add one and give one definite don't. First, I think the 7th Doctor stories (except maybe the first one, Time and the Rani... Rani stories aren't my favorite) are pretty good, too, and they stand as pretty good starting points. There are a lot of people that really liked the McCoy Doctor and Ace, of course, is one of the most beloved companions. The look and feel was getting really good towards the end, too... Second, DO NOT use the 8th Doctor movie as a jump in point. McGann was great as the Doctor, but the writing on it, in retrospect, left a lot to be desired and contradicted a lot of Who mythology. Watch it when you know more about the history of the series so you can take the "mistakes" with a grain of salt. "Rose," as it has been said already, is one of the best starting points because the new series is very well crafted to appeal to both new fans and those that know the old series. You don't have to know anything about Who to enjoy the new series, but it does enhance the experience in many cool and unexpected ways. Dr. Who is really one of the amazing Sci Fi TV Series of all time. Every person who has played the Doctor has brought something good to it in his own way, even Colin Baker. You need to put the jadedness that CGI has given us in the last 10 years, but it's worth it because series' usual storytelling is really great. --dcl
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