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  1. Northern Ireland here. Enough said really...
  2. 18 going on 45... I blame it on sex, Star Trek and Northern Irish weather... roll on the 20's! :p
  3. M.I.A on a Top Secret Mission... I'd get lost on the way, fall into a black hole, come out right in front of a Borg Cube, get assimilated, annoy the Queen ("Sweetheart your ar*e is just sooooo big in that outfit!") and get left in deep space to end up going "schplatt" on the front of some shuttle... Yes, that is EXACTLY how I'll die... :p
  4. Yes I remember that post. Ruptured colon. An interesting point but it's not going to stop men from having anal sex- Any responsible couple/trio/group uses both protection and lubrication to reduce damage to either party. Plus if they're responsible the sort of damage you describe should be a negligible risk if they're careful and considerate. Plus this is one instance in which I personally attest- Don't knock it if you haven't tried it ^_^ Finally, all life is risk- if you don't like it, sign into the nearest Hospital Mental Illness ward. -sorry if any terms are unacceptable moderator. ^_^ -
  5. The Earth was thought to be flat. Moon-landings laughably impossible. Inter-racial marriage forbidden. All three have changed because people have evolved and improved their understanding. Such is the case with Homosexuality being accepted as "normal" behaviour. Clinging to hundreds of years of bigotry is more cause for concern than being gay...
  6. NB: My opinions aren't meant to paint over others- I'm just impassioned about the topic so sorry if I offend^_^ !
  7. Treating gay men/women as "mentally ill" is almost as bad as saying that we're "usually sick." If you're referring to sexual diseases, heterosexuals catch the same ones we do, catch it at higher rates and lord it over us because the media love sick gay couples to pity. Oh this makes me so angry. Where is the proof that homosexuality is a mental illness? For that matter where is the proof that Heterosexuality is the perfect state for a human? (Population overload anyone...) If you want to start arguing about "destructive lifestyles," ask yourself exactly "why" do some gay men/women self-destruct? I have one possible answer- Heterosexuals. The climate of discrimination and widespread homophobia leads to the impression in gay teenagers that they aren't wanted, that they have no purpose, ( and this is personal experience) and with so much prejudice around alchohol, drugs, promiscuity- the ancient devices to drown oneself in - come into play - and let's not forget this exact same problem occurs in heterosexual teams rejected by the majority. If I sound embittered it's because a dear friend suffered from homophobic parents and peers, forced to flee from home and last I heard from him, he was wrecked, just because he was different in one way. Elderbear cried for the pope. I cry for him and the hundreds if not thousands of others who crash and burn because they're different. Lastly... if anyone's heard of gay people being "cured" (ie: turned to straight) have a look at the methods. A certain similarity to modern torture methods and it isn't a cure. Argh have to stop before I really get going... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. I'm not really sure what to say but here I go *deep breath*... I'm a gay man. I always have been. I always will be. Simply because of this I am not your equal. One part of my personality, one part of my reproductive habits, one simple part of my being is subtly different from the majority and I am an outcast. Yes, things are changing but why does this gaping chasm, so full of malevolent threats, exist in the first place? Why can I be killed in some countries simply for "making love" with another man? Why don't heterosexuals accept me as a human, not a disease? Why am I a second-class citizen both culturally and law-wise? and, Why do we have to be criminals because we want to be as human as heterosexuals? If I can't be living the full life that I desire and is surely my right as a human-being to live, why should I keep on living? (The last part almost denied the existence of this message...) I don't know about the rest of you but I really do think that if we're ever to grow up as a species and to survive planetary hardship, the war on sexuality alongside racism, and basically rejection on all levels has to be resolved to let everyone be human. We can say that we don't need to be accepted to be part of the species, this is true of course but inevitably it will still leave a divide that costs lives- the alarming rate of gay teen suicide in my country, Northern Ireland is the perfect example of the result of the divide caused by not accepting that sexuality just isn't the most important part of being human. Caring, knowing, including others is our measure of humanity. Threatening, raping, murdering our peers for tiny differences is the highest form of barbarism. Next time you read a religious text that advocates such crimes, ask exactly what was the author wanting to incite? Also ask would you do what he/she wants? Note: Lots of strong feelings about this from myself and everyone else so please lets have ALL sides of the argument!! Notes note: I mean it! ^_^
  9. This may be a slight moot point soon enough- Through all of our raging and pointing fingers the very sad "fact" is that as a collective, humanity needs to be locked up for a few eons in a planet-sized safehouse until it grows up. Unfortunately, we don't seem to have the luxury so to bite back at any American who feels slighted by the constant anti-American feeling from the rest of the world, why don't you fight back? The US is probably the most recognised, most revered nation on Earth- it's media, economy and government influence the entire world as does the world influence it. If America takes stock and finally grows up in the next 5-10 years, (remember the US has only had 2-300 years of experimentation while the older countries altogether have had eons) becoming a caring country, (no, Iraq isn't caring- let's be honest at least about that situation) perhaps the world will notice. No, I'm not saying "USA rule the world!" I'm saying be a damned figurehead for the rest of us. Take the myriad improvements from the better educated or longer-living populations, stop bullying everyone back and for the sake of 6-7 billion humans, elect someone worthwhile! argh...any idea how hard it was for an Irishman to say all that ? :p Oh and this counts for Australia, the UK, The EU, China, Russia, Japan too- I used America because we're all probably a bit more familiar with it ^_^ ! Humanity most likely won't suddenly sit up in bed and go "Doh!" Figureheads, a scrubbed clean slate and some old-fashioned care for others...that's the way... (otherwise it's the "Grey Goo" scenario for everyone!) :cyclops: :p :cyclops:
  10. Bear with me...I'm rarely coherent enough for these discussions :p 1- As shocked as I am that no-one else has mentioned it, I have to say that planets themselves would seem to be lifeforms. (now dont have a coronary..) Think about it... we understand a tiny amount of the universe- Earth has quite a few basic traits of life- it produces waste products and requires a stable orbit to exist as opposed to our "going to the loo" and need to eat/breath. Also considering we can't even communicate with other mammals/fish/birds/reptiles who's to know that our very world does not posess an ability to communicate? For that matter Earth could very well be sentient in it's own way alongside every other planet in the universe...(though this may evolve a disturbing line of thought that we're being watched 24/7 by the planet...) 2) Alot of people have already cited that the galaxy is just too big for one species to colonise on it's own...provided cats dont take us over (go Cats!)...the simple existence of planets, nebulae, stars, asteroids, comets etc lends itself to suggesting that our galaxy may be the very opposite of "empty"... In our own system there could be billions of silicon/energy based lifeforms living in the star, atmospheres of gas giants etc... The question in such a case isn't "are we alone"..it's "can we be trusted not to wipe everyone out as we've been doing so far?" 3) We may have a better chance in our search if we focused more on understanding our own planet...notwithstanding the huge abundance of humans, simply understanding how various forms of carbon-based life form (alongside the not-so-carbon forms). Also ignoring the impulse to automatically believe Einsteins theories might be helpful (damnit there WILL be FTL travel in my lifetime-even if I have to invent it :p !! :p) nevertheless...if we understand how various forms of earth-life evolved and interact it could help "fine-tune" any search...oh and beaming star trek into space in various forms of transmittable energy might be a good idea B) yey no hideous tangents^_^ viva la coherence, non-global-warming and elderbear's hugely enlightening arguments ;)
  11. Consider: Truth is a concept borne by humanity, a label for humanly certifiable "fact" and the opposite of "non-fact." As such might it not be said that in the context of the Universe and it's inifinity composed fabric, (ie: an infinite number of equations allowed, an infinite number of realities co-existing) "truth" has no validity beyond use as a "rail" against the chaotic ravages of ignorance? OF course different cultures have different truths- the simple juxtaposition of the human mind on a constantly variable environment produces differences in the "labeling" of facts as percieved by a human mind- language being an easy example (english say "potato", French say "pomme de terre"(apple of the ground) - while they label the same object exactly, the difference between the languages alters the truth as known by english person or french person.) If we go by the seahorse culture as opposed to human, their reproductive experience is opposite to ours-males bear children rather than females. (thus instantly bursting the universal truth mantra) Knowing that such differences just within earth-based cultures exist, the natural conclusion is that there can be no Universal "truth" unless the universe if filled with clones of earth. However, I "think" there may be a way to say that a Universal truth can exist...for one if every single human moment produces a "spin-off" universe in which the events of each moment are played out differently, the existence of such alternate realities would be "true" in the context of our Universe creating alternates of each moment and it's awareness that it does so. Also if such a thing holds true then in some alternate Universe Men ALWAYS bear children, ( yes scream now)... In terms of the impact upon knowledge, and with my slight disclaimer that I don't set firmly to anything...My agreement with both statements would likely place knowledge in the singular role of the "possible" fact, fact which, if not in this universe, then in some other is universally accepted and thus Truth is entirely within the realms of the infinite unknown quantity that "may" be the universe... Somebody tell me if that made any sense (Starting early on my Uni Philosophy course :P) ^_^ viva la infinite perplexity. Oh wait...even Gene Roddenberry's quote "infinite diversity in infinite combinations" backs me up ( ???) yey ! *coughs* ending rant ;)
  12. I feel slightly intimidated by all this "learned" tech talk...buuuuuut Methinks the Astin Martin DB7 kicks everything else in the bum and wizzes off laughing...I *will* own one someday...even if I have to live with my mum :p for a few decades!! mwhaha.. talking of cars I've actually seen/been in....a Bmw 320 I think it was....nippy, yet very quiet and so comfortable I almost fell asleep :) one thing though...the divider between front passenger and driver is a damned inconvenience....for various...*cough* reasons..... :p :p :p Oh and erm the original Ford Escort...My grandfathers took me around Ireland- sturdy beast-except on hills! ;)
  13. If Berman/Braga are so bad why the bleeding hell hasn't someone assasinated them? If we want Enterprise back someone should do that time-warp thingy in the Bird of Prey (+Spock), steal a whale (George or Gracy) and drop it on them both as they pen the new Trek film... then let Peter David/Manny Coto/Judith and Garfield Reeves Stevens do all the writing...ahh bliss ^_^...
  14. Anything with multiplayer :p meh, mostly Jedi Outcast, Red Alert 2, loved Eve Online (until the bugs and boredom took over), Planetside wasn't bad either...beyond the lack of things to do... World of Warcraft next ^_^ ! oh and Populous the beginning is MADNESS online :P !
  15. Dido, Moby, Linkin Park, Faithless (Mass Destruction^_^ mm dreamy :P ) iio, Jakatta, lots of classical-0 oh just anything that doesn't involve rap or men shouting really deeply to clangy metal tunes- they make me giggle ^_^.. "giggle-along rammstein!" B) ;) :p oh and viva la coldplay!!!
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