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How to avoid Racism?


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derogatory remarks only reflect the inteligence of the person saying them. alot of people do not now how to express themselves.. this biggest problem with society is the costs created with education. make schooling cheaper in price(free prefered) and you'll find a more tolerent society


yes, but how many of the 'huddled masses' are going to partake? how many can afford to go to school for 8 yrs when they have to work 12-16hr days JUST to feed their kids?



That is the 1 of the problems that will always need solving. II also worked when and still am going to school. i've had some nasty jobs in my day. Since getting a higher education, I've been getting & given better jobs. Not all people are cut out for the time it takes to accomplish their goals.



when you are single, you should be able to work and go to school. now, try it with a family of 4 to support. not so easy. trust me. :(

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You know what I find interesting?


Take anyone you like by the hand. Turn their hand palm up. Interesetingly, there's white skin under that color.


.....Even asians have white skin under their yellowish (for lack of a better word) skin color.


Now I might not be the best person when it comes to social graces, but I'm not blind, either........


Based on that, it seems we all belong to the same race. The first person I hear make a racist remark is going to get a history lesson on my people, the Cherrokee Indian.


......When I'm done with that lesson, no one on this board will be able to claim how mistreated their ancestors were.





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You know what I find interesting?


Take anyone you like by the hand. Turn their hand palm up. Interesetingly, there's white skin under that color.


.....Even asians have white skin under their yellowish (for lack of a better word) skin color.


Now I might not be the best person when it comes to social graces, but I'm not blind, either........


Based on that, it seems we all belong to the same race. The first person I hear make a racist remark is going to get a history lesson on my people, the Cherrokee Indian.


......When I'm done with that lesson, no one on this board will be able to claim how mistreated their ancestors were.






Here Here

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i was working (to get me through uni) in a learning disabilities home, with a guy with quite severe problems.

there was a guy i had worked with quite frequently called steve.

we were putting the world to rights on nightshift and discussed racism.


his rationale had evolved quite impressively (now a happily married father of two) since being a punk and going aroud racially abusing, and beating people up.


he simply said



"...you gotta hate somebody."


this attitude of his was simply somewhere to put his insecurities, his pain and distrust and quite probably his anguish.

he was not the worlds cleverest guy and seemed like he would always struggle to fit in and was worried about bein disliked or made a fool of by people. which also makes his abuses little more than a tool to fit in.


but what is astounding in some ways is that this nice guy, which he is, did not want anyone to take it personally. and the only people he "hates" or resents are the people we all dislike. the people who sponge off the system and disrespect independance and self determination.


do you have to hate someone?

becase when stressed or angry or intimidated it is easy to abuse the geek or the little guy or the nearest slap magnet. perhaps the roots of these feelings are the same as racism, ie the need to make someome a victim to lessen our own sense of vulnerability. so its not about skin colour, though to some it simply it is more socially acceptable to abuse blacks or asians or whites in some circumstances.


my housemate april has a brother who is korean and he has a white girlfriend. they were walking through a park in london and were abused by three guys who were BNP party members (one was black, go figure). april was upset and angry because her brother was abused because of who he is. i


i disagreed saying that its not because of who he is, its because of who they are.


laters all


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You know what I find interesting?


Take anyone you like by the hand. Turn their hand palm up. Interesetingly, there's white skin under that color.


.....Even asians have white skin under their yellowish (for lack of a better word) skin color.


Now I might not be the best person when it comes to social graces, but I'm not blind, either........


Based on that, it seems we all belong to the same race. The first person I hear make a racist remark is going to get a history lesson on my people, the Cherrokee Indian.


......When I'm done with that lesson, no one on this board will be able to claim how mistreated their ancestors were.





good one :)



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You know what I find interesting?


Take anyone you like by the hand. Turn their hand palm up. Interesetingly, there's white skin under that color.


.....Even asians have white skin under their yellowish (for lack of a better word) skin color.


Now I might not be the best person when it comes to social graces, but I'm not blind, either........


Based on that, it seems we all belong to the same race. The first person I hear make a racist remark is going to get a history lesson on my people, the Cherrokee Indian.


......When I'm done with that lesson, no one on this board will be able to claim how mistreated their ancestors were.





I sympathize with you Von Helton, but is it really necessary to know who has been the more mistreated people in the history?

Indian-american, Armenian, Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, hutus,...the fact is that Mankind should have to learn something from these dramatic events and unfortunately I don't think we did... :(

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Let me just say that I'm black. And I love the word nigger. Nigger' date=' nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger. It is so packed with meaning. And when someone uses it, it tells you so much about who they are and how they view their fellowman. You just don't get that in English very often. *snip*[/quote']


I grew up on Maui, where race and language was part of everyday. I da kine Haole, only 2 uda stay my school. (I was one of three white kids at my school) This meant we were one step up from the bottom. Kanaka (Hawaiians) was at the bottom, then Haole (white) then Japani (Japanese), Potagi (Portuguese) and finally on top was Local Boyz (Samoan/Tongan) People are always surprised to learn that Hawaiians are on the bottom of the racial ladder, but they shouldn’t be. This is almost always the case for indigenous peoples the world over, and is no different in Hawaii.


Everyone including the teachers used these words to refer to each other. It was just part of life. Even though we got broke or bus up (beat up) for being white, we were still Kamaaina (family/ local/ one who belongs). The Moke’s (fat mean Samoans) would call me Apa Haole (half white), which means you’re only white on the outside, because my friends were Kanakas and Japani. It was all a big mess. Then I moved to California to finish school. In Hawaii racism was everywhere and totally in the open. But no one took it as serious as they do in a lot of environments where it’s suppressed. I can’t imagine a teacher in California saying “Spics and niggers vs. whites and chinks for dodge ball.†And yet the tension between Mexicans, Whites, and Blacks at California schools is greater and has a harder edge than it did in Hawaii. In California I would have been suspended for calling another kid a Nigger in class, and beat to a pulp for saying it in the hallway in front of any black kids. But the segregation was bigger. But no one talked about it. Even when some Local boy broke da face back in Hawaii, it was never as intimidating for me as the unspoken segregation in California even though I was now a Majority, not a Minority.


Racism and Prejudice suck, but given the choice, I’d rather have it in the open, than festering behind a PC taboo. I would rather be a Minority in an open society than a Majority in a closed one. There are differences, and people tend to cluster with like individuals. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging this and excepting it. Race should be like social clicks. Just like jock, prep, goth, greaser, drama fag, punk, geek, etc don’t carry all that much stigma, neither should race.


You can’t accept the differences if you can’t acknowledge them.




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Ahh it's human nature to compete against others but squashing them. It's been happening for thousands of years' date=' and will happen for hundreds more, till we relize that there are other things out there to be concerned about than our pityful nations[/quote']

I agree with that...unfortunately...

By the way congrats for your prom... ;)

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You know what I find interesting?


Take anyone you like by the hand. Turn their hand palm up. Interesetingly, there's white skin under that color.


.....Even asians have white skin under their yellowish (for lack of a better word) skin color.


Now I might not be the best person when it comes to social graces, but I'm not blind, either........


Based on that, it seems we all belong to the same race. The first person I hear make a racist remark is going to get a history lesson on my people, the Cherrokee Indian.


......When I'm done with that lesson, no one on this board will be able to claim how mistreated their ancestors were.





greetings brother. i didnt know there were any other native americans here, much less a fellow cherokee! whenever i hear a minority member complain about how the 'white man' brought such and such upon them, i KINDLY remind them of the history of the white man and MY ancestors! it's an effective way to shut them up. BUT, i FIRMLY believe that we are all the same race. color of skin doesnt matter in the least. we are the HUMAN RACE! think of the way an aliens civilization would look at us. not seperate us into 'colors', but lump us all together. black, white, american, russian, all the same, NO difference damnit! NONE!!!

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I think of the way an aliens civilization would look at us. not seperate us into 'colors'' date=' but lump us all together. black, white, american, russian, all the same, NO difference damnit! NONE!!![/quote']


Exactly right.......A hostile alien force like the Bugg-Eyed Greys won't care what color your skin is.


.......That much is certain.





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Is that speachless ness or you're just trying to increase your rank


i was wondering the very same thing! :stare:



I think of the way an aliens civilization would look at us. not seperate us into 'colors'' date=' but lump us all together. black, white, american, russian, all the same, NO difference damnit! NONE!!![/quote']


Exactly right.......A hostile alien force like the Bugg-Eyed Greys won't care what color your skin is.


.......That much is certain.






it's all the same after they char all of our skin off and are eating our flesh. :rolleyes:

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My whole view on racism is it really depends on who is saying it, who is hearing it, and how those people know each other...


For example, I have a black friend who calls me white trash, and when I see him I say "Whats up my nigga." Now are we being racist or friends? I beleive that we are friends, as he has not kicked my ass yet and he easily could......


Or another guy I know who is gay, when he does something really girly I say "You are SUCH a fag." now once again, and I judging him? No.


Now if you HATE someone because of their color/race/sexual orientation, then you are wrong in doing so. We are all equal. I think it is not only the inteligence of who says it, but also who hears it. Some people feel that the world hates them due to how they are, those people have problems. No matter who well you know these people they will always take offence to anything you say or do that they don't like..


Anyone disagree? I like to hear your argument to what I just said.

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I don't think we'll get rid of racism - it's a natural distrust towards anyone outside your own herd... Now had our forefathers been more trusting then they would probably have died, so in essence we are the refined product of the most paranoid and xenophobic ancestors... and there was much rejoice...


If you don't belive me - then just think about how the races diverged from each other in the first place....divergence only happens if interbreeding goes down. Yes, I'm aware of the counter argument that the different populations may have been physically seperated - however, that doesn't explain why europeans from scandinavia and europeans from the mediterranean have not mixed genes so much.


Solution: Let's keep fucking 'till we all look alike! :p

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