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Multi Doctor story possiblity


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What are the chances of seeing a Multi Doctor story in the new sereis? And if so, who would be in it? Right now the only ones you can have without needing some explanation about there ages would Be Paul McGann and Christopher Eccelston (assumin it is in a David Tennant story). If Eccelston was to do it, it looks like it would be years away. McGann on the other hand is still keen on Doctor Who, hence the Bif Finish plays. And, since we have never seen him regenerate, then it is possible to appear on screen looking alot older with out an explanation. Rember, time lords regenrate when they die. Normally as the body is old, but for the Doctor it usually is due to some thing else.


So, do you think RTD has any interest in doing one? And would it be a good thing to do?

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  • 4 months later...

It would be great to see any of the former Doctors appear in the new series. Whether they appear as the Doctor or just a cameo. I came accross a picture of Tennant and Peter Davison on the web and that got me thinking of multiple Doctor story.



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I think the 'Children In Need' Story was the ideal moment to show Paul McGann regenerate into Christopher Eccleston. It could have been done in flash back as David Tennant explained to Rose about regeneration. Bit of a waste-sigh. It would have something special for the fans.


As much as I would love to see it, I don't think we'll ever see another episode with the 8th Doctor -ever. Please prove me wrong!


Thank the Goddess for the Big Finish and their audio plays (well, except for Scaredy Cat anyway).





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I still think Peter Davison, Sylv McCoy & Paul McGann are able to take on the role again without too much worry. I dont think Tom or Colin Baker are suitable, theyre more suited to Fat-Fighters on Little Britain! Anyone? Anyone? Dust....anyone?.....Dust! LOL


(sorry for those who dont get that bit...funny)


Now weve had stories entitled, 2 Doctors, 3 Doctors and 5 Doctors. Never had a 4, 6-10, although itd have to be real good CG work to bring in the dead and/or fat characters!

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They could do by taking scenes from other stories and cutting and pasting the appropriate dialogue - a Dr Who version of 'Dead men don't wear plaid' if you will.
I'd think more like "Trials and Tribble-ations" from DS9 where they put the crew into a classic Original series episode. That could be fun, you could have DT running around in the background of Genesis of the Daleks or something.
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Oh yeah how cool would that be! And we have the technology now, no Blue Peter toilet rolls and egg cartons as in the past! Hmm I feel a new discussion floating around my thoughts.....What classic episode would you like to see 'Tribble-ized' and how and why!


On a similair note, Id like to see the missing episodes (if noone really has them) being redone a la New Captain Scarlet. A lot of audio still exists and hell, if its as good as Scarlets effects itd be a treat to watch, plus it might capture new younger audiences too.

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I think they should distance themselves from the 1996 McGann Story as much as possible. In every conceivable way it was just plain BAD! A two Doctor scenario with Eccleston would be cool, but I think dealing with more than one Doctor at a time would be overkill. People grew an attachment to Eccleston over the course of series one, but no one had a chance to ever become attached to McGann. If they appeared in an episode together with Tennant, I think a lot of fans of the new series would resent McGann for taking screen time away from Eccleston, who is still very, very popular and missed.

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I think they should distance themselves from the 1996 McGann Story as much as possible. In every conceivable way it was just plain BAD! A two Doctor scenario with Eccleston would be cool' date=' but I think dealing with more than one Doctor at a time would be overkill. People grew an attachment to Eccleston over the course of series one, but no one had a chance to ever become attached to McGann. If they appeared in an episode together with Tennant, I think a lot of fans of the new series would resent McGann for taking screen time away from Eccleston, who is still very, very popular and missed.[/quote']


I disagree completely. I think the BBC should continue to acknowledge the TV Movie. Yes the story could have been better, however Paul McGann is an extremely popular Doctor. The ratings for the TV movie were on par with the highest ratings of the 2005 series and thanks to the Big Finish Audios (in which Paul's stories are arguebly the best in the series) the 8th Doctor has picked up a knew wave of fans.

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The ratings for the TV movie were on par with the highest ratings of the 2005 series


If this is true, then how come it failed to resurrect the series? All ratings mean is that a lot of people tuned in because they were eager for more Doctor Who. They have no bearing on whether or not people thought it was any good once the movie was over. Based on how dreadful that pilot movie was, it was pretty much a sure bet that ratings would have plummeted had there been a second episode. As far as the Audios go, they may indeed be successful, but there's absolutely no way they would ever come close to reaching as broad of an audience as the TV show does. The mainstream audience of the Doctor Who fanbase more than likely don't acknowledge the Audios at all.

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If this is true, then how come it failed to resurrect the series? All ratings mean is that a lot of people tuned in because they were eager for more Doctor Who. They have no bearing on whether or not people thought it was any good once the movie was over.


It failed to be made into a Tv series because the ratings were not as good in America and at the the time the BBC were trying to get the American Networks to fund the Project. Unfortunately Fox decided to air it in 'Sweeps Week' opposite the most popular show in America at the time: Roseanne (Apparently it was an episode where Dan had a heart attack). Since Phillip Segal got it made as a 'Backdoor Pilot' there was no chance against those odds that it would make a series.


Based on how dreadful that pilot movie was, it was pretty much a sure bet that ratings would have plummeted had there been a second episode. As far as the Audios go, they may indeed be successful, but there's absolutely no way they would ever come close to reaching as broad of an audience as the TV show does. The mainstream audience of the Doctor Who fanbase more than likely don't acknowledge the Audios at all.


You'd be surprised how many fans do listen to the Audios and Paul McGann is the most popular Doctor - he's won the DWM polls twice in a row I believe.

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I guess I would be surprised then, but I make a distinction between fans and hardcore fans. There are the hardcore fans who swallow everything up that's Doctor Who: audio tapes, books, toys, etc. And then there are the rest of us like myself that watch the show to pass the time and that's about it. Everybody who listens to the Audios no doubt watches the show, but I have a real difficulty believing the opposite; that everybody who watches the show listens to the audios. Even in the UK.


I still stand by my opinion that The Enemy Within (or whatever the McGann movie was called) was a complete embarassment to the legacy of the series and is best served if it's dismissed and forgotten entirely (much like the oft-maligned GODZILLA 1998).

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Actually hardcore fans are ones who, like you, want to dismiss the TV Movie. They squabble over every aspect of Dr Who, just check out the forums on Outpost Gallifrey. I agree that the audio are not as popular as the TV show - I never said they were. What I said was that Paul McGann's Doctor is more popular than you think. Every review in a newspaper or magazine that slated the movie praised Paul McGann's performance as the Doctor.


As for the story again, I agree it wasn't that good, but no worse than the recent 2 pwrter with the Slitheeens and definitely better than 'The Happiness Patrol' or 'Delta And The Bannermen' (I could go on here).


I respect your opinion about the movie but I do disagree with it. Have you listened to the audios? You might find they pass the time rather well and you might just re-evaluate your opinion of the 8th Doctor. I recommend 'Sword Of Orion' and 'Chimes of Midnight' especially.


Go on give it a try. I dare you. In fact I double dare you.

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Ha ha! Well, I'd certainly give them a try, but I don't really want to pay to hear them. Maybe the local library has some for loan, but I doubt it. If only there was some way to download a story or two for free online to see if they're worth purchasing. Hmmmmm...


Maybe someday.


I agree that McGann wasn't "bad", but he definitely wasn't "good" enough counteract the sheer awfulness of The Master's over-acting and his one-liner, "Terminator wannabe" ways and save the movie. Oh, and I so TOTALLY disagree with it being on par with the Slitheens stories from the new series. At least they felt like Doctor Who. McGann aside, The Enemy Within feels like a Bruce Willis/Arnold Schwarzenegger Actioner masquerading as Doctor Who.


Don't get me wrong, I respect your opinion as well. We just have to agree to disagree. ;)

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Id consider myself a hardcore fan of Dr Who but solely for the TV shows (and Cushings movies). I like to know that theres other things going on like the audios etc and fan based stuff but I dont throw myself into that Im afraid, Ive never listened to any of the audios apart from in 1989 when I bought Genesis of the Daleks on audio, not quite the same thing though. So when you mention hardcore fans that swallow everything, that may be a tad OTT, you can be a die-hard fan without taking everything in. Also I enjoy discussing the series' here with others who enjoy it, both classic and new but obviously I couldnt get into a BF audio chat with Pella or anyone as Id have no insight but they may just generate enough interest that Ill finally get one and listen to it. But Im more of a visual person and very nostalgic, hence why I love the oldie eps and interested in how the new series is handled compared to the classic shows as its very important they dont stray awy from its roots.


Oops Im babbling again, 6am UK, Im off to bed n-night!

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Ha ha! Well, I'd certainly give them a try, but I don't really want to pay to hear them. Maybe the local library has some for loan, but I doubt it. If only there was some way to download a story or two for free online to see if they're worth purchasing. Hmmmmm...


Maybe someday.


I agree that McGann wasn't "bad", but he definitely wasn't "good" enough counteract the sheer awfulness of The Master's over-acting and his one-liner, "Terminator wannabe" ways and save the movie. Oh, and I so TOTALLY disagree with it being on par with the Slitheens stories from the new series. At least they felt like Doctor Who. McGann aside, The Enemy Within feels like a Bruce Willis/Arnold Schwarzenegger Actioner masquerading as Doctor Who.


Don't get me wrong, I respect your opinion as well. We just have to agree to disagree. ;)


lol ;)


Go here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/


And you will find the complete audio drama of Shada (with animations to watch) starring the 8th Doctor, Romana and K9. It's completely free. Let me know how you feel about the 8th Doctor afterwards.


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Have you ever noticed that most people who dismiss the movie (which didn't become a series because FOX wanted 14 million viewers or better before it would even consider it) never give concrete reasons. They just use vague generalizations about being too American or not feeling like Who. However, when you look at the movie it feels like a lot of JNT Who (self referential to the point of alinating new viewers, an over the top Master and an over complicated, under written plot). But hey, I love it! I can pick out at least one story from every Doctor (Eccleston included) that are weaker than the Movie plot wise.


I've posted most of my observations about the movie elswhere so won't do it again, except to say that at least we didn't have Christopher Lloyd as the Master like FOX and Universal wanted.

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Have you ever noticed that most people who dismiss the movie (which didn't become a series because FOX wanted 14 million viewers or better before it would even consider it) never give concrete reasons. They just use vague generalizations about being too American or not feeling like Who. However, when you look at the movie it feels like a lot of JNT Who (self referential to the point of alinating new viewers, an over the top Master and an over complicated, under written plot). But hey, I love it! I can pick out at least one story from every Doctor (Eccleston included) that are weaker than the Movie plot wise.


I've posted most of my observations about the movie elswhere so won't do it again, except to say that at least we didn't have Christopher Lloyd as the Master like FOX and Universal wanted.


Christopher Lloyd would have been an improvement. Hell, most anyone in that role would have been an improvement.


How concrete a reason does a person need to have to hate something? Give me an example of one episode that's worse than that movie and cite concrete examples why it's worse. Prove your case.


Being "too American" is a good reason to hate it. "Not feeling like Dr. Who" is, again, another good reason. Or maybe it's the same reason. Is the slapdash way they killed off the previous Doctor good enough for you? Maybe most people who hate the movie give broad generalizations because it's not just one thing that makes it bad, it's almost everything. From the script, the acting (minus McGann), the pacing, the directing, the editing, the sheer derivitiveness from movies like The Terminator and The Hidden. The set design of the TARDIS wasn't bad. That's really all I can say that's good about it. The movie starts off good and sinks fast. One gets the impression that it was made with only bad intentions in mind. What intentions they might have been I can't rightly say. One thing I can say is that it takes a lot more than one great actor to make a great movie. As the saying goes, "You can't polish a turd".


Last thing. I resent the connotations in your post implying that we don't have legitimate reasons. Even if you disagree with us, you should show a little more respect.


edit: FOX probably wanted 14 million viewers before they would consider a series because they didn't have faith in it. And rightly so. I doubt a series would have lasted any longer than the new Night Stalker series did. That got great ratings first episode as well, but then they took a nose dive and it was cancelled at ep. 6.

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