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Ultimate Marvel Universe


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Just wondering whether anyone has made any forays into the marvel ultimate universe - as it is kind of sci-fi related.


I feel that while it is a LOT more accessible than the "regular" continuity, that it lacks a depth and it's so cloyingly trying to be hip and trendy (well, either that or blatantly engaging in product placement)... not to mention the fact that 90% of the characters seem to be about 16.


Although it does look good, the total inability of the characters (well, I understand that Spiderman has had the same artist and writer since the start - even if they are weak) to look the same for more than a few issues.


Despite that though, it's still quite decent.


Other opinions?

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The books that Mark Millar writes are awesome but I'm not too fussed about the other books (he do Ultimates and Ult FF at the mo...did early Ult X-Men until it became crap with new writers). Bandis is okay (doing Spiderman) but it's not a patch on MJS's Spiderman that recently run for the past few years.


I much prefer the Ult universe now to the regular Marvel Universe. They've done a complete 180 since I've been reading comics again. They were doing wonderful things getting new writers in and really making an attempt to show progress in their stories. But the number of people reading stayed level and the film companies complained about the changes so over the summer they pretty much hit the reset button.

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Ultimate Universe started brilliantly but now its going down.

Specially with Ult Spidey and Ultimates. I seriously DO NOT like the Ult Cap. A.

He's a jackass... thn Ult Wolvie is a douchebag.

Spidey has become an even bigger whiner and loser thn whn the tittle started.

Only Ult FF... X-men and new arc Ult Secret seems to be pretty good. So id Ult Iron-man. But the others like... Ult. 6... the team-ups... Ultimates 1 were quite bad.

Basically the series tries too hard to be edgy... hip... mature and tries deperately to put in twists... regardless whether they r good or not.

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The newer X-men were weaker... and quite frankly, I found Ultimate Secret and Ultimate Fantastic Four to be pretty weak but The Ultimates is probably one of the best mainstream comics I've read.


I think they need to get stronger writers though, the art is generally pretty good but they need greater scope. You can't have awesome stories with a 6 issue arc.

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I liked the early Ult X-men whn Mark Miller used to write them. Haven't read them recent;y though. Ultimates I liked the 1st arc with HULK... but hated the 2nd one with the Skrulls. Plus their attempts to make Capt. America look cool is just irritating. Because all American he has to be the best.

Ult F4... the origin arc wasn't bad... but yeah the 2nd one wasn't didn't end really well.

Comicwise I think JMS's Spider-man... actually all of JMS's work are the best.

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I never really rated fantastic four - too stupid for me, really and the new one they're blundering off to the Negative Zone two weeks onto the job...


I agree with you about the Hulk arc being a lot better than the Skrull one - I was like "Jeez, do we have to start having a million alien races from a different universe already?"


The team-ups were god awful... the Ultimate 6 was ok... but a bit stupid and yes, I can't help but agree on the attempt to be hip, edgy and to trick readers with sometimes pointless twists.


Fred Perry ftw ;)

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Captain America..lol ;) you know he originally started off as one of them ways to promote war and soldiering (just like many other comics/comicbook 'heroes' at the time - hell even Superman had a run at 'kill the gooks' if you look at superdickery.com) But frankly I gotta say I really truly honestly hate Capt. America.

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Finally some other fellows who understands what Cap A is about and hate the character. Specially the Ult. One.

At superherohype.com most of the Ult. readers are just puberty hitting teens who think Cap is sooo cool... bada$$... that's how all soldiers should be.

Here's another thing that's been bugging me about Ultimates arc 1... when Cap knocks down the HULK.

How does THAT make any sense !?... Cap A is a perfect human being... HUMAN... that's it. He's nowhere near as strong... fast or agile as SPIDEY... yet he tackles the HULK of all people... and then beats up giant man.

He even WALLRUNS like Neo !!?? Since when did army bootcamp trained gumballs can wall run and do backflips !? Seriously...

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Well, originally (in order to make him suck less) he was made up as one of them super-engineered soldiers (basically DNA modifications into superhuman stats) but in that series where he 'clubs' the Hulk, he actually only manages to slow him down... as we all know "Hulk is the strongest here is!!!!!" but he changes target to an evil (nazi anyone?) superhuman soldier instead of bashing Cap. A to goo (which I was so hoping for) - those pussies at Marvel are afraid to kill off their beloved superstars... at least Thanos killed most of those annoying ba§tards in "The infinity Gauntlet saga"

Though they got resurrected ..of course ;;)


I buy my comics at My Comicshop recently I bought stuff for $300 nearly 100 magazines or so, got about 100 more to buy - btw. if anyone is interested in buying stuff from them (backend issues), wait for a while so I can pursuade Nite to add a link to their site so the forum/site can earn a little percentage of the purchases (which basically makes donating less important - everybody wins)

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Cool. Yeah Cap A might have slowed HULK down but tht's the point... even SPIDEY can BARELY slow HULK down n Cap kicks him in the nuts then leg tackles him n HULK falls... how crap is that !? I mean this HULK got horny from getting beaten up by THOR.

Sighhh... never got to read the Infinitey Gauntlet arc... was saving up my money for that but thn it got5 sold out. I got the entire Onslaught though.

Oh wht's wrong with the Ult Spidey... isn't it about time he started whining less. Plus his powers... one moment he's taking on an entire gang along with Elektra and holding his own... next he gets beaten by Elektra on 1 on 1 hand to hand... then thrown from a building onto a car.

HOW humiliating... well... atleast in Ultimates HULK is out.

Maybe finally we'll see some original HULK stories. Btw... anyone noticed that the Ult HULK is Grey... not Green n its the Grey HULK in the comics tht could talk.

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Spiderman has always been a whinger - I really never liked him that much.


I mean, Marvel basically pivots around 3 MASSIVELY over-rated characters. Spiderman, Wolverine and Captain America. You stick any of them in something and you'll get a mass of fanboys buy 18 copies, just because. A bit sad really.


But then giving that whinging adolescents make up the majority of comic book readers, I suppose that's inevitable.


As I said - everyone should check out Gold Digger by Fred Perry over at Artic Press, trumps pretty much all Marvel comics without breaking a sweat. Characters NOT DRAMATICALLY CHANGING IN APPEARANCE OR PERSONALITY, who'd have thought it, eh?

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