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ETA on when we can expect another installment from the Star Trek franchise?


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TBH the only way for Star Trek to continue would be for the federation to fall in on itself and for some of the various remaining captains to split into factions and new allegances with other species (I.E romulans) to be forged with loads of double crossing. Then we would start to see more interesting storylines along with a nice clean way for them to display their morals as we have already seen how some captain (Janeway in voyager) deal in situations differently.



That sounds BLOODY AWFUL.

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Thank you. The point of your suggestion would involve a lot of violence and warfare, very much unlike Trek principles, which find a good balance between thoughtless violence and complicated storylines that make you think, the violence playing as small a role as possible (increasing as time went by, from the essentially non-violent TNG, to the very complicated storylines for the wars on DS9, to flat-out pointless action in ENT (I have never watched VOY, so I will not comment) that could have been left out and replaced with another complication on the plotline. Anyway, as Antipodean said, bloody awful.

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But that was the problem with trek, too many extra complications in the storyline, with DS9 being a prime example! It started off being space station deserted by cardassians, taken by federation to monitor and maintain reletions with bajor and also to monitor the wormhole. Then look at season 7 after wars and god knows how many twisted plotlines bugger all has happened (really) and now Jake Sisco has lost BOTH his parents! And it doesn't have to involve violence because the general pathos of the federation is to maintain peace and explore the universe. It's pureley how some people would go about it that may cause violence but I think it could be interesting like some of the episodes involving the vulcans and romulans from TNG.

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Why is violence and action wrong?


In two of the episode in Enterprise the human race was conqering worlds and enslaving races in the name of the Empire. I like those episodes mainly cause they didn't do anything the Starfleet way. And I would love to see a new series of Star Trek with more normal human emotional and irrational behaviour and a lot less of the cold,dry, Prime directive and by the book style (We have see those already...)

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A series of Mini-Series might be a decent idea, One from the Klingon perspective, _dawn of the Empire or summat, The Borg Phenomenon- how they came to be Borg etc, Vulcans-The Early Years possibly about the fight to overthrow emotion etc or from First Contact with a few eps about their history first, Romulans _ Distant Cousins- about how they became aseperate race from Vulcans etc, and so on and so forth.


Don't forget that Roddenberry was a modern day Shakespeare, Stories and tales of morality and ethics etc put into an entertaining stage, Shakespeare did it with plays, Roddenberry done it with Spaceships in a TV series.


Asking someone to follow in Roddenberrys footsteps and be just as ingenious and inspiring is like asking a Car Mechanic to build a Fighter Jet.

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A series of Mini-Series might be a decent idea' date=' One from the Klingon perspective, _dawn of the Empire or summat, The Borg Phenomenon- how they came to be Borg etc, Vulcans-The Early Years possibly about the fight to overthrow emotion etc or from First Contact with a few eps about their history first, Romulans _ Distant Cousins- about how they became aseperate race from Vulcans etc, and so on and so forth.[/quote']


you gotta be kidding us all.


Don't forget that Roddenberry was a modern day Shakespeare' date=' Stories and tales of morality and ethics etc put into an entertaining stage, Shakespeare did it with plays, Roddenberry done it with Spaceships in a TV series.[/quote']


Gene was very rich with arts and history. it really gave ST issues the makes people to think. i started watching ST as a kid and loves space ships. but as time goes by i feel that we can actually live the ST way... one day. ST for me is a utopia. really wish i can be in it.


people who knows i'm a trekkie calls me a freak! its hard to live in a society that pays little respect to ideas and thoughts. and the reason why ST movies dont come out a hit is because its too B grade to some people atandards. i just simply love em movies. if only the next installment is somewhat like star wars. it has to be HUGE, worlds, planets... conspiracy to topple starfleet. moral limits being put to the test. twisted plots. phazer fights. time travel. anything but it must be huge!!!! macross type space war... that kinda stuff. nemesis was too one-man and too picard. had to keep my eyes open with a match stick! if it werent for ST i wldve probably toss the dvd into the grinding machine before i burn it. just feed my addiction!!! we can live with anything made ST. damn i even keep the new voyages on the shelve.

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I wold certainly agree, the next film need s to be epic, and perhaps a colabortation from cast members from accross TNG, DS9 and perhaps some of the VOY crew (although they were mainly a bunch of utter losers, aside the doctor). Bring in some known actors to the film, and get some new writers. If possible, keep Rick Berman far away.


Mini-series wouldn't be expensive to make, because you'd not have to bring in so many well known actors, but it has to be done well, with decent funding. There is no point making a mini-series for the sake of making one, it'll hammer more nails into the coffin of an already ill franchise.

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Obviously the details of whats encompassed in the mini-series would need to be refined, i was merely pointing out basic examples, as stated alot of effort and story would need to go in, but surely i'm not alone in thinking that so far it's all been focused on Starfleet, not a bad thing imo, but for some variety and to peek some interest, a few mini's about each of the main races and their histories would be interesting, maybe First Contact from their perspectives and so on, can't have too much Klingon or Borg :P

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yeah... but it would always be about starfleet. it is the essence of the whole franchise. i think the amount of alien world introduced is rather enough. we see starfleet but never 24th century earth. i'd like to see how earth is being portrayed at that time. just dont think it would work cause ST has always been in space setting.


i caught myself excited when i see bashir in TNG, riker in VOY, worf n o'brien in DS9, Janeway in Nemesis, star trek has become very huge that just by combining them all, since they are all in the same time line, would be most interesting. but that will have to be a movie though. mini-series... just make one. i'll enjoy it in anyways.

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Yes, mini-series discussing in detail many of the things mentioned only in passing or explained only briefly in one or more episodes of any od the series or movies...


More about the temperal cold war would be interesting, I think, and some more about the vulcan-romulan war... And the Klingon-Tribble war (j/k)... I think someone other than Berman would have no problem coming up with something.

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